Somersault. Welcome to Manhattan, the new ‘place to be’ in Valencia


Somersault. welcome to manhattan

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

It was October 28, 2017 when Pablo, Gonzalo and Carlos -the three thinking heads of this ambitious project- after time traveling around the world, they opened the doors of Somersault. Welcome home (Avenida de la Cortes Valencianas, 26), his first location and alma mater of what would come later.

After the great reception of the first, came Somersault. welcome to bali (Gran Vía del Marqués del Túria, 59) in December 2018, located in the center of Valencia. And now, two years later and in the midst of a pandemic, they have launched the opening of Somersault. welcome to manhattan (Calle de Isabel la Católica, 11), its third location to date.

The result? Three different gastronomic proposals but united by the same concept: get customers excited through a great trip to various parts of the world and make them live a unique culinary adventure of those that are not easily forgotten.

Voltereta cheesecake. welcome to manhattan

Voltereta cheesecake. welcome to manhattan

Currently, the team turn around It is a reality made up of 125 members who work for a common project in which it is forbidden to speak in the first person and in which everyone has the same value within the group, from the cooks (called creators) to the room staff (known as emotioners).

After months of uncertainty and ignorance, a great draw for a fully customized camper van and a lot of play between the corridors of Instagram (they have 325,000 followers at the time of writing ), on November 30 they premiered Somersault. welcome to manhattan . Without communicating the destination, the letter and the experience at that time, the booking schedule was filled until March. The key to its success? Offer much more than a restaurant.

“This third location was born as a result of wanting to move forward, of wanting to do something new and unique that had never been done before. In December 2019 we started with the project; Only five people knew that the place was inspired by the island of Manhattan in the 1920s. Not even the construction team knew about it until a week before opening. We wanted it to be an experience for everyone to live in the first person ”, they tell is part of the Volteteam team.

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

From the first moment you walk through the doors of this third place, you can already see that this is not a typical restaurant. A room decorated with books and vinyl records welcomes us together with a member of the Volteteam who informs us that in the future -and when the health situation allows it- that room will become a cafeteria where all the products on view can also be purchased.

Behind an access door, a magical time tunnel takes the diner to the Manhattan of 1920 where alcohol is served clandestinely because the dry law is a reality , the atmosphere comes in the form of feathers, wooden chairs and uniforms from the 20s, and the fun is localized on a stage by blowing jazz and swing in which they do not stop playing at all times during the service and to which all the tables have visual contact.

“Voltereta is where dreams come true, where emotion, passion, creativity and freedom always go hand in hand . It is entering a parallel world in which you can dream and imagine differently, but dream big of course. Being oneself is the main requirement, so let's take advantage of this trip because I am convinced that it is one of those that mark in the heart”, they tell

Art culture gastronomy in Voltereta. welcome to manhattan

Art, culture, gastronomy in Voltereta. welcome to manhattan

As for the letter we're going to find, in Votereta they offer a fusion proposal with dishes from different parts of the globe . Some of them -those cataloged as the house hits - They can be found in the three stores of the brand: the truffled potato and onion omelette ; the Iberian secret bao bread with Hoisin mayonnaise and Japanese spring onion ; the japanese vegetable tempura ; the Somersault salad with mango, Valencian tomato and avocado ; waves pork gyozas with teriyaki sauce.

And the news? Some of the most successful to date are the crispy red tuna cones with avocado and sesame mayonnaise ; Montecristo translates into crispy little cigars with low-temperature ribs and sesame ash; the brioche stuffed with steak tartare with its secret marinade; the chaufa rice served with duck breast tataki ; the tuna tataki presented with avocado and mango; and finally, Nutella wafer or dulce de leche . The finishing touch for the perfect lunch or dinner!

Voltereta potato omelette. welcome to manhattan

Voltereta potato omelette. welcome to manhattan

And of course there are also options for vegetarians and vegans! The cauliflower wings, barbecue sauce and ranch sauce; the Berlin burger served on homemade focaccia bread, vegetable burger, caramelized onion mustard and guacamole; or the hummus with cane honey, accompanied by sweet potato chips and pita bread.

All of them are a gastronomic tour full of inspiration, due to the trips that Gonzalo, Carlos and Pablo have made throughout their lives and that they have currently transferred to the culinary offer of their restaurants. In the case of Somersault. welcome to manhattan we also locate dishes from the very 1920s. Pure sensory delight!

Medium and long term plans? A lots of. At the premises -and as soon as the health situation allows it- they want promote the cocktail option to the maximum with three bars and lots of music . “When there is no covid-19, we come up with a thousand ideas that we could do on the track where now we can only put the tables. For example, that at 00:00 it stopped being a restaurant to become a party in the purest Gatsby style”, comments the Volteteam when talking about the future.

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

If we are already going to the Voltereta brand, the purposes are in crescendo. “We want to continue creating. How nice it would be to take this experience to another place that was not Valencia . The idea is there, we are not closed to anything. Perhaps not in Madrid or Barcelona at the moment, but in other cities in the very short term, yes, ”they sentence.

“The goal we wanted to reach was clear to us: that people enjoy everything we do. As much as there are three premises, in the end we are still the same as three years ago, wanting to grow more and more. As long as it continues to give us the same illusion, we will try to continue doing one every year”, they continue.

In the absence of the future becoming a reality, we have no choice but to enjoy this precious present, which is not little! In Somersault. welcome to manhattan They await us with open arms (yes, by reservation due to high demand).

“We know that this makes people very excited, no matter how bad things are, it may be that what customers need is a Somersault in their lives, that at least during the two hours that they are in the premises they leave in the background what happens from doors to the outside”, indicates from the Volteteam.

What do you say, do we let ourselves be conquered by the Somersault spirit? The trip promises to be wonderful!

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

Somersault. welcome to manhattan

Address: Isabel la Católica, 11 (Valencia) See map

Half price: 20 euros

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