The atlas of the most 'geeky' places in the world


The atlas of the most 'geeky' places in the world

The atlas of the most 'geeky' places in the world

It's a fact: this quarantine is going to leave us thirsty for travel and stuffed with culture. Movies, series, books, music, magazines, concerts and plays in streaming... The cultural options that are being proposed by social networks and the media are so many that many of us are encountering deficit of time (and attention) because of so much offer.

In the long hours of confinement, each person looks for their favorite forms of entertainment , which arise from a single and common place: our hobbies . Or, to put it another way, our “ geeks ” interiors, that impulse that we all carry inside and that leads us to practice “ inordinately and obsessively a hobby ” (as defined by the RAE the term geek).

If an alarm signal has jumped out at you when you read the word geek (“geek me??”), I proceed to explain myself: although this term has always been given a somewhat derogatory connotation –a strange, extravagant person–, the geek character has become universal in recent times to the point where it can be used to define a person's passion for a particular topic . The difference is, perhaps, in the level of intensity of geekiness that each one possesses.

That is to say: right now, all or almost all of us could recognize geeks of something.

While some could make a critical analysis of 90% of the series that exist on all streaming platforms, others make an exhaustive follow-up of the latest tech gadgets or dive into the corners of Spotify looking for those suggestions that add a new group to your favorites list . Of course, there are still those who could be called classic geeks , those who always wear at least one piece of starwars , they have the shelves full of figures of Warhammer or take advantage of any costume party to dress up as Batman or Chewbacca.

Map of the 'freak' places in the world

Map of the 'freak' places in the world

Be that as it may, and leaving total freedom for each one to feel more or less identified with their inner geek, there is an infallible way to detect our geeks: the trips. “Tell me where and how you travel and I will tell you what kind of geek you are” once said a Greek philosopher who was a disciple of Socrates and that I just made up.

Analyzing the places we travel to is one of the most effective methods we have to sift through the type of freakism that possesses us (because this is important: we are not the owners of our freakisms, they own us). Even those of which we are not aware.

1. Have you ever traveled somewhere to visit the place where a video was recorded? TV series or movie?

2. Have you visited the place where a writer was or where he develops some novel?

3. Have you approached a place just because there was a plaque, a statue or some kind of reminder of a famous person or historical event?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is a potential geek inside you.

Right now, you may find yourself feeling a bit disoriented, breaking out in a cold sweat and feeling slightly nauseous or dizzy. Don't panic, that's why we bring you this article. At Condé Nast Traveler we are authentic experts on freakism (we write about travel and have created an article called “ World Atlas of Geeks ”… can there be something more geeky?), that is why we have drawn up a world map with the most common categories of geekism among human beings.

By way of interactive map , you will be able to dive among the most common categories of freaks that exist today: cinema, literature, science and technology, TV series, cartoons/manga/comics, games/video games, sports, music and history . More than 130 geographical points where geek energy is especially powerful. Go through it, browse... If you feel especially attracted to any of these places, don't be scared, let yourself go, investigate. Explore.

Because maybe a new geek confessed with desire to travel the world.

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