A solidarity Bloody Mary to help those affected by the Zamora fires


The inhabitants of Zamora They are having their worst year. Less than a month ago they were involved in a fire whose history began to repeat itself last week, destroying more than 30,000 hectares in what is considered one of the most serious fires in Spain.

That is why Madrid Y Valladolid , more than 20 cocktail bars have joined forces to help affected from the Sierra de la Culebra and they have done it the way they know best: creating a unique cocktail, a solidarity Bloody Mary now baptized as Bloody-Culebra.

What is special about this new version of the famous Bloody Mary? That these more than 20 cocktail bars have bought a shipment of tomatoes to farmers in the area of the saw for the elaboration of this new recipe.

Bebe Bloody saves the bush

Drink Bloody, save the Mt.

The Bloody-Culebra can be tasted from july 25 and that is where our collaboration comes into play. All profits obtained will go entirely to associations and affected neighbors from the province of Zamora.

This solidarity Bloody Mary acquires a special flavor and goes beyond the toast. under the motto Baby Bloody, save the bush , the cocktail bars use their talent to turn to Zamoranos.

The spaces that participate in this initiative are: Angelita, La Tuerta Funky Castizo, Salmon Guru, Viva Madrid, 1862 dry bar, Harrison 1933, Savas, Bad company/Love company, Vendittas Copas, Santos y desamparados, Momus, The Dash, Café Madrid, Pictura, Baton Rouge, Funambulista, Mezcaloteca, Del Diego, Parallel 35, The Lost Child, Cul de sac and Harveys.

Ordering a Bloody Mary has never been so symbolic. For me, a bloody-snake.

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