Take a Restaurant, or how to turn your living room into your favorite restaurant (chef and waiters included)


take a restaurant

Take a Restaurant: your favorite restaurant at home!

Ordering food at home is part if not of our day to day, of many domestic moments: Sundays of movies and pizza, a craving for Chinese food at midnight, a dinner with friends on the terrace...

And yes, it has also saved us from some other occasion in which in our fridge there was little more than a lemon, a tomato and a few tumbleweeds.

Well, forget the delivery concept as you knew it, because Take a Restaurant goes one step further by transferring every detail of the restaurant experience to your living room: from the team and the cellar to the kitchenware and decoration.

Can you imagine turning your house into your favorite restaurant? Stop imagining it, because it is possible!


Umo, delicious Japanese-Spanish cuisine


The Take a Restaurant initiative is the result of the joint work of Take a Chef, the world's leading platform in the management of private chefs at home, and Anson&Bonet, the business consultant specializing in hospitality and gastronomic projects.

“Take a Restaurant is an innovative project that transfers the complete experience of a restaurant to enjoy it wherever the customer wants, with a portfolio that selects the most iconic restaurants”, says Alejandra Ansón, co-founder of Ansón&Bonet and Take a Restaurant.

The project is a pioneering model in home catering with which they have created “an immersive experience that transfers every detail of the restaurant to private spaces” , comments Alejandra Ansón to Traveler.es

“All this, with an average ticket similar to that of each gastronomic proposal and through a simple and customizable management process through the website”, she continues.

take a restaurant

Alejandra Ansón and Miguel Bonet, founding partners of Ansón&Bonet


A selection of 30 restaurants make up the Take a Restaurant portfolio. Classic and avant-garde, with a Michelin star, national and international cuisine... All of them, referents of the Madrid gastronomic scene.

Lovers of Japanese food can enjoy the experience at home Kabuki, Noname and Umo while those who prefer Mexican food may opt for Rattlesnake Hall and MX Roberto Ruiz.

They also have one of the best Italians in Madrid (Don Giovanni) , the delicious French proposal of the cafe de paris and the newcomer's Israeli and Argentine cuisine Fayer.

The Sandoval brothers join with coke and flirty to the Take a Restaurant initiative, where there are also Juanjo López (chef of La Tasquita de Enfrente) and our dear Gofio, with Safe Cruz in front.


Arzábal: artisan cuisine, product, according to the quality of the raw material and seasonal

Do you want more signature cuisine? The list continues with La Tasquería (Javi Estévez), Chirón (Iván Muñoz) and Estimar (Rafa Zafra).

Do you fancy market cuisine? AskuaBarra, Tricycle, Three by Four, A'Barra and Arzábal are the answer. And for those who want to eat delicious without giving up a healthy diet, Olivia takes care of you and Run Run Run will be her allies.

The classic and exquisite Horcher and traditional cuisine Cuenllas, La Carmencita and La Vaqueria complete this appetizing list.


A'Barra: market haute cuisine


Galder Kabiketa and Rubén López created Take a Chef in 2012. Why? “We realized that many private chefs already offered this service autonomously, and we decided to create a platform that would allow any client to book a private chef in a simple way”, Galder tells Traveler.es

“We launched in Spain, and after three years perfecting the product, in 2015 we decided to make the leap to other countries with the vision of bringing the experience closer to any client in the world”, he explains.

The welcome was amazing and today they are present in more than 100 countries with a portfolio of 40,000 chefs, and more than 250,000 clients who have already enjoyed the experience.

As for Take a Restaurant, “current events have shown that now more than ever the hospitality sector must reinvent itself and diversify to provide a tailored response for each type of client”, says Alejandra.

Rubn López and Galder Kabiketa

Rubén López and Galder Kabiketa, founders of Take a Chef

“In this line, we have seen that in recent months many restaurants have opted for delivery and take away services, a model where it is difficult to obtain relevant profitability and maintain product quality standards, but at the same time we observed that there is a hedonist, who enjoys and intensely lives each experience in his favorite restaurants, and who expected something more”, he continues.

For all of them it is precisely Take a Restaurant, “an initiative that will allow them to immerse themselves in their favorite restaurants enjoying live the chef's cooking, the atmosphere of the restaurant, its piped music... in their own homes or offices”, says Alejandra.

The objective? “Create a new way of consuming restaurants on a regular basis in private places and create a new relevant line of income for hoteliers, allowing them to connect with the customer without compromising their essence, vision and brand, while expanding the capacity of their restaurant”, she concludes.

“Our experience from Take a Chef has allowed us for eight years to verify that in this type of initiative in which a chef visits your home, a magical atmosphere is created, practically irreplicable in the restaurant”, add Galder and Rubén.


For now, Take a Restaurant is only available in Madrid but it is a project “with a long-term projection”, comments Alejandra Ansón to Traveler.es

“It is clear that it was born at a very unique moment where there are reductions in capacity and some fear on the street that makes this model make a lot of sense, but we are convinced that it is a formula that is here to stay”, Anson continues.

And she makes it clear that "We do not want to compete with those who want to go out to dinner, but with those who are looking for a unique experience for certain moments".

In addition, Alejandra points out that it is a very good model for restaurants: “They diversify their business, expand their capacity and, in addition, connect in a much more personal way with the client to which they can convey the vision of the restaurant in a more intimate setting and tell the stories and messages behind each dish”.


Estimate: seafaring tradition

Although both co-founders were confident that an experience of this type would be well received, they did not expect such spectacular coverage by the media and, Above all, the great reception that the concept has had among restaurants and customers.

"On the one hand, the cooks of each restaurant are enjoying very much being able to reconnect with their diners, communicate the vision of your restaurant and your kitchen, and share a unique moment with them”, says Galder.

And he continues: “Customers are loving having a different alternative to cooking for your guests or going out to the restaurant; in short, a different way of enjoying your favorite restaurant, knowing the secrets of each chef and tasting his most emblematic dishes, and in this case with the comfort of being in your own home”.

Most of the bookings they've received since launch are from large groups, 6-10 people, looking to get together quietly with your friends or family and to be able to make a different plan and enjoy the after-dinner without haste.

But surprisingly, “We have also received many reservations for two people; 30% of reservations are couples who are looking to enjoy the experience at home to celebrate a special occasion”, says Galder Kabiketa.


During these months of uncertainty, one of the things that Javier Goya and his team missed the most was having the certainty that they would return.

"Particularly From Triciclo, we have continued working, providing services to various companies for their staff, which has helped us to move forward, both economically and emotionally”, says Javier Goya, chef and owner of Triciclo.

And he goes on to tell Traveler.es: “continue seeing happy customers, excited about what we do, interested in learning more about our way of working It has been an important source of motivation for the team”.

Much has been said during these months of the idea that in the world of hospitality it was necessary to reinvent itself to survive, but Triciclo has preferred to adopt novelties that fit what they are: “to our philosophy, to what we know how to do well and that over the years has worked for us and has conquered our clients, having something that is fundamental right now: reaction capacity”, comments Javier Goya.

Until now, in Triciclo they had chosen not to have a delivery option in the way that this concept was understood until now, but When the situation began to allow it, they began to provide services to homes in which Javier Goya himself traveled to "set up the gastronomic party" in the clients' homes.

For this reason, when Ansón&Bonet called him to tell him that they were implementing this concept with some of the leading restaurants in Madrid, they liked the idea from the start: “For us, providing a high-quality service, whether in the restaurant or in our clients' homes, is fundamental and is one of the ideas that Take a Restaurant defends,” says Javier.

What would a 'Take a Restaurant' experience with Triciclo be like? “In the same way that we do it in our catering, which offers great flexibility to our clients, We wanted to bet on an open format in which each client can enjoy the dishes and seasonal products that they most want”, says Javier.

“We want that through Take a Restaurant those clients who trust us and who know that we can do what they have in mind enjoy a tailor-made service”, continues the Triciclo chef.

Of course, those who are looking for the most iconic and recognizable dishes of the restaurant that they always enjoy in the local of Madrid's Calle Santa María, will find them: Nikkei ceviche with yuzu, nem roll of old clothes, beef tail cannelloni stewed in red wine or its steak tartare with roe and egg.

As for the details that the Triciclo client will be able to find in his house when he chooses a service with Take a Restaurant, "In addition to decorative elements such as crockery, the most important thing is that they will have the restaurant's own team at home," emphasizes Javier Goya.

“It will always be the members of the kitchen or dining room team of the restaurant who travel to the homes of our clients , it will never be an extra or someone who has been hired just for that occasion”, clarifies the chef.

Furthermore, “experience has shown us that the best way for everything to be perfect is doing it from the base of the restaurant itself so that the experience rolls perfectly in the same way as if they visited Triciclo”, he concludes.


For the Take a Restaurant experience, each of the restaurants has created with total freedom two menus to choose from.

The first of them, to enjoy and discover the restaurant in its summarized version and within the usual average ticket of the restaurant; the second, a festival menu for those who want to give themselves a tribute.

They are both composed of recognizable and emblematic dishes of the restaurant that can be perfectly reproduced in the houses, also respecting the prices of each local.

In addition, customers can choose to complement the experience by choosing among those extras that the restaurants decide to incorporate, such as, its complete wine list, the cocktail list or the possibility of enjoying live music during the evening.

Take a Restaurant accepts reservations within a radius of 50 kilometers and has an ambitious long-term expansion plan.

oh! If you want to enjoy this wonderful culinary experience, hurry to hire the service because some of the restaurants do not have available dates until September.

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