Travel quotes that inspire an adventure


traveling quotes

Illustration of Robert Louis Stevenson, by John R. Neil

1) "The meaning of life is to cross borders." Ryszard Kapuściński

two) "Regardless of how you travel, the shortcuts you take, whether or not expectations are met, you always end up learning something." Jack Kerouac

3) "We need to touch and be touched, to perceive the hot tongue of the tropics on our skin and the scratching of the nails from the cold of the glacial...The trip is, above all, a sensual and sentimental adventure." Javier Reverte

4) "Travel is in youth a part of education and in old age a part of experience." Sir Francis Bacon

5) "If you don't climb the mountain, you will never be able to enjoy the scenery." Pablo Neruda

6) "Have only what you can carry. Know languages, know countries, meet people. May your memory be your travel bag! Alexander Solzhenistyn

7) “There is nothing like going back to a place that has not changed, to realize how much you have changed” . Nelson Mandela

8) "Life is a foreign country." Jack Kerouac

9) "What we could call travel contagion is basically an incurable disease." Ryszard Kapuściński

traveling quotes

Ernest Hemingway, visiting Havana (1959)

10) "Traveling is essential and the thirst for travel, a net symptom of intelligence." Enrique Jardiel Poncela

eleven) "The only true journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in looking with new eyes." Marcel Proust

12) "If, in crossing a mountain in the direction of a star, the traveler allows himself to be too absorbed by the problems of the climb, he risks forgetting which is the star that guides him." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

13) "We always arrive at the place where we are expected." Joseph Saramago

14) "A journey of thousands of kilometers begins with a small step." Lao Tse

fifteen) "Travel books never come out by themselves. When they ask me why I travel and write, I answer that it is a way to escape death." Javier Reverte

16) "Like all drugs, traveling requires a constant increase in dosages." John DosPasos.

17) “We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find on our journey is an honest friend.” Robert Louis Stevenson

traveling quotes

Ryszard Kapuscinski, the master

18) “…loosen the ropes of your sails. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch favorable winds on your sail. Explore. Sounds. Discover." Mark Twain

19)" Let your adventurous spirit push you forward and discover the world around you with its oddities and wonders. To discover it will be to love it." Kahlil Gibra

twenty) "It's nice to have an end to travel to, but it's the journey that matters, ultimately." Ernest Hemingway

twenty-one) "Whoever wants to travel happily should do so with light luggage." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

22) "I believe in the power of the imagination to remake the world, to loosen the reins of truth within us, to delay the night, to transcend death, to ingratiate ourselves with birds, to win the trust of madmen." James Graham Ballard

23) "Traveling allows you to escape from the daily routine, from the fear of the future". Graham Greene

24) "He who is used to travel, he knows that it is always necessary to leave one day." Paulo Coelho

25) "Traveling kills prejudice and ignorance, thus a broad view of people and life will never be achieved if we sit in our own corner of the world." Mark Twain

traveling quotes

Robert Louis Stevenson, in 1885

26) “Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” J.Brown

27) "Nationalisms are cured by traveling". Miguel de Unamuno

28) A book, like a journey, begins with concern and ends with melancholy”. Joseph Vasconcelos

29) "When you travel to a foreign country remember that it is not designed to make you feel comfortable. It is made to make its own people feel comfortable in it." Clifton Fadiman

*This article was initially published on 08.22.2014

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