What can be done in Castilla-La Mancha in the




Updated day: 07/24/2020. The end of the state of alarm in Spain has given way to the so-called 'new normal' , that reality in which we will live until an effective cure or a vaccine is found to deal with the health crisis caused by Covid-19, and which already regulates the Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9.

Wear a mask, maintain a safety distance of about two meters between people and wash your hands frequently will be the common rules that will mark our day to day wherever we live. However, there will be aspects that will change depending on the Autonomous Community in which we find ourselves.

In Castilla la Mancha , the Social Council for the Transition against COVID-19 addressed on June 19 the draft of the decree that will regulate the transition of the Autonomous Community to the 'new normality'.

The Vice President of Castilla-La Mancha, José Luis Martínez Guijarro highlighted the requirement to be "very scrupulous in hygiene measures" and reported that "this decree was born with the aim of being adapted to the health reality that the Autonomous Community is having", Therefore, it has been established until July 15 as a first phase to contemplate future measures.

The Decree 24/2020, of June 19, on preventive measures necessary to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 It is divided into blocks of activity and maintains uniform criteria regarding capacity issues, which is established in 75% for establishments and activities, with some exceptions.

Among the novelties is the case of terraces where 100% occupancy is allowed of authorized outdoor places and hostel accommodation where occupancy is limited to 50% of its capacity.

Castilla-La Mancha has also joined the obligation to wear a mask and has collected it in Decree 38/2020, of July 21, which modifies Decree 24/2020, of June 19, on prevention measures necessary to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 once phase III of the Plan for the transition to a new normal has been completed.


This obligation applies to people six years and older that they are on “public roads, in open-air spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public, although the interpersonal safety distance of at least one and a half meters can be guaranteed.”

The decree makes it clear that using facial screens does not exempt from the use of a mask, than the masks they may not have an exhalation valve and what to use covering from part of the nasal septum to the chin included.

The use of a mask will not be required when doing sports , individually or in a group; when due to the very nature of the activity it is not compatible with the use of a mask; nor in hotel and restaurant establishments, discos and nightlife bars at the time of eating or drinking.

Nor will it be necessary to wear a mask in public or private swimming pools for community use and in natural bathing areas, at the time of bathing or if you stay in a certain space keeping the safety distance. “For trips and walks, the use of a mask will be mandatory.”

The people who present some type of illness or respiratory distress that may be aggravated by the use of the mask will not have to use it. The same for those who, due to their situation of disability or dependency, do not have the autonomy to remove the mask, or present behavioral changes that make its use unfeasible.

Finally, “The use of the mask is recommended in private spaces, both open and closed, when there is a possible confluence of people who do not live together, even when the safety distance can be guaranteed.”


In hotel and restaurant establishments, the maximum capacity allowed inside will be 75% (or 4 square meters of surface for each person), must indicate it on the outside.

The maximum size of the groups will be 25 people and in the case of establishments or premises distributed over several floors, the presence of customers or users in each of them must keep the same proportion of 75%.

The outdoor terraces of hotel and restaurant establishments will not have capacity restrictions , so they can be 100% occupied.

In addition, as established by Decree 24/2020, equipment must be cleaned and disinfected, particularly tables, chairs, bar, as well as any other contact surface, frequently.

Likewise, The premises must be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day between opening and closing. The use of single-use tablecloths will be prioritized, avoiding the use of the same tablecloths or trivets with different clients.

Self-service by customers will be avoided and products such as napkin holders, toothpick holders, cruets, oil cans will be eliminated. , and other similar utensils, prioritizing single-dose disposables or their service in other formats.

With regard to the workers who perform the service at the table and at the bar, they must ensure a safe distance from the client and apply the necessary hygiene and prevention procedures to avoid the risk of contagion.

In any case, The use of a mask will be mandatory for staff in their attention to the public.

Finally, it is recommended not to have board games such as cards, chess or checkers for shared use on the premises, unless they are disinfected after use.


Nightclubs and nightlife bars may open with a capacity of 75%. In any case, the outdoor terraces of these establishments may be opened to the public under the same conditions and with 75% of the tables.

When there is a space on the premises for dance floor , it may be used to install tables, not being able to dedicate said space to its usual use.


The occupation of common zones of hotels and tourist accommodation may not exceed 75% of their capacity.

Entertainment activities or group classes will preferably take place outdoors and efforts will be made to avoid the exchange of material. In addition, these activities will have a maximum capacity of 75%, with a limit of 25 people.

In the case of sports facilities in hotels and tourist accommodation –such as swimming pools or gyms–, the measures specifically established for these will be applied. and each establishment will determine the guidelines and recommendations for its use, in accordance with the prevention and hygiene standards contemplated in the decree.

In hostels, the maximum capacity will be 50% and the owners of the establishment will adopt the appropriate organizational measures to avoid crowds and try to maintain the interpersonal safety distance inside the establishments.


Public, private or private swimming pools for community use, they will be able to open up to 75% of their capacity, both in access and in sports or recreational practice.

In addition, attention should be paid to security measures, especially the interpersonal distance between users. in the living areas, a spatial distribution will be established, in which all the personal objects of the users must remain.

Users will be reminded, by means of visible signage or public address messages , hygiene and prevention rules to be observed.

In swimming pools for collective use, the cleaning and disinfection of the facilities with special attention to closed spaces such as changing rooms or bathrooms prior to the opening of each day.

The different equipment and materials must also be cleaned and disinfected, such as glasses, lane ropes, auxiliary material for classes, perimeter fence, first aid kit, lockers, as well as any other in contact with users, which is part of the installation.

The natural water outdoor swimming pools They must comply with the capacity and general hygienic measures.


The practice of non-federated physical and sports activity, outdoors, may be carried out individually or collectively and without physical contact.

If it is carried out in a group, the maximum will be 25 people, respecting the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities, especially in relation to maintaining the interpersonal safety distance or, failing that, the use of alternative physical protection measures.


The decree recommends that parties, festivals and other popular events not be held until July 15 and that in the event that they want to organize, the regional Administration will require a contingency plan that guarantees compliance with the general regulation of 75% and the safety distances.

As of July 15, and provided that the epidemiological situation so advises, this recommendation may be reconsidered.


Cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, tent circuses and similar spaces will be able to carry out their activity, with pre-assigned seats, as long as they do not exceed 75% of the capacity allowed in each room.

In the rest of the venues, premises and establishments intended for public shows, they may carry out their activity as long as the public remains seated and that 75% of the permitted capacity is not exceeded, with a maximum limit of 300 people for closed places and 1,000 people for outdoor activities.


The markets may not exceed 75% of the usual or authorized stalls (giving priority to sellers of essential products) and the stalls must be separated from each other a minimum of 1.5 meters on each side, It must be guaranteed that the space between posts is not practicable for users.

The town councils will be able to increase the enabled area or enable new days for the exercise of this activity to compensate for this limitation.

Throughout the customer service process The interpersonal safety distance established between the seller and the consumer must be maintained , which may be 1 meter when there are protection elements or barriers.


Museums and exhibition halls may host both public visits to the collection and temporary exhibitions as well as cultural or educational activities without exceeding a limit of 75% of the permitted capacity.

This maximum capacity limit will also apply in those events that involve the concurrence of several people in the same space, such as educational activities, conferences, workshops, concerts and, in general, public programs.

The number of group visitors will be determined by the management of each center, and must not exceed a maximum of 25 people. , including the monitor or guide. These visits must make a prior reservation and must comply with the necessary measures to ensure the interpersonal safety distance during the development of the activity.

Cultural sites such as archaeological parks, sites or monuments will be accessible to the public as long as visits do not exceed the 75% of the allowed capacity and the number of group visitors may not exceed the maximum of 25 people , having to make a reservation in advance.

As far as possible, Mandatory routes will be established to separate circulations or organize visiting hours to avoid crowds of visitors and avoid interference between different groups or visits. The areas where maintenance work is carried out will be delimited to avoid interference with visiting activities.

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