Vatican Museums


A corridor of the Vatican Museums

A corridor of the Vatican Museums

It is, without a doubt, one of the most extraordinary museums in Europe. In it you can admire the riches accumulated by the Catholic Church throughout its history. Giotto, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Caravaggio are some of the stars of this vast building which, in turn, consists of several sub-museums, in addition to the Library of Sixtus V, the Borgia Apartment, the Raphael Rooms and the Vatican Pinacoteca . The walls are decorated with paintings up to the ceiling and the corridors have small portraits of saints in gold and very bright colors. Michelangelo's masterpiece, the Sistine Chapel , one of the most famous and recognized paintings in the history of mankind, attracts most of the visitors.

A masterpiece is a masterpiece from up close or from afar, but the truth is that in art, sometimes size does matter. When Miguel Angel started painting the Sistine Chapel he did it from so close that by momentarily removing the scaffolding from where he was working so that the impatient Julius II could see how the play was progressing, the genius realized that the episodes of the universal flood and Noah's were too small to see from below, though the pope was really pleased. So, once work has resumed, the following chapters of the Old Testament that he wanted to treat he made them with the prospect in mind. The rest is history.

Although in its geometric perfection this staircase seems more Renaissance than contemporary, the truth is that the steps that all visitors to the Vatican Museums climb towards the exit are not even 100 years old. Giuseppe Momo designed this perfect and symmetrical double spiral in 1932 , often confused with the spiral staircase that he designed Twine in the Renaissance, which has become one of the most photographed and iconic of the museum premises.

Map: See map

Address: Viale Vatican, 00165 See map

Telephone: 00 39 06 69884676

Price: 15 euros. Reduced: 8 euros

Schedule: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Guy: Museums and art galleries

Official Web: Go to the web

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