Tell me what sign you are and I'll tell you what your perfect trip is for 2019


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Maybe your zodiac sign doesn't exactly represent who you are - after all, we are all unique -, but in Traveler we bet everything that it can give us an idea enough approximate of your personality to recommend you a destination that you will love for this 2019. Will we get it right? Let's see!

ARIES _(March 21 to April 20) _

Aries have a Energy and one vitality overflowing, used to live thousands of adventure . In addition, they carry the essence of the pioneers in the heart, and they love to be the first in discovering everything. Anything else? That those born under this sign are enthusiastic and brave, spontaneous and dynamic, and have a strong independent spirit ...but they also go all out with the Causes that they consider fair. Your perfect destination is...

TAURUS _(From April 21 to May 20) _

Taurus are persistent and determined. they adore the tranquility and dedicate time to reflection , the rush overwhelms them more than any other sign! Therefore, they feel in their element when they are in Full nature. But that doesn't mean they're exactly sober: they love pleasure and comfort , and in fact, there are those who could say that they are too self-indulgent with its whims... Your ideal destination will be...

GEMINI _(From May 21 to June 21) _

look at that girl she is the soul of the party with the strange stories of her, that she fills the room with her laughter ...and that, within two minutes, she is absolutely abstracted reading a book that she has borrowed from the host. Ask her about her horoscope: she's probably a Gemini. Those born with the stars in this sign are enthusiastic and vital , imaginative, restless and radiant. I know bored with the simple - you will never see them doing only one thing at the same time- and they adore the intellectual, the new, the unusual. Your perfect trip is...

boy on a swing above the jungle

Aries have overflowing energy and vitality

CANCER _(From June 22 to July 23) _

Those who belong to this sign are sensitive and intuitive , and are well attached to the earthly : they love spending time at home, in nature, with family ... but they also have a imagination that flies above the kites, which causes them to be tilted towards the art. Of course, do not think that Cancers like to always remain in their burrow, because they shine in all kinds of social events and love a good party . For all that, your favorite destination will be...

LEO _(From July 24 to August 23) _

Leos are so creatives as risk takers: it's not hard to see them in the theater or at a concert, nor uploaded to the highest peak , conquering challenges and adventures. Because these kings of the human jungle are ambitious, strong, brave and independent . In fact they are true leaders who are not afraid of obstacles, but thrive on them. Maybe that's why they like it so much. power, luxury and comfort . Your perfect destination is...

VIRGO _(From August 24 to September 23) _

Those of the sign of the virgin do not support the mess nor things poorly done, because they are really meticulous and perfectionists . In fact, they are also not friends with uncertainty or the unknown. What do you like? Wear a healthy life, to learn new stuff, music , the surroundings so pleasant and elegant like themselves... And they love this destination...

boy taking photo on top of mountain

Cancers love nature.

POUND _(From September 24 to October 23) _

Idealistic, optimistic, charming and romantic, Libras are always an ideal company . We should not be surprised by his good taste, that they express by developing in harmonic and beautiful environments. In addition, they are one of the most hedonists of the zodiac, which sometimes leads them to forget their proverbial sense of balance to indulge in pleasure and skip the routine. Therefore, they will like this destination...

SCORPIO _(From October 24 to November 22) _

If the intensity had a sign, it would be Scorpio. Their emotional energy is overwhelming, and they themselves are magnetic, above all, thanks to his intuition and sensitivity. passionate in everything they do, they are so involved in a Good conversation -they are excellent tertulians- as in a cause that seems fair. Your ideal destination is...

SAGITTARIUS _(From November 23 to December 21) _

Brutally optimists Sagittarius are the perfect fellow traveler when things get complicated. And, in fact, you will probably find it on one of your journeys, because they love it travel the world and launch into the unknown. Also, this sign love freedom, and those born under its influence try to live feeling that they experience one adventure after another and without stopping to learn new stuff. Your perfect destination is...

aerial shot of girl paddleboarding

Sagittarians love to go on adventures.

CAPRICORN _(From December 22 to January 20) _

Don't expect great things from a Capricorn crazy things: they like to have everything under control, planned and safe. Therefore, they are people most reliable, something they get by being especially demanding with themselves... and, yes, also with the rest. That is probably the reason why they benefit from physical activities that help chill out, and can even be greatly benefited from the practice of meditation . Your favorite destination will be...

AQUARIUM _(From January 21 to February 19) _

Aquarius love it. have fun. are signs happy almost by definition, and in fact, they try to be all the world, regardless of who it is, because one of its most marked characteristics is the lack of prejudice they are tolerant to the point of saying enough, and in addition, they are always open to listening to others and to learn from them. But not enough to get carried away, of course, because Aquarius is very independent and hates following the crowd . Your perfect destination is...

PISCES _(From February 20 to March 20) _

The imagination of the Pisces is as overflowing as its sensitivity, so hopefully it's a contributing sign great artists to the world. Those of the fish highly value their loneliness, they use to unleash their dreams, a crucial matter that occupies much of their time. In fact, one of the ways they most like to spend that time alone is wandering and getting lost aimlessly . Your perfect destination will be...

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