Ten museums for those who flee from museums



Here the goblin in the garden was the one who came out worst


An emotional exhibition that touches directly to the heart. This is the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb. Located in the baroque palace of Külmer , in the upper city, this gallery exhibits everyday objects donated by people who want tell your heartbreak story . Some are truly amazing and go beyond love letters or photos with pins in them. Here we can find from a wedding dress that recalls happy times, to an ax that served as a therapy instrument or a destroyed garden goblin that paid the price for the breakup. Curious stories of broken relationships.


A surprising collection about heartbreak


Foot fetishists will discover their particular sock empire at Tokyo's Naigai Museum. Located just a few minutes from the Asakusabashi train station, this museum boasts more than 22,000 pairs of socks , the largest collection dedicated to this undergarment. There is room for everything here: from the knitted socks of the first machine produced in Japan to the most modern models made in the USA that are heated by batteries. We also found the longest sock in the world which measures 32 centimeters (from toe to heel) and many others worn by famous people such as sumo wrestler Kitano Umi, Prime Minister Yoshida Shigaru or Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata. Old weaving machines, photographs, advertisements and drawings of how the samurai knitted their own socks in the 19th century are other surprises that this free exhibition has in store for us.


In the historic center of Vitoria we find another curious place that is well worth a visit: the Fournier Playing Cards Museum. Located in the beautiful medieval building of the Bendana Palace , this museum houses more than 20,000 copies of decks . Some of the card games on display are true gems, such as a silk-embroidered French deck or various silver and gold-plated games. Among the antiques, the first lithographed cards in Spain from the 19th century stand out, a sheet printed in the Upper Rhine that takes us back to medieval times and a Milanese tarot from 1497 painted on parchment.


Decks of cards with a lot of history


Warning: this museum is not for the faint hearted . His figures and sculptures can cause nightmares. We are talking about the Žmuidzinavičius Museum in Kaunas (Lithuania), where more than 3,000 images of the devil , demonic carvings and other objects related to the satanic cult coming from all over the world. We can even see two sculptures of Hitler and Stalin as demons dancing the dance of death on human bones. Chilling.


In the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík, we find a true temple of manhood, a unique and singular space dedicated to penis : the Icelandic Phallological Museum. Created by a retired teacher, Sigurdur Hjartarson, the goal of this place is to collect the penises of all the species of mammals native to Iceland (and some from outside as well). In all, more than 280 penises from 46 different species they are exhibited in test tubes of unimaginable shapes and sizes: whales, polar bears, seals, walruses, dolphins, etc. The greatest of all belongs to a sperm whale , weighs 70 kilos and measures 170 centimeters (and it is not the complete organ). There are also male members of mythological creatures like elves, trolls and sea monsters. The Homo sapiens specimen could not be missing either. In 2011, Paul Arason, a good friend of Hjartarson's, donated his organ for the exhibition after his death, which has greatly increased visits to the museum.


The largest collection of penises is kept here.


The myths, legends and stories of witches take us to the magical Navarran town of Zugarramurdi . Its old hospital houses the Museo de las Brujas , a place that portrays the Navarrese society of the medieval times , when the Inquisition punished all those who (true or not) worshiped the devil. Many citizens of this town ended up at the stake in 1610. A witch hunt that shocked all of Europe. Near the museum is the Zugarramurdi Cave , known for being the place where the mythical covens are held. This exhibition aims to be a space of mourning and memory , where exciting stories are told in an atmosphere of darkness.


History of witches in Zugarramurdi


Did you know that the oldest forgeries date back to 200 BC? Already in the old Rome , the occasional merchant imitated the original corks used to seal the wine amphorae that were transported from Italy to Gaul. A curious fact that we discovered at the Musée de la Contrefaçon. Here are more than 350 original products along with their imitations : jewelry, clothing, decorative arts, toys, perfumes, and even car parts, bottled water or USB flash drives. The fakes are so perfect that it's hard to guess which one is the original. The museum also analyzes the piracy that currently occurs with music and movies.


The art of counterfeiting made a museum


Next to Madrid's Puerta del Sol, a small museum dedicated to an endearing character who makes us become children again goes unnoticed: The House of the Mouse Perez. Settled in a building that was once an old pastry shop, this charming two-story museum preserves the milk teeth of illustrious personalities such as Beethoven and Newton. Also noteworthy is a mockup of the box of cookies where the tooth fairy lived , the character created by Luis Coloma for the child king Alfonso XIII. In his store, we can buy the facsimile edition of the original story written at the end of the 19th century.


A place that awakens the senses (especially smell) is the Perfume Museum in Barcelona. Located in a modernist building on Paseo de Gracia, its shelves exhibit more than 5,000 containers of different cultures and materials . An anthological and selective collection of representative pieces that begins with the containers used by the Romans, Etruscans and Egyptians to store essences and other ointments, up to the most modern miniatures and bottles of commercial perfumes. Many containers, made of ivory and semi-precious stones, are true works of art.


A collection that awakens the senses


Very close to the emblematic checkpoint charlie Berlin, there is a peculiar museum dedicated to food: the Currywurst Museum , a space that pays tribute to the most famous sausage in Germany. This sausage created by Herta Heuwer has become a fundamental piece in the cultural and social history of Germany. A fact: from the museum they tell us that In all of Germany, about 850 million currywurst are consumed per year , and in Berlin alone the figure reaches 70 million. This museum offers sensory installations that make it an interactive space: the visitor can smell the species that make up the sausage or prepare their own currywurst. An exhibition shows giant potatoes with sauce falling from the ceiling while a large sausage serves as a sofa to rest on. You may even come across a large walking currywurst. A museum, above all, original.


To rest, the currywurst sofa


An interactive and fun exhibition.

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