The countries you must visit to better understand the world


Trips that will change your life

Trips that will change your life

The planet is large and complex, and it is so difficult visit it all how to choose which countries are the ones that will enter our list of trips to do However, if you are one of those who travel not only for pleasure, but also as a way of understand the world where you live, this selection of places will be useful to you as point.

In fact, it is possible that not all the visits that we propose will seem ideals if what you want is to live a peaceful and friendly holiday. The reason? We have not included any involving danger for the traveler, but there are some countries with which, perhaps, I have strong ideological differences.

And before you mention it: we know that our list is made with a strong cultural bias ; in fact, it has been carried out thinking, above all, in Spanish travelers and his Western conception of the world. But, as we have said, it is only a place to start from, since there is no corner on the planet that does not teach us something valuable about reality.

Let's start by being surprised by the closest

A small strait separates us (and unites us)

Breaking xenophobic barriers

Until we reach the country of countries

Although if something is different from us, from the West, it is the East

We have a lot in common with this country and also with this one (even the language) and, despite everything, we are nothing alike

And we end up south of south, do you dare?

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