Komodo National Park: where dragons exist


view over komodo national park

One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World

The Indonesian islands compete for number one in the ranking of paradisiacal islands . Among them, the archipelago that makes up the Komodo National Park stands out for being the home of the largest lizards in the world: komodo dragons.

In the year 2011, Komodo National Park started to make it onto the lists of greedy travelers after being declared one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World , although much earlier, in 1991, it had already been recognized by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve. Its official creation in 1980, had as its purpose protect the dragon.

padar island

Beauty in Padar Island

The park is located between the Indonesian islands of Sumbawa and Flowers , where the Pacific and Indian oceans meet. It is formed by the islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar , large, and other smaller ones such as Kanawa, Bidadari or Seraya . All of volcanic origin.

The landscapes of the archipelago that make up the Komodo National Park fall short of representing the typical postcard due to the sparse vegetation of its land. However, the great diversity that it has and the beaches of fine white sand bathed by crystal clear waters, elevate it to the podium of paradise.


The usual starting point for visiting Komodo National Park is balinese or its neighbor ** Lombok .** From there, those who have time can reach the park on a four-day journey by boat. The convenient alternative, however, is to do it on one of the planes of the country's airlines until Labuan Bajo , on the island of Flores.

From the air there are magnificent views of the Lesser Sunda Islands, to which Komodo belongs, with their barren land covered by dry green volcanic hills and surrounded by the sea of ​​Flores, which dyes the archipelago's beaches blue.

Staying in Labuan Bajo It is usually the common option for most travelers, who use the town as a point to explore the area. Among the nearby islands there are also cabins for those looking for a more exclusive stay. Another alternative is to live the experience of sleep on the boat which makes a tour of several days around the park.

kelor island from the air

From the air, the views promise

Looking for accommodation in the town can be a good opportunity to experience the indonesian local life , although Labuan Bajo lacks any particular charm.

From its small port, where time seems to have stopped, the boats set off towards the Komodo National Park. In her padar island It is perhaps the one that exhibits the most beautiful views, especially from one of its peaks, which is accessed after a short walk.

For its part, Rinca It is the most accessible, since it is closest to Labuan Bajo, and it is also where they say there are the largest number of dragons.


Now yes: once on the chosen island, they offer three tours short, medium or long extension.

In our case, we opted for Komodo, for being the farthest and the one that gives the name to the dragon and the park. In fact, as soon as I step on this last one, I find myself with one of its hosts most anticipated: the first dragon of the route rests peacefully in the shelter of the shadow of the main building.

Port of Labuan Bajo

Port of Labuan Bajo

At first glance, it may seem harmless, but when I turn my head, I see how, suddenly, it has disappeared. And it is that these animals, although they move clumsily, can reach a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour.

To enter the interior of the park, I am accompanied by a forest ranger of short stature armed only with a stick, which will serve to protect us in case a dragon attacks us.

Seeing him with such precarious defense and after the speed with which I just witnessed the movement of the first dragon, I can't help but think of immediately return to the ship...

Precisely, the guides who have brought me here have just told me that the previous week, on the island of Rinca, a dragon killed a ranger and, despite the speed with which the helicopter arrived to transport him to the hospital, it was impossible to save his life.

Carrying out a brief search on the internet, I can't find news about this case. In fact, only two or three isolated deaths of people are indicated. Will it be true? But have I come this far to stay at the door ?

As a precaution for visitors, it is recommended perfectly cover the wounds recent. Dragons don't see or hear very well, but smell is their most highly developed sense and smell of blood can make them, even at ten kilometers away, reach their maximum speed to attack by surprise.

komodo dragons fighting

clumsy but fast

However, following the advice and being accompanied at all times by a ranger, security is maximum.

The tour takes me to Sulfur Hill, a crater that presides over the park, and through it I meet the occasional dragon.

Observing them carefully makes me think of what their contemporaries would be like the dinosaurs. I dwell on its scaly skin, its long tongue, and its slow movements. I find it creepy and at the same time fascinating be in front of them.


In the Middle Ages, cartographers already recorded the existence of dragons at this point on the planet. Currently, it is estimated that in the park there must be 2,000 to 5,000 copies.

The Varanus komondoensis , as these predators are also called, weigh more than 70 kilos, and the males can reach three meters in length. Their first years live climbed on the trees to protect themselves from being eaten by older dragons. They feed on birds, invertebrates or mammals , especially deer, and can gobble up more than 50% of their own weight in food.

To kill their prey, all they have to do is nail them with their sharp teeth and let the more of 40 poison particles that they contain in their mouth act. Victims may take time to die several days , but the wait will grant them a great feast.

komodo dragons

almost a dinosaur


The dragons are not the only attraction of the park. Here we can also find other dangerous reptiles such as the reticulated Python, more than 70 species of birds, an endemic rat and the Timor Deer, among others.

On its seabed stand out impressive Coral reefs and numerous species of fish and sponges. This area is one of the largest world biodiversity for being a cetacean migration route: dolphins, sharks, manta rays, more than 14 types of whales and even turtles. Of course, to enjoy marine life in all its splendor you will have to descend more than 30 meters.

diving with manta ray

Diving with manta rays, the best part of the trip

Thus, if you are a lover of diving or snorkeling, you will find in Manta Point your particular Eden, because in this place, the marine currents bring together numerous giant mantas. Appreciating them from so close is a unique show and it will surely become the most incredible feeling of the trip.

Also from the shore you can experience a whole spectacle, especially in Pink Beach , named for the pink tones with which its sand surprises.

And if you wonder what views the island offers from the sea, you will like to know that sailing in its surroundings at sunset is another of the best bets to become engrossed in the paradise of Komodo.

The sunsets appear as one of the most beautiful on the planet , displaying a wide range of pastel colors to dye the sky and the sea with magic.

Pink Beach in Komodo Park

Pink Beach, a dream

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