This man has traveled the world thanks to the kindness of others


Leon Logothetis inspired his journey in 'The Motorcycle Diaries'

Leon Logothetis inspired his journey in 'The Motorcycle Diaries'

"He had everything he needed on a material level, but he was emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. He thought that life should be something more! He wanted connect with people instead of sitting behind a piece of wood," Leon tells us.

Shortly after, the broker was heading to the USA, decided to go on his adventure and tell about it: he wanted to show the world that living off the kindness of people was possible not only in the South America of the 50s; also in 21st century North America. With that premise, he contacted a friend of his who worked on television, to see if it was possible record the trip and thus extend his thesis throughout the world.

"I was very lucky, because the show aired on Nat Geo (National Geographic TV channel) . If we hadn't recorded it, there wouldn't be so many people inspired by my trip," says the Englishman. The show, Amazing Adventures of a Nobody , was a success, and since then, the traveler has filmed two more seasons, in which he travels Asia and Europe.

He has also given birth to another series, The Kind Way Around, in which he travels the globe on a motorcycle offering unexpected gifts that change the lives of the Good Samaritans he meets. Thus, for example, he meets a homeless man who offers him all he has to sleep on, a blanket, and in exchange for his kindness, he makes you are admitted into a housing program.

Likewise, his adventures have served to write a couple of books with the same name as his programs, and another one called _ Live, Love, Explore: Discover the Way of the Traveler; a Roadmap to the Life You Were Meant to Live _, which will be published this December.

However, although told like this look like a bed of roses , the truth is that depending on the kindness of others to travel it hasn't been easy at all : "Most people he didn't want to help me , which of course was fine, but when he met that one person he did love, they were like find an angel Leon comments. Also, since he had no transportation on his first adventures, he had to trust your legs : "The worst thing about traveling with very little money is that I had to walk everywhere! Although that was also the best thing, because it made me meet amazing people..."

Then, it must be made of a special paste to carry out such a trip? "The best thing about traveling like this, without money, is that it forced me to connect with people. I could only cross the country if others helped me, so I and you are very brave and you love connecting with others and learn about yourself It's a great way to travel the world. Get the best out of yourself and others (most of the time!)" Leon replies.

In fact, what has surprised her most in his journey is find so many people willing to help . "Not everyone, but many, what taught me that the planet is full of good people. Sometimes we watch the news and it seems that only bad things happen, but a lot of good things happen too. We don't see them often, but they are there He explains smiling.

However, there is one place where "the good stuff" wins hands down: Bhutan, the small almost fairy-tale country famous for having established the ** Gross Interior Happiness ** among its inhabitants. "Just got back from a trip around the globe (with The Kind Way Around) _ **._** I was in Bhutan, where they have a concept called Gross Inner Happiness, which determines the success of the country based on the happiness of the people. This has been by far the friendliest place i have ever visited , but there are also other amazing ones in that sense, like United States, India and Cambodia ", says Logothetis.

In fact, it was in the United States that he met your favorite "angel" : "If I had to choose the best person, the one who has affected my life the most, I would have to say that he is Bob , of Galesburg, Ill. I met her mother by chance on the street, and she called her son, who she took me out to eat and invited me to stay at her house with her family. The next morning, she took me for a walk around town, and made people donate me small amounts of money so he could catch a train to Denver. I'm still in touch with Bob, and every time I go to Chicago, I stay with him and his family. Even they have a room waiting for me for when you need it! He is a truly kind man, who opened his heart to me in a spectacular way Leon ends.

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