You like the cold? In this hotel in Sweden you will sleep at -5º


Their sleeping bags withstand 25º of temperature.

Their sleeping bags withstand -25º of temperature.

Is a artwork , then a hotel, of course. Does 29 editions that those responsible for Ice Hotel in Sweden decided to create this madness of short ice , because it lasts as long as ice; until approximately March when the 15 suites and the 20 surrounding rooms they begin to melt with the onset of spring.

Every year they participate in the creation of this hotel a team of 33 people from different countries and local artists . And everything counts, from the design, to the construction and, of course, the lighting is important.

" Create the rooms of the Ice Hotel it is something authentic, hard and magical. The art is preserved on the walls for a few months, it is a slowly melting human footprint . It's fascinating to see the whole team come together during the build period, and the people who fly back and forth to create it year after year," says Annasofia Magg, one of the Ice Hotel artists.

Ice Hotel is located in Jukkasjarvi.

Ice Hotel is located in Jukkasjarvi.


The hotel is located in the small town of ** Jukkasjärvi ,** 200 kilometers north of the arctic , in Sweden . It is a practically intact nature, formed by 6,000 lakes and six great rivers. One of them is the Torne River , which during winter becomes an icy track that supplies the Ice Hotel throughout the cold season.

Is there enough ice for such a creation? Of course, the river water provides about 4,000 tons of ice , enough to build four ice hotels like this one.

During the winter they collect all the snow they need and store it, so that when October comes they can redesign and rebuild the hotel, which opens its doors in december.

For its 29th edition they have used 2,500 tons of ice . And when the temperatures begin to rise, all the ice will return to the river again, and so on again.

Every year the suite is redesigned from scratch.

Every year the suite is redesigned from scratch.


"Many of our guests have never slept in a hotel below zero , not even in a hotel with a sleeping bag before... so some of them are a bit nervous before going to sleep. But usually when they wake up in the morning they are surprised at how well they slept in the crisp air," adds Christian Wunder, one of the Ice Hotel employees.

The truth is that it is difficult to have lived a similar experience before, because who would be willing to sleep minus 5 degrees below zero no guarantees than waking up alive the next day. In Ice Hotel it is guaranteed, they have everything prepared for it, in fact here 70,000 people have already passed.

If you make it through the night, they'll give you a diploma.

If you make it through the night, they will give you a diploma.

When we arrive to the hotel guests receive a survival course in the ice in which they show them how to dress for the night and how to put the special sleeping bags. These They are prepared to withstand -25 degrees of temperature.

In the morning, they will wake up to a lingonberry juice (lingonberry) to warm up and they will give you a diploma with the temperature at which the hotel and the exteriors were that night.

Ice hotel is located 200 kilometers north of the Arctic.

Ice hotel is located 200 kilometers north of the Arctic.

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