El Once Scoundrel: a getaway from Zamora and a London expo


A paradise to set your pace Zamora

A paradise to set your pace: Zamora

1. In bed: _ New York Hipster ,_ by Mario Suárez. For three months this journalist followed the movements of this urbanite tribe in the Big Apple. A guide with the most interesting proposals in each neighbourhood. We love!

two. In the bar: Palencia _(Fish, 8. Madrid) _. Because Madrid (nor the ** Calle del Pez ** ) would not be the same without him.

'Hipster New York' by Mario Surez

'Hipster New York' by Mario Suarez

3. between frames: _ The Man Who Never Lived And Will Never Die _ (The man who never lived and never will die) in the Museum of London _(150 London Wall) _. From this Friday until April 12, 2015, Sherlock Holmes will have his own exhibition in London (the last was in 1951). Check your events agenda to experience the city portrayed by Conan Doyle.

Four. In the club: Sky Room (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil).

5. At the table: MadrEAT . This weekend we are going to pay homage to the Complutense Botanical Garden. Two days to taste more than 30 street food proposals. On going!

La Finca one of the participants of MadrEat

La Finca, one of the participants of MadrEat

6. On the road: Zamora. You don't need excuses to visit this city located on the Ruta de la Plata because Zamora treasures a Romanesque paradise behind its walls. Get lost in its streets and until you reach the castle of the city where they wait for you the women of the artist Baltasar Lobo .

7.**In the closet: La Integral** (Calle León, 25, Madrid). Do you want to find the perfect gift and do not know where to go? We have what you are looking for .

8. At the movies: Magical Girl by Carlos Vermouth. The last wish of a girl crosses the three characters of Luis Bermejo, José Sacristán and Bárbara Lennie. Do not miss the winner of the Golden Shell at the last San Sebastian Festival.

9. On the Walkman: Tiger Costume, non-stop!

10. In the neighborhood: Malasaña, the Barrio de Salamanca, Lavapiés, Vallecas and the surroundings of Sol and the Plaza Mayor. Which one do you prefer?

11.On the web: Wonderful places: postcards to dream.

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