It was time to claim the afternoon movies (and if they are Christmas, the better)


Surely it has happened to you, like the creator of the Peli de Tarde website and Twitter. If it is on the weekend, more likely. You finish eating, turn on the TV and they are showing one of those German movies on TVE or psychopaths on Antena 3. And, instead of getting hooked, you end up taking a long nap.

A double hobby, that of sleeping and the cinema, that many of us share with this anonymous influencer, as evidenced by the more than 47 thousand people who follow you on the social network.

The problem is that, and from there came Peli de Tarde, These tapes are underrated. A fact that its creator believes is due to its broadcast schedule. "Normally they give from 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, time to rest the typical copious weekend meal just eaten and to fall into the arms of Morpheus".

"This situation makes the viewer give less importance to the movie they are broadcasting, without realizing that it is a sleep facilitator, a key element to enjoy the full experience. People are very unfair to them,” he maintains.

Therefore, he decided to launch the social network and the web. And with more reason than a saint, he defends that these films also deserve his fans, his books dedicated to them, their blogs or their brainy studies, just like all film genres have.

“All except the afternoon movies. So I decided to put an end to this injustice and open the Twitter account and, later, the website (, to value this genre and give voice to siesta lovers”.


A series of films that are easy to recognize and that the person behind the social network summarizes in a series of points. “I would say that a good afternoon movie should be low cost, have a title incorrectly translated into Spanish, have recurring actors, usually ex-Hollywood near-stars or Germans who resemble each other, and a light plot, easy to guess”. A series of elements that come together so that nothing interferes with our siesta.

Apart from these common points, it should also be noted the different subgenres that exist. The main ones are “The German ones from La 1, the ones about psychopaths from Antena 3 and the ones about catastrophes or giant monsters from La Sexta, although the latter are abandoning this type of broadcast, I don't know why. Then, depending on the time of year, also we have christmas, those of Halloween, the religious ones of Holy Week, And a long etcetera".

That is why now, especially since November 1, Germans going on vacation and psychopaths take a backseat to the christmas villages, and the afternoon movies become “an executive who returns to her parents' house for Christmas and meets up with her ex or inherits a store cupcakes, among many other plots. A successful formula to which platforms such as Netflix or Prime Video are also joining.

And what are your favourites? Faced with this question, he replies that he cannot opt ​​for any, that, like Peli de Tarde, he must remain “neutral and love them all equally. But I must say that if it ever comes out Eric Roberts, the King of Desktops, Julia's brother (well, rather, she is her sister), the film is already winning the whole”.

A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas Afternoon Movie

A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas.


Those who pass by on their own will be able to appreciate that reality is often scripted like an afternoon movie. And proof of this are the different news that the creator of the network takes to give them these aforementioned characteristics. Like the succession of Marta Ortega at the head of Inditex, whose adaptation in Peli de Tarde became viral on the net.

"Weekly there are countless news items that fit into one of the sub-genres of afternoon movies mentioned above. The case of Marta Ortega, as it was sold by the media, as a woman who started out folding t-shirts and ended up queen of an empire, is a good example. Instead of saying that she is the boss's daughter and therefore she is now the boss, They presented it as a story of overcoming worthy of a Saturday after-dinner, and I wanted to add my grain of sand. But like this example there are many, as you can see in my account”, he ends.

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