Why traveling is the best for your children?


Your horizons will expand to infinite limits

Your horizons will expand to infinite limits

The ** family health specialists at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu ** have it clear: adventure favors the little ones. "Traveling brings great benefits to children to develop socially and emotionally, and generates a new attitude towards life and towards others ", they explain. And they continue: "Through the trip, they enjoy good family times, develop a thought more rational and, in addition, they acquire new values ​​and abilities of emotional and social type among other benefits.

All this has been noticed by **Daniel Ruiz, author of the veteran blog Viajares ** (started in 2009). He has three little ones at home, with whom he has traveled from Barcelona to Germany, passing through Iceland. "It is difficult to see the changes that are happening, for a matter of perspective . Parents are very close living with them daily. But we do notice that grow based on comments, by the predisposition they show in front of a next trip, or by how they integrate and relate experiences of different trips made . Small imperceptible changes are added that, suddenly, are manifested and crystallize as they mature ", he recounts.

In fact, these "comments" that Daniel speaks of are one of the expressions that knowing other places is taking its toll on his children, since, as pointed out by Sant Joan de Déu," Traveling also serves to increase the ability to observe n, which will encourage children to adopt a more critical and reflective before life".

Children who travel more prepared

Children who travel, more prepared


But do we have to go to the antipodes for the trip to change the lives of our children? Nothing of that; According to experts from the Catalan hospital, the positive change will be noticed whether we are close to home or not . "It is not necessary to go far for children to enjoy the experience of traveling and all the benefits that this entails. Be it to the next town or in another country , going to a place with a different culture should serve as training and learning space , keys for the development and personal maturation of the little ones", they concede.

Daniel also supports this idea and exemplifies it like this: "What they learn is similar to a fine rain that is penetrating little by little and that is present every time we leave the house. Some trips have a more cultural nuance than others but, in general, on any trip, getaway or small weekend excursion there are things to learn and incorporate into the sack of knowledge".

These knowledge range from the most practical ("Things like packing a suitcase, aboard a flight or staying in a hotel are also learned, and being familiar with these experiences is something very positive", specifies the author) even the most abstract: " We appreciate the vital learnings that they can extract from the trips that we are doing regularly. Traveling from an early age entails learning to respect others, open mind, practice tolerance , respecting nature, acquiring flexibility and patience, encourages the desire to know and feeds the innate curiosity of the little ones", Daniel tells us.

Respect for nature a very important learning

Respect for nature, a very important learning

The professionals agree, and even add new benefits to the previous ones: "They will see new realities, they will meet different people, new cultures, new languages, new ways to do... This new vision of other realities will enhance the sense of adventure and exploration of the little ones, that of wanting to know and discover new places. In short, it will uncover your curiosity. They will also learn to be more respectful and tolerant of others and with the environment".

The only one geographical border, according to Daniel, it is safety... and the couple time care : "The limits we set when traveling with children are mainly related to safety and health. That and of course budget, It is what marks us the most. We dream of traveling the five of us to a lot of destinations , although my wife and I also feel like, from time to time, planning a trip without the kids. A getaway as a couple is much needed and recommended for any family. we fancy return to some destinations that we met in their day without the children and that we especially liked, such as Cape Verde or the city of New York", confesses the father .

Traveling with children, yes or no?

Traveling with children, yes or no?

THE CAPACITY TO ADAPT, A PLUS "To the children who, for whatever reason, do not travel regularly they have a harder time adapting to changes and they don't have as many tools to deal with daily life", explains Daniel, although he is quick to assure that I cannot state it categorically:" each child is a world ", he assures." In any case, It's never too late to start traveling with children , and I highly recommend it", he encourages us.

From Sant Joan de Déu they also affect the adaptability as a value to be taken into account : "The different situations that appear during the trip, whether comforting or problematic, They will foster children's adaptability, flexibility and patience. Also, and no less important, they will allow experience decision making to find solutions to the obstacles that arise", he explains.

Precisely that ability feel comfortable everywhere is one of the things that most surprised the father of Viajares: "If the parents are next to them, kids feel good just about anywhere you can go. It seems that they can change their "home" very easily if we are with them. I guess that comforts and gives them security in new environments or different from the usual ones. On the other hand, it is surprising ease of adaptation and mental flexibility. For adults, I think it costs us something more, we carry more prejudices and preconceived ideas when we land at a new destination," he reflects.

adventure professionals

adventure professionals


As if that were not enough, the little ones are not the only ones who see their skills improve when they discover the adventure, but the whole family as a whole comes out stronger: "One of the most important needs for children is feel that they belong to a group, and traveling is a good way to strengthen more stable and meaningful relationships For their develpment. An ideal space is created for values ​​learning , of respect for the rules, and for the socio-affective and emotional development with the family. Already during the planning of the trip, it is important to make the children part of the experiences that they will live; this will motivate them, will enable them to make decisions, will promote self-determination and will make them feel valued", specify the professionals.

And yes, there is no doubt that the children will have a great time... But, let's face it: in the end, the ones who enjoy the most are the parents: "Traveling with children allows us to gradually build a common family story, full of anecdotes, small discoveries and adventures. Being a part of it is very nice and It fills us with satisfaction as parents. It is a luxury to be able to accompany the children in your path to maturity knowing other ways of living and cultures. All this time full of experiences is very valuable for their training. Also, in unusual situations we see the character and personality of each one emerge of our three children, which helps us to get to know them better", concludes Daniel.

Advantages for the whole family

Advantages for the whole family

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