Should someone in a long-distance relationship be allowed to travel?


love is not tourism

love is not tourism

The unexpected arrival of the pandemic caused the trips , which were a necessity for many people, They will take a necessary background.

What at first seemed like a temporary measure was lengthening over time, becoming a problem not only for those who considered traveling as a lifestyle, but for all those who were beginning to see their sentimental ties limited by borders.

What if you fall in love with another continent

What if you fall in love with another continent?

Although the first thing that comes to mind is a long-distance love relationship, we must not ignore the situation of all the people who have spent months without being able to collect moments with those with whom they share DNA or, in the most extreme cases, without knowing her newborn son.

Now, more than ever, we are aware that We must take care of our health, mental health too. For this reason, The Love Is Not Tourism platform was born in July 2020, a virtual initiative that brings together all those people who suffer the ravages of the pandemic, either because they have a binational relationship or to meet away from their relatives.


"When border closures affected couples around the world in the summer of 2020, multiple Facebook groups were created, of which Love Is Not Tourism formed during May and June 2020. Early July 2020 , the movement began to spread to other platforms such as Twitter, and EU Commissioner Ylva Johannson announced her support among many others” , comment Felix Urbasik, creator of Love Is Not Tourism.

The members of this global movement clarify on their website that they are aware that border closures as a result of Covid-19 are necessary: ​​“it is obvious that we must limit tourism to protect ourselves and others” says the introduction.

However, they urge that the governments of all the states of the world apply humanitarian exemptions and allow the safe meeting of couples and family members; why not, “love is not tourism”.

woman with baby on okinawa beach

Some parents went months without knowing their children

And it is that, per se, betting on love, in these times, is not easy. And allocate all your energies to keep a long distance relationship afloat it is an act of bravery. If ever you caught a last minute flight, train or bus to see that person who makes/made you so happy, you know what I'm talking about.

“Love Is Not Tourism He wants unmarried couples to see each other. In many countries, the fact being married already allows you to circumvent border closures related to COVID-19, although not in all cases”, says Felix Urbasik.

“We suggest a solution like the one in Denmark, applied from the beginning: a legal declaration of relationship, signed by both members of the couple, along with some proof of the relationship, such as photos , for instance. We believe that such a document is enough to prove a genuine relationship,” he notes.

On the other hand, the members of Love Is Not Tourism have also wanted to leave in writing that their requests do not exempt them from the commitment to present a self-paid proof on arrival , as well as undergoing quarantine in case of being necessary.


There are already countries like Belgium where the couples (married or not) , fiancés and families can be reunited.

A multicultural relationship can make you more creative.

Binational couples defend their right to travel to meet again

Regarding the state of the rest of world borders, as stated in the informative list from the website of #LoveIsNotTourism (regularly updated), there are destinations with a state of restrictions for unmarried couples that, after virus mutations , It is not entirely clear. They include: Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

While those countries are pending review, others like Iceland remain totally closed , regardless of the personal circumstance of the traveler in question.

“We have achieved changes in at least 15 countries , listed on the website. The couples were able to meet in these countries at least at some point during the pandemic. The current status of its borders is unclear because at this time we lack resources to investigate legal information” , Felix Urbasik tells us.

In order to ease the restrictions, the portal is collecting signatures through petitions and invites those interested to become echo of the initiative through social networks.

For the appeals to governments and their respective bodies to be effective, International Love and Robin Maximilian Brune they have created an incredibly detailed google doc containing information from many different countries as well as links to the petitions.

“The support of members of parliament of the European Union with whom we have been in contact and activism on social networks have been essential to achieve improvements”, Felix Urbasik told

The situation is complicated for those who are not married

The situation is complicated for those who are not married

On the other hand, Love Is Not Tourism has another list of useful information organized by country , which was contributed by the community. If you want to submit or add a section about your country, you can edit the page or start a conversation thread at so that other members can help you.


“#LoveIsNotTourism Enable unmarried binational couples to enter Spain. Aid! We do not want the borders to open. We just want them to include Boyfriends, fiancés, long-term partners, siblings, children not dependent in their definition of FAMILY”, says the Spanish petition, initiated by Gemma Barberà Bosch.

It also provides a link to a web page for those who need help during the process to apply for the "Sweetheart visa", a permit that Spanish consulates have provided worldwide so that unmarried couples and families can meet again in Spanish territory.

Honeymoon in Spain, and why not?

Spain is granting a permit to unmarried couples

To receive approval from the consulate, the following documentation must first be submitted: a statement of statements before a notary, testimonial records and letters of invitation to proof of flights, accommodation, wedding invitations and photographs.

However, carrying out the tedious process is not a guarantee of success as certain consulates they do not consider such documentation valid or enough to prove the commitment of the couple between the two individuals.

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