We already know which is the happiest country in the world!


Man fishing in Helsinki Finland

And this is (again) the happiest country in the world

In Finland smiles are not a fad. According to the report World Happiness Report of the United Nations, published every year since 2012 every March 20 -in honor of international day of happiness -, Finland is the happiest country in the world (for the second year in a row).

this report ranks 156 countries by their level of happiness and even though the hygge Danish or the lagom Swedish continue to dominate the technique of absolute happiness , this time it has been the Finnish joy who has sat on the throne.

Happiness is hidden in Finland

Happiness is hidden in Finland

What's your trick? Drinking alone at home in underwear , take care of architecture and design , resolve stress with a nature bath , dedicate an island only for women , that practice baby box or relax in a sauna in the middle of the forest are part of the magic.

The facts on which this analysis has been based are life expectancy , the social policies of the country, the freedom to make life choices, family income, trust and generosity , Internet use, the adictions (main sources of depression in countries like USA ) either the corruption , among others.

On this occasion, the report revolves around happiness and community: how happiness has evolved in the last twelve years, how new technologies affect happiness , social norms, conflicts and government policies that have driven changes in society.

In addition, as a novelty, this year it also analyzes how they have evolved life evaluations -that is, what perception do the inhabitants have of their life- and the emotions , both positive and negative.

For the nationwide life assessments , there have been more winners than losers, and it can be seen that among the ten countries that have suffered the most from the decrease in this variable, they share the same reasons: economic, political and social tensions.

Norway takes second prize

Norway takes second prize

On the other hand, among the top 20 gainers in life evaluations between 2005-2008 and 2016-2018, ten of them are in Central and Eastern Europe , five in sub-saharan africa and three in Latin America.

Taking into account as a parameter Population growth , global happiness has declined in recent years, driven by the trend towards sustained decline in India.

As for emotions, there has recently been a general upward trend in **negative feelings (worry, sadness and anger)**, especially in Asia and Africa.

**Regarding the situation of Spain ** in the world ranking of happiness, it is in the position number 30 , rising six places with respect to last year (place occupied by Italy ). The list is closed by Afghanistan, Central African Republic and, lastly, South Sudan.

Although we are very fans of “¡Pura vida!”, Costa Rica He stays at the gates of the top 10 that precedes the winner, with number 12, one position below Australia . Do you want to discover which are the ten happiest countries in the world? Here is the gallery!

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