Size Doesn't Matter: The World's Smallest Destinations


Park Hotel

A capsule room but natural

It is very attractive to choose the resort with the most pools, the spa with the most jets, the museum with the most Picassos... Or not. If you are more fond of small meetings, you like intimacy and you do not suffer from claustrophobia, on your next trips you will want to enjoy these places on a small scale.


Green I love you green (and tiny). It seems unbelievable that in the fight "to see who has the largest urban lung in the world" there are those who compete to have the smallest park. And Portland wins, where in addition to hipsters you can find Mill Ends Park . And what a drama was created when they stole THE tree that fits in this little pot with the bombastic title of 'park'. Now the British strike back: their little park, Prince's Park in Burntwood , is bigger (it can fit a bench and three trees) but they doubt that Mill Ends Park can be called a 'park'. Duel of the titans or, rather, Lilliputians.

Mill Ends Park

Mill Ends Park, the smallest urban lung

ISOLATED Eye to the data: the smallest island built is a rock culminated by a lighthouse. As it is. A small rock on which this 46-meter-high tower fits and nothing else. 48 kilometers from the English coast, in the southernmost west, is Bishop Rock , the ultimate solution for indicating the position of the Scilly Isles to ships. But if we talk about small islands, we also have to take into account the smallest island country, the Republic of Nauru. Belonging to Micronesia with 10,000 inhabitants and an area of ​​21 km2, this atoll surrounded by coral is rich in phosphate. And in peace.

Bishop Rock

Bishop Rock, the smallest (constructed) island in the world


There is a very intelligent, practical initiative and also, 'cuqui'. Little Free Library born looking for the book comes to you and not you to him . To do this, nothing better than installing small microlibraries throughout the United States (and, currently, the world) . Who does not read is because he does not want to.

Little Free Library

The book approaches you and not you to him


what would you say it is the beach smallest in Spain? Between rising and falling tides and sandbanks that grow and decrease at will, we are left with Gulpiyuri , in Naves, the one they say is "the smallest in the world" (but without an official title). declared Natural Monument in 2001 and with restricted access to walkers, this beach is located inland (about 100 meters from the coast) where the sea water reaches through a hole in the rock that works as a wall.

What if we want to rest in the smallest town? In the Map of little Spain you will be surprised to find places whose name has more letters than inhabitants. It is the case of Illan de Vacas, Toledo , considered the town with the fewest inhabitants in the country (currently, four registered according to the INE) . But on the surface, that small town that you can traverse from top to bottom without effort, is Emperor, in Valencia , with its 0.0306 square kilometers and its 10 streets.

Gulpiyuri Beach

Gulpiyuri beach, salt water in the interior of Asturias


In this museum, even if you want, you could not pay admission. Because there isn't. The smallest museum in the world is located in Somerville, Massachusetts : The Mµseum (also known as 'Micro Museum') is accessible to anyone, like a small 16-inch window of street art, at this strange HarryPotterian address that is the number 72½ Union Square . It is currently showing its inaugural exhibition, 'Invisible Cities' . The next will be an oil painting by artist Dina Brodsky. As they themselves say, "a small place with big ideas".


The Museum, in Somerville

WATERS In a basic Geography lesson you learn that the smallest ocean in the world is the Arctic which, to give us an idea, is about 10 times smaller than the Pacific Ocean. With respect to the arteries of the planet, the rivers, we find ourselves before a difficult measure. But an agreement has been reached: the river that takes the cake for being small is the rode, of 61 meters located between the Missouri and the falls of the State Park of Giant Springs in Montana.


Sleeping in a capsule is an activity not suitable for the claustrophobic. There are two types of micro-hotel, those surrounded by wild nature (which helps when getting off your mattress) and the facts for save space (take a deep breath and don't think about it) . The first case is that of Das Park Hotel very close to the Danube in Germany that follows the philosophy of reuse and nature. In these industrial pipes you have all the comforts to sleep and, although space is not one of them, when you leave the reward you have to find yourself in the middle of nature, a kind of industrial glamping. What happens in China is another philosophy : nature is secondary in this capsule hotel and what prevails is the low-cost space. Do you dare to sleep in this hotel in Shanghai for less than four euros?

Shanghai capsule hotel

The first capsule hotel in Shanghai

The most romantic dinner is the one you make at home... Or in this two-seater restaurant. Only Per Due (only for two) is the epitome of the intimate, located in an ancient Roman villa in a 19th-century building in Vacone ( one hour from Rome ) . The menu? It depends on the seasonal product. The wine? One of the best Italian wineries in the area.

Only Per Due

A restaurant for two


If you suffer from agoraphobia, stay away from deserts. Except for this one: the desert of car-cross , located in the Yucón, has an area of ​​3 km2 and is considered the smallest desert in the world, arid yes, but manageable . This small succession of dunes was created due to wind currents in a cold area, south of the Polar Circle, which makes it a microclimate, almost microcosm , in Canada.

carcross desert

The smallest desert in the world is located in Canada

The history of the smallest volcano in the world is curious (one that, in addition, is one of the most active s) . Today we know that it is the Taal volcano, located in Tagaytay, Philippines , with a crater about 400 meters high and which turns out to be one of those strange wonders: a crater on an island within a lake. But in this micro-destination we are missing something, what is the smallest natural complex, the smallest National Park in the world? The penang park is in Malaysia and wins the title with his very proud 2,500 hectares . Monkeys, lemurs, bats, squirrels... more than 140 animal and 400 plant species coexist in this small, large green area.

Taal Volcano

Taal volcano: the smallest and one of the most active

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