How to flirt with an Asturian


How to flirt with an Asturian

They know they like each other

If you are reading this, then you are not from Asturias . They would never need a manual. It's not that they're irresistible, at least not all of them, but let's just say they're not bad at it. They have many years of experience. They know that they like each other, they are generous (“it will be for dogs”) and that they blend well with any other region or planet.

No wonder you fell in love with one of them. Calm down, we dare to tell you that you have many possibilities. The hard part will be keeping it.


- It is very possible that it is he or she who has noticed you before. Every Asturian reviews the winch, prao or wherever he is . Actually, they do it to see who is there. There are always the usual. If you are not “usual”, fine! Novelty increases your chances.

And the cider that is not lacking

And the cider that is not lacking

- Breaking the ice with an Asturian is also very easy , especially if there are ciders involved.

- It doesn't matter if you are alone or in a pack. In general, Asturians are very sociable and open: without realizing it, in five minutes you will be one of the group.

- **Speaking (or giving voices) ** with strangers has always been very good.

- If you don't understand it very well, it may be from the Cuenca . Don't worry, some Asturians don't understand them either _(countrymen raising torches in 3, 2, 1...) _.

- They will talk to you about how much they miss the tierrina, if they are outside; how much they like it, if they are inside; or how beautiful it is, wherever they are. You just smile and nod.

- Let yourself be invited to a culín, or a few.

- Do not suffer if you already have 18 boxes. The Asturian will insist on always paying. Here the it will be for dogs is the mantra.

You will go to Ribadesella a lot

You will go to Ribadesella a lot

- For Pelayo! Do the favor of drinking the culín in one gulp, don't act like a madrileño.

- You better not be very scrupulous, the glass is always shared.

-If he tells you I lent a lot to see you , that's what you liked.

- At this point, the most normal thing is that there was already some other approach. You would have already achieved your goal and this article would end here.

- But no, because then everything goes wrong . The next morning, the boy or girl of your life disappears as if the Earth had swallowed him and you don't understand a thing. How can it be? What did I do wrong? ANY. The problem is that it is just as easy to get an Asturian as it is to lose him.

- Love here can be very fleeting.


- let yourself be seen . It is possible that if you met in the Xiringüelu, in Piragües or in El Carmín, he does not even remember who you are. It's not our fault that the cider is so good or that it can't be mixed! You still have to start over from scratch but, And how beautiful are the beginnings?

- Tell him how much you like the tierrina. Asturians are convinced that your country is the best in the world . And well, it's true.

How to flirt with an Asturian

It's easy, the hard part is keeping it

- If you don't believe it, it's because they just left her recently. It will be a matter of days.

- Ask him to take you out to eat a cachopo . An Asturian would never say no to the cachopo (nor to the cakes , a few beans or some scallops to the Cabrales ... to food in general).

- Fast the days before , there they are used to ending fartucos.

- If you think that with a platinum by beans you already have for the whole year, we don't want to scare you but in Asturias they put the whole pota on the table. Although his grandmother's will always be better.

-Never discuss anything that has to do with his land, don't even mention the basque cider.

- The most possible thing is that he releases a few babayaes . Asturians have quite a sense of humor, they are quite sarcastic and a bit roosters.

- They are warlike . It is the only place in Spain that was not conquered, where the Reconquest and where the Revolution of 1934 began.

-If after all this he calls you again or wants to take you to his town... congratulations! You've won over an Asturian.

As if you don't end up falling in love with the tierrina

As if you don't end up falling in love with the tierrina


- Get ready to live a big relationship (and to move: sooner or later it will be like that).

- We have already said it (but we repeat it): Asturians are extremely generous.

- Many summers await you in **Verdicio, Candás, Ribadesella, Luarca or Llanes **.

- Wear comfortable shoes: that is full of prao or espichas parties. You will go to all

- You will descend the Sella so many times that you will end up becoming a professional canoeist.

- Take one jacket , the in case fresh It never made as much sense as it does here.

- Watch out for a hangover! Not the cider one, which too, but the sea.

- You may gain a few kilos. You will make your mother-in-law happy because for an Asturian mother one is always too thin.

- Prepare to spend your entire salary on flights to Asturias.

- Or for spend half your life in an Alsa.

- Go reviewing the letter of 'Asturias' by Victor Manuel You will sing it many times.

- If you finished with the Asturian from Cuenca, then download the one from Blessed Saint Barbara , you will need it.

- Do not be offended every time they drop a hush ho , nobody wants you to shut up, but they are amazed with what you tell them.

How to flirt with an Asturian

If you are reading this, it is because you are not from Asturias

- Assume that your Spaniard will come with a flag under his arm. They give it to you just for crossing El Negrón.

- El Negrón is the tunnel in which, no matter how many years pass, once you have crossed it it will remind you that you are already home even if you are swedish

- Actually, it doesn't matter where you're from. You will end up spending more time in Asturias than anywhere else in the world.

- We hope you really like the tierrina because, well, this... It's very possible that you'll end up living there.

- Hush ho! Don't tell us you didn't suspect it.

- You will hear Puxa Asturias! on all occasions.

- And your life will be wonderful.

* This article was initially published on 02/19/2016

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