Ávila renews its Camino de Santiago route


The capital of Ávila celebrates the 120th Holy Year

The capital of Ávila celebrates the 120th Holy Year

Can you think of a better time than this to do the Camino de Santiago? In addition to the fact that, after the health crisis, trips that involve enjoying nature attract us more than ever, Xacobeo 2021 and the Holy Year of Compostela number 120 are celebrated of history, enough reasons to embark on the adventure either on foot or by bike.

Those pilgrims who, either alone or accompanied, arrive this year to Santiago de Compostela will be able to enjoy a reformed Cathedral of Santiago, who has been preparing for the holy year , an event that takes place approximately 14 times throughout a century.

Next destination? The Camino de Levante?

Next destiny? The Way of the Levant

There are numerous routes that lead to the Galician capital, and among them stands out the east road, that crosses the heart of Avila. Inaugurated in 1546 and with 1,100 kilometers of extension, crosses the entire peninsula diagonally, starting at Valencia, Alicante or Murcia.

Although the capital of Ávila has witnessed pilgrimage routes since medieval times, now it is launching a Reformed itinerary that has its entrance through the Toros de Guisando and offers two alternatives: one for those who ride a bicycle, passes through Tiemblo and Barraco ; and another for walkers, which crosses Cebreros.

Once inside Ávila capital, the pilgrims, who enter through the hermitage of Sonsoles , you can enjoy the beauty of iconic monuments and corners of a city declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, see the ruins of the Virgen de las Aguas or in the parish church of Santiago.

According to the legend, the last mentioned enclave was the scene where the knights of the Order of Santiago were armed.

Santa Teresa Square in Avila

Santa Teresa Square, in Avila

On the other hand, as stated by the Department of Tourism of Ávila, the abulense cathedral will open its doors for the Jacobean Year. Integrated into the city wall, the cathedral strikes us as a de rigueur stop, as its Apostles Gate will not leave any pilgrim indifferent.

In turn, in addition to having the emblematic shells, the path and the church of Santiago will incorporate a special signage and a commemorative plaque.

Interior of the Avila Cathedral

Interior of the Avila Cathedral

Other Avila coordinates that should appear on the list are: the small market , where it is located the Church of Saint John the Baptist; Saint Peter's Church , one of the oldest in the city, dating back to the 13th century; the Royal Monastery of Santo Tomás , an architectural complex from the 15th century linked to the Catholic Monarchs; and the Convent and Museum of Santa Teresa.

Regarding lodging, Ávila offers shelter to pilgrims in shelters such as the Jewish Tanneries in Ávila , which usually receives more than 2,000 visitors a year. Without forgetting its wide and tempting gastronomic offer.

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