Rías Baixas as a way of life


Rías Baixas as a way of life

Rías Baixas as a way of life

It begins in the north at the end of the world and ends in the south with a border. From Fisterra to the mouth of the Miño . It is a unique piece of coastline in the world because it is made up of valleys. Corcubión, Muros, Noia, Arousa, Pontevedra, Aldán and Vigo.

They say it was a German geographer the first in call them estuaries. They are river valleys that were flooded. That's why everything that happens here starts coming from the sea. Pirates and Vikings arrived . We were the first to know that there was more land than we knew. We ended up escaping to that land that we are just beginning to know. Goodbye rivers, goodbye fountains, goodbye small streams.

Rhodes Beach Cies Islands

Rhodes Beach

Then an Englishwoman called this land "land of dreams and shipwrecks". Of a blue so absolute that it seems an opinion, of a green so deep that it can be seen a map full of coincidences . A kingdom was almost lost here. The Battle of Rande it was so amazing that Julio Verne he used it in his 20,000 leagues under the sea. Julio Cortazar bathed in Nigran as if he were Poseidon.

We are left with the last ray of light from the continental sunset in the Mount Pindus. At his side, the Ezaro, as a friend, is a river that flows into a waterfall. Every ship has died here at least once.

The Roman emperor Julius Caesar stayed in the Rhodes beach while he besieged his enemies. He rested on the beach , seeing infinity in a grain of sand. Because, he said, that the enemies he fought against, the Herminios, were very hard.

Cheese and cockles in the Barbanza. Granaries and colored houses touching the water in Combarro. oysters in Arcadian , and sea urchins. gliders by Cambados , Civil Guard helicopters fly over the area, you know what I'm talking about. Here mussels are farmed with a rope that cannot touch the ground because otherwise the stars will rise.



In the port, in the winter sun, with dry and hard hands, the redeiras they tie, knot and mesh sea cloths. I once met a major pattern who vomited whenever he left port. "When that happens," he told me, "eat."

In Pontevedra the streets are free of cars so that the stones would be free, so that people could walk. The sand on the beaches is fine due to the thousands of years left behind. It is not a place to build castles in the air. Here you come to suffer and enjoy. “Where the pines complain, and alalas are heard, where the rain is art, and God lay down to rest” , what would the people of Vigo say? Total sinister.

Back two ninth. The bicycle dealer who crossed the raia. On the island of San Simón we wanted to be free. Galician Songs It is printed in Vigo. Here no beers are served, but Turkish. Or gallant. The earth, the rock, the salt, enters, penetrates and escapes like octopuses. Slate and granite, toxo and nettles. White wine, pota coffee, beef churrasco, turnip greens and turnip greens broth , mussels, pouts and bread. And sea, lots of sea.

When I was little Every summer we went to Portugal. My parents used to make the coast so that I could see another sea. I thought it was the same, but in the Rías Baixas everything is different north to anything you've ever seen. In the Rías Baixas nothing is the same.

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