Five-star care: tips from the best wellness hotels


Hotel wellness tips

Tips to feel good, as if we were on vacation.

What we want is more than clear: travel to a wonderful hotel, in a wonderful environment and book in its more than wonderful spa or wellness center to help us feel better. Yes, it's true, we dream of hour and a half massages, exclusive facial treatments in the capitals of the world, yoga classes next to crystal clear waters of the Caribbean, mindfulness sessions set with the sounds of the jungle...

As the world prepares to welcome us back, We have traveled (virtually) the planet so that the best experts tell us what to do and how to bring out the healthiest and most beautiful version of ourselves. Here are wellness tips from those who know best how to take care of you.

Hotel wellness tips

A little exercise is essential.


The expert: Federico Gulloti, coach and head of the sports service at The Grand Hotel Tremezzo.

The hotel: A five-star hotel on Lake Como that is as bucolic and suggestive as you can imagine (and more).

The advice: “To improve your physical condition I recommend jumping rope, climbing stairs and doing step aerobics. Jumping rope has many benefits. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that improves coordination and increases metabolism. I advise starting with 4-5 sessions of 20 seconds each and increasing the number of sessions each week."

"Climbing stairs is an incredibly effective way to improve fitness and overall health. Improves muscle tone and the respiratory system. I recommend starting with three days a week and working your way up."

"The aerobic step can be done, for example, with a box of books. It has all the benefits of a high-intensity cardio workout without stressing your joints and improves your overall fitness. Build strength, reduce fat and improve cardiovascular health. It also burns calories, making it an ideal way to maintain weight. I recommend starting with 20 minutes every day and then increasing the time.”

There are no excuses!

Hotel wellness tips

Dr. Tal Friedman, of Chiva-Som.


The expert: Dr. Tal Friedman, Head of Naturopathic/Research & Development Specialist at Chiva-Som International Health Resort.

The hotel: A world reference in transformation trips, where they offer therapies and activities of all type aimed at bringing you back with maxed out energy levels.

Hotel wellness tips

Maybe it's easier to feel good in a place like this... but in the meantime...

The advice: It is apparently simple but difficult to fulfill and very important! “Eat mindfully. It's so easy to go in and out of the kitchen and snack on all that stuff you wouldn't normally eat. This can lead you to overeat quickly. Set times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and stick to them. If some members of the family eat more often (children, for example), set snack times and set specific areas to allow snacking. Always keep food away from the television, video games, bedrooms, and other areas where you may unconsciously feed yourself.”

Hotel wellness tips

Javier Suárez, director of Wellness at Six Senses Europe.


The expert: Javier Suárez, Director of Wellness Europe at Six Senses Hotel & Resorts and Master in Geriatric Physiotherapy.

The hotel: Six Senses Douro Valley, a hotel in the Portuguese countryside to enjoy the landscape, gastronomy and wine like never before. In addition, it has a prestigious spa.

The advice: "In these unprecedented times, it's understandable that the importance of sleep is going unrecognized and many of us are sleeping worse than we'd like. But as we adjust to stay-at-home orders and try to stay healthy during this pandemic, focusing on getting a good night's sleep offers huge benefits."

“Sleep is critical for physical health and the effective functioning of the immune system. It is also a key piece of emotional well-being and mental health, helping to combat stress, depression and anxiety”.

1. Establish an electronic curfew of 90 minutes before lights out: this means implementing a non-negotiable electronic fast before going to bed.

two. Eliminate blue light by wearing glasses that block it, It will help you relax before bed and help your body maintain circadian rhythms and produce melatonin on the right schedule.

3.Consider doing a meditation or progressive relaxation before bed or while you sleep. There are many free applications that you can install on your mobile.

Hotel wellness tips

Six Senses Douro Valley Spa.

4.As soon as you go to bed, try to “distract” your mind with pretty things. Mentally build a list of thanks, often as soon as we go to bed we start thinking about all the problems or all the things we have to do the next day (which stresses us more and prevents us from falling asleep) but that causes an increase among other substances of the stress hormone - cortisol .

5. Keep a consistent schedule: The more consistent your wake up and bed times are, the more consistent your body will function. Avoid excessive naps (20 minutes is enough) if you sleep more, you will only be able to interrupt your night's sleep and alter your schedule.

6. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: if you are already stressed, adding caffeine to the mix is ​​not a good idea, it will only increase the unwanted side effects. Alcohol, while it makes you feel sleepy, does not allow for quality rest – it interferes with deep sleep and REM sleep – which in turn will make you feel even more stressed the next day.

7. You should sleep between 7 and 8 hours. Sleeping less lowers your defenses and decreases your immune response. Several studies have shown that lack of sleep reduces the effectiveness of vaccines.

8.Take a shower or hot bath 90 minutes before bedtime: You will increase your core body temperature. Your body temperature will drop once you get out of the tub and help you produce melatonin naturally.

9. Make sure your environment is clean: if possible, use a hepa filter for the air in your room.

10. Wash the sheets at least twice a week (with hot water), try to do a general deep cleaning of your room and make sure to air it out every day.

11.Make sure get enough sunlight: during the day to consolidate your circadian rhythms. In this way you will help your body to generate vitamin D.

Hotel wellness tips

Meditation, better with family.


The expert: The team responsible for the U Spa at the Barceló Maya Grand Resort.

The hotel: A family all-inclusive in the Riviera Maya, where each member of the family receives special attention, in a dream setting.

The advice: "Something as simple as close our eyes and put our minds blank, excellent entertainment for young and old, in addition to a relaxing activity to share with the family. With this discipline it is possible to maintain a state of mental and emotional well-being, which through relaxation allows us to connect with ourselves and channel energy towards a state of concentration where we can enhance positive thoughts”.

1.Choose a ventilated area such as a terrace or a balcony, or failing that, a room as clear as possible.

2.Place a mat, a folded towel or blanket to sit on the ground.

3.Use comfortable clothes that allows you to sit with a correct position, and accept the thoughts that arise.

4.Put a ambient music that emulates nature with the sound of the sea, a river or a forest full of birds.

5.Start with short 10-minute meditations, and try to relax through a long deep breath, leaving the mind blank.

6. If you do it as a family you can accompany the meditation with the reading a quiet story (there are specific children's stories for meditation) or even create one yourself based on your children's description of 10 qualities they think they have.

Hotel wellness tips

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be at the Palmaïa The House of AïA hotel right now?


The expert: Marc Belmonte, director of Avalon, Holistic Beauty Lab of Palmaïa – The House of AïA.

The hotel: A member of Preferred Hotels & Resorts, it is a mystical paradise in the Riviera Maya, from which to return totally renewed and full of peace and well-being.

The advice: “Our hair is an incredible gift from nature. It is a natural extension of the nervous system and is said to transmit important information to the brain. From an intellectual perspective, it can actually help raise the Kundalini energy (creative life force), which it increases vitality, intuition and tranquility.”

“When we think of personal care, hair is not the first thing that comes to mind, but it is an integral part of our overall well-being. And we can take care of it with ingredients that are often found in our pantry”.

Virgin olive oil: “Thanks to its high content of vitamin E and its excellent antioxidant properties, it is one of the best health ingredients for our hair. It is effective for stop the damage caused by sun exposure, while moisturizing, nourishing and providing incredible shine. The best way to apply it is in small amounts, with the help of the fingertips, massaging each strand at the ends or those areas that require greater hydration and nutrition. Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water.

Honey: “It has a wide range of cosmetic properties. Rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it is a natural treatment Highly recommended to soften and deeply nourish the hair fiber. Instead of conditioner, apply honey after shampooing from mid-head to ends. Let it act for a few minutes and wash thoroughly. If placed directly on the scalp, honey serves to moisturize the skin and fight dandruff and irritation”.

Green Tea: “It is a natural antioxidant and has magical properties for hair. Applied directly to the scalp stops hair loss, relieves stress and prevents premature aging. It is a healthy, organic and natural treatment for anyone who is going through an excessive hair loss process and needs to strengthen their hair”.

Coconut oil: “Thanks to its antioxidant properties and fatty acids, it serves as a fantastic natural conditioner to reverse hair and scalp damage. After shampooing, apply three tablespoons of coconut oil and rub from roots to ends. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse well with lukewarm water.

Hotel wellness tips

Gardens of the Meliá Don Pepe, in Marbella.


The expert: Paula Gomes, spa manager of the Don Pepe Gran Meliá hotel in Marbella.

The hotel: A classic Marbella on the beach to immerse yourself in the glamor of the Costa del Sol.

The advice: “I recommend my daily beauty routine for skin care following a few simple steps to get healthy and hydrated skin. We all know above all that, in order not to lose the shine of the skin, the importance of eating a balanced diet. It is also true that we resort to a whole variety of makeup, but to show off healthy skin there should be hydrated and nourished skin underneath. My beauty routine is usually basic, but it must be taken very seriously for the effects to be noticed.

Hotel wellness tips

Paula Gomes, from the Meliá Don Pepe hotel spa.

Cleaning: "You should always clean your skin well as soon as you wake up and at bedtime, for this, the ideal is to use a special soap that is for your skin type."

Exfoliate: “Removing dead cells is an essential factor for good hydration of the face. It is recommended to do once or twice a week."

Toning: "Help a higher absorption of the products that are used next, also correcting our imperfections”.

serum: “They are characterized by their high power of concentration of active ingredients, They penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, going over it from its roots”.

Cream: “Use it according to the type of your skin. I would always recommend combining it with sun protection to protect it in depth”.

Eye contour: "It is one of the most sensitive areas and where the signs of fatigue are clearly reflected."

“If you follow these steps and make them a habit, both day and night, you will notice the results and a recovery of natural shine of the face in an effective way.

Hotel wellness tips

The Oriental Spa Garden, in Tenerife.


The expert: Anne-Marie Chauveau, director of The Oriental Spa Garden at the Hotel Botánico.

The hotel: The Spa Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden Tenerife is one of the most emblematic of the Canary Islands. It is in Puerto de La Cruz and next to the Botanical Garden.

The advice: “How to find calm at the end of the day? These days it's not easy, but we can find some peace of mind in personal care, turning our bathroom into an improvised spa. Bath time has many benefits, both physical and psychological, thanks to relaxation, the connection with the body, the water therapy itself, managing to forget the stress and the outside life”.

“The ideal is to try to light a candle that does not have a very strong smell and that reminds us of those moments of calm at home, when returning from work we found serenity in that aroma. If not, a sandalwood incense, which transports us to places of temperance. Whether mobile, tablet or computer. Technology is not allowed, except if you want to use your relaxing music playlist”.

“Lower the lighting if you have a regulator or, failing that, the candle will create the necessary environment. Apply your usual hair mask and wrap your hair in a towel. Take the opportunity to apply a cleansing mask on your skin and perform a body scrub with a light draining massage by pressing on the arms, thighs, legs and feet. Slowly, gently, in this way we will activate circulation and calm tensions”.

Hotel wellness tips

Anne-Marie Chauveau, director of The Oriental Spa Garden, at the Hotel Botánico.

“While both products act on the skin, fill the bathtub until it covers your chest, do not waste water filling it to the top because it is not necessary. You decide the temperature, it is about having a moment of pleasure and not being uncomfortable because of the cold or the heat. When it's filled, we can remove the mask with water and a cleansing gel, and submerge ourselves in the bathtub. It's time to lie down, let the water do its relaxing function and close our eyes. No hurry".

“When we consider, we can open the shower and it will be time to remove the hair mask and Take the opportunity to give yourself jets of water on the body, alternating hot and cold to activate it. The last step is to apply a body and facial moisturizer, but without forgetting our hands and feet. My final recommendation is, with a comfortable robe, with relaxing music and the candle still lit, treat us to some chocolate and a juice of fruit, although I wouldn't rule out a good glass of red or white wine either”.

Hotel wellness tips

Hotel Baccarat, in New York.


The expert: Alison Colbert, director of Spa de La Mer at Baccarat Hotel New York.

The hotel: This urban oasis in the heart of Manhattan hides a wellness center in association with La Mer where they know better than anyone how to take care of you and relieve the stresses of modern life.

The advice: “It is important, now more than ever, that we work to achieve balance in all aspects of our lives. Taking just a few steps in the right direction could positively affect our overall health."

“Find peace: start the day with a 5-10 minute guided meditation on positive energy (you can find videos on YouTube)”. Eat well: we must focus on fruits, legumes and vegetables. Stay hydrated: and start the day with lemon water at room temperature. Breathe: If you have an aromatherapy diffuser, combine a few drops of essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus, They are great for the respiratory system and help keep the air clean. If you don't have a diffuser, you can put a few drops on a cloth and breathe it in several times a day."

"Train your strength: There are many exercise and yoga videos on YouTube that you can watch from home. Start with 15-minute workouts and you'll see how quickly you can go up to 30 minutes! And remember, if you leave home, leave your shoes at the door when you return, take a shower and wash your clothes”.

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