The best bravas potatoes in Barcelona


The best bravas potatoes in Barcelona

As when preparing a ranking of flavors and preferences subjectivity commands (What if they are more spicy, what if they are softer, what if I prefer them with rosemary or if the olive oil gives me the creeps...) we have decided to recruit to a team of potato experts so that they can recommend their preferences and thus, based on coincidences and accumulation, find the closest thing to a top of potatoes from Barcelona capable of being universal and with personality at the same time. We rely on Mónica Escudero and Mikel Iturriaga from El Comidista , Laura Conde , Xavier Agulló, Alba Yáñez and Johann Wald from Plateselector , Alejandro from Yummy Barcelona , Philippe Regol , Stefania and Andreu from In & Out , David Bagelman , Edu from Bravas Barcelona and Carmen Alcaraz del Blanco for start the brave wars.


**BierCaB. Famous for its 30 shooters of beer**, the BierCaB bravas “a la Arola” but a little-more-battle has been won a just fame of cover star of the house . Ordered little cubes and a strong sauce that lives up to its name and will blow away the renegades of mild bravas (Muntaner 55) .

Montferry Winery . Monica Escudero warns: “ They are not brave to use , warning: they are baked, in sticks, with skin, a delicious spicy sauce and a lot of aromatic herbs”. Her combination of chili, paprika and rosemary It is a beacon that illuminates the Barcelona winery from Sants. _(Violant d'Hongria Reina d'Aragó 105) _

Montferry Winery

With chili, paprika and rosemary BOOM!

** Bohemian **. classic restaurant Sant Antoni before the neighborhood was on everyone's agenda, its very dark sauce bravas and mild all i oli are unrivaled on the palate of Philippe Regol, Mikel Iturriaga or Xavier Agulló . _(Meek 42) _

** The Thomas **. The most famous, the most controversial , as appreciated as reviled, any list of bravas in Barcelona would be incomplete without mentioning them, either to praise their virtues or declare that the emperor goes naked. Laura Count , who is definitely not among her fans, defines them as “ some correct bravas , slightly greasy and poorly presented in an indisputably unpleasant place”, but they are mentioned over and over again despite acknowledging their flaws. What is the truth? Perhaps Edu from Bravas Bcn hits the nail on the head when concluding: “They are not the best, the treatment is horrible, there is no air conditioning, sometimes they are raw, but they invented the formula aioli + spicy oil . That yes, when they are to the point, they are unbeatable”. _(Major de Sarrià 49) _


An unrivaled Sant Antoni classic for our experts


** Pla Bar **. They have made simplicity their flag: a tapas bar with well-prepared traditional cuisine, a good wine cellar and non-stop cooking. Your braves? In the words of Alba Yáñez: “The potatoes fall apart, sweet and soft . The sauce is a spectacular alioli to cut with a knife and fork and tomato with a spicy touch”. _(Monteach 2) _

** Cañota .** "A faithful reflection of the spirit of the place" for Carmen Alcaraz: Galician potato + caliu elaboration + “adrianesca” sauce they constitute an unbeatable formula of which they make a flag. _(Lleida 7) _


Do not miss the Galician potato

** Have's **. This is how Yummy Barcelona describes the bravas at Jordi Cruz's tapas restaurant: “ alioli foam to make the tasting experience more special. Brava sauce not very spicy but with a lot of flavor. The potatoes cut into wedges With a good size, they can be eaten with the hands and the skin gives them their own personality. Some bravas for the Michelin Guide.” _(Rec 79) _

Mr. Vermouth . In a classic neighborhood vermouth you could not miss a preparation of bravas, defended in these terms by David from La hora del Bagel: “Quite spicy, homemade aioli, oil with paprika and very curious as they are crowned with green pepper and sometimes even with some pepper” _(Provença 85) _

Mr. Vermouth

A classic vermouth with a potato side dish


For completists and bravas explorers , we include those mentioned only by one of our selectors-selected, because in private taste from another we can find just what we were looking for.

For Laura Count , a supporter of mild sauces, the best bravas in Barcelona are at Elsa y Fred , _(Rec Comtal 11) _; Alba Yáñez cannot fail to mention Bar La Patata _ (Ramoneda 40) _ in Cornellà where she was born: “A whole open potato with a mild yellow aioli and a lot of pepper, a real vice”; Johann Wald prefers the ones from the World Bar _(Plaza Sant Agusti Vell 1) _: “They seem candied before frying; their brava sauce is not too spicy but their aioli is memorable ”.

World Bar

They are not spicy, but their alioli is to cry (from emotion)

elsa and fred

Laura Conde's favorites

Xavier Agulló shoots for the braves of the Taverna del Clínic _(Rosselló 155) _; Philippe Regol mentions those of the Informal _(Passeig de Colom 9) _ by Marc Gascons at The Serras hotel; Carmen Alcaraz includes as an appendix those from Delicias _(Mühlberg 1) _: “Although they are not brave, his swisses are reason enough to climb to Carmel ”; Mónica Escudero mentions the brave churritos from Comaxurros _(Muntaner 562) _: “Yes, churros, which after all are a neutral dough until you add sugar (or not), and perfectly fried in olive oil as they make them over there they have nothing to envy a potato ”.


It is worth climbing the whole of Barcelona for them


A DELICIOUS trompe l'oeil

David Bagelman has no hesitation in recommending those at bBurger (Aragó 36) : “It's a hamburger restaurant, but you could go for your bravas directly . Well fried, in squares, not at all oily although they are not crispy and with a very strong aliolera sauce that also has paprika”; Edu from the exhaustive bravasbcn guide defends those from the Segons Mercat de la Barceloneta _(Balboa 16) _ “They follow the Tomás formula but with cubed Monalisa potatoes, which gives them a sweet flavor that combines deluxe with the two sauces ”; Andreu from In & Out does not forget the ones from Bodega Gracián _(Rocafort 106) _ and for the Yummy BCN team the best ones are from El Bar (Calabria 118) : “Small symmetric squares with a brava sauce with fox from Ourense . Well-prepared potatoes, spectacular sauce and little meat to liven up the roost with a spectacular presentation”.

Follow @raestaenlaaldea

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