Prague, the best destination in the world to travel alone



Prague for yourself

Travel alone. The dream of many, the eternal pending subject of some and the day to day of many others. This is by no means a novelty, as there are many inspiring stories of women who defied all the rules and ventured out to explore the world...with themselves.

Once the decision has been made and taking into account a series of tips, all that remains is to choose a destination: how about an urban getaway to a European capital such as Copenhagen, Edinburgh or Budapest? Or a well-deserved relaxing vacation in the Caribbean? What if you finally launch yourself to fulfill your dream of knowing Tokyo? Or do you enjoy New York again, this time just for you?

It is true that there are destinations that offer more facilities than others in terms of security or equality. Therefore, the platform Taxi2Airport conducted a study to find out what the most female-friendly destinations to travel in 2020.

Travel alone

Travel alone, why not?

Regarding the methodology used to compile the ranking of the most female-friendly cities in the world, Taxi2Airport has taken into account the Top 100 City Destinations 2019 of Euromonitor International, taking the most visited city in each of the included destinations to get to the top 30.

Also, data from Hostel World to find out what percentage of shelters in each city had the largest number of female dorms available.

Third, the results of the Sustainable Development Goals Gender Index 2019 (the Sustainable Development Goals Gender Index), from the Equal Measures 2030 report.

Data were also analyzed from security perception among the women of Women Peace and Security Index produced by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS). This percentage represents the number of women aged 15 or over who state "feel safe walking alone at night in the city or area where they live."

It was also studied Google search volume for the term "female solo travel" (travel solo solo) in every country and city.

Finally, we must not forget the fundamental role played by social networks and we refer to the data: The hasgtag #solofemaletraveler had 216,610 at the time the study was conducted!

Travel alone

you with yourself

In light of the study results, prague rises as the winner being the most female-friendly destination in the world in 2020. The capital of the Czech Republic has the highest overall score when it comes to safety for women, ranking above all other destinations.

87% of the city's hostels have female-only dorms and a significant number of people searched "female solo travel Prague/Czech Republic", meaning that you are likely to meet many other solo female travelers there. Despite the above, we must say that the general perception of safety of the community for women is 65.2%.

In second position is the Chinese city of Shanghai , which has 89% of hostels offering the option of female-only rooms. In addition, you get a percentage of security perception for women of 82.3% who say they feel safe walking alone at night.

New York It is placed in third position, although its percentage of hostels with female rooms is far from the previous two, being 51%.


Prague, the most female-friendly destination in the world in 2020

follow him Vienna (in fourth place), Hong Kong (in fifth place), Delhi (in sixth place) and Rome (in seventh place), notably highlighting Hong Kong's share of perceived safety , 85.3%, the highest in the ranking. They complete the top 10 most female-friendly destinations for 2020 Dublin (in eighth place), London (in ninth place) and istanbul (in tenth place).

Looking at this top 10, we can see that six of the most female-friendly destinations in the world in 2020 are European cities (Prague, Vienna, Rome, Dublin, London and Istanbul), representing more than half of the list.

And what about Spain? We have to go down to position number 27 to find the city of Barcelona, which has 38% of hostels with female rooms, a score of 79.7 (for all of Spain) in the Gender Index of the Sustainable Development Goals and a percentage of 82.5% in terms of perception of security for women.

New York

New York alone, of course!

Curiously, Cairo has the second highest perception of female safety, at 82.6% , followed by Barcelona and Shanghai, but only 34% of hostels have specific rooms for women.

Taking into account the full list of 30 destinations, Moscow is the least female-friendly, with only 24% of hostels having female-only dorms and very low search volume. In addition, the SDG score for Russia is 67.2. In positions 28 and 29 are Cancun and Johannesburg , respectively.

If we attend to SDG Gender Index , that is, the Gender Index of the Sustainable Development Goals of the Equal Measures 2030 report, the top 3 is made up of Berlin (86.2), Amsterdam (86.2) and Toronto (85.8).

Finally, regarding the percentage of hostels with specific rooms for women only, Shanghai, Prague and Hong Kong stand out from the rest of the destinations, because more than 80% of its hostels meet this condition. On the contrary, Amsterdam, Istanbul and Rome are the cities with the lowest percentage of hostels with female dormitories , since none of them exceeds 25%.

You can check the ranking of the ten most female-friendly destinations in the world here.


Barcelona occupies the 27th place in the ranking

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