How to flirt with a Berliner


Sorry this is not going to happen

Sorry: this is not going to happen

The first, and most important: ARM YOURSELF WITH PATIENCE. and of time . To flirt with a German, and especially with a Berliner, is what is needed. Lots and lots of patience. And many summers.

If you want flirt in berlin Forget going to a club. Maybe you flirt but there is not much chance that the kid is fit to walk you home or to remember you the next morning. In winter, go to bars and in summer, just go outside.

Have you seen a German? You have looked at him. And he smiled at you! Forget him. He is gay. The odds of finding a gay in Berlin are as high as finding a kebab. Straight Berliner doesn't smile at first eye contact . The true Berliner avoids your gaze.

In Berlin. With a German. The impossible.

In Berlin. With a German. The impossible.

They are the ones who take the first step. That handsome, imposing six-foot-tall, blue-eyed blonde is more afraid of starting a conversation with a woman than an elephant is of a mouse. So, pluck up your courage, put a chair next to her, get on her, and tap her on the shoulder to say a Hello, wie geht's?

If taking the first step is not your thing, nothing happens. They need an excuse to talk to you (here the **"do you study or work?" doesn't work)** so give them an excuse. A good method is to wear a bandaged wrist. When you go to the bar to order more than one, they will come up and ask you what happened to you.

If, even though he's not blonde, he speaks to you in perfect German and tells you that he's from Berlin: ask no more You are more likely to win a winning ticket in the Christmas Lottery Gordo than to find a Richtig Berliner , that is to say a born and raised in Berlin. As long as he knows how to greet you with an expression in the local dialect like Na, allet in Butta? ( Alles in Butter? I mean, is everything okay?) works.

Hard. Very difficult. The impossible.

Hard. Very difficult. The impossible.

You've already got the boy. And now it's time to strike up a conversation. any of the recurring themes in Berlin:

- Time: You can ALWAYS talk about the weather in Berlin (usually to complain) but if you are lucky enough that the sun is out that day, you can also talk about it and future plans to go to its lakes.

- The type of neighborhood where you live: every neighborhood in Berlin is a world full of stereotypes. Who lives in Prenzlauer Berg? You already have a topic: ask him if it is true that the neighborhood is full of hipster parents. What lives in Neukölln? You can talk about the Turkish market, about Tempelhof, about how it is being gentrified... What lives in Pankow? Listen carefully for five minutes and start thinking of an excuse. Do you really want to travel to Pankow?

- Typical Berlin places: the Berghain, Görli, Mauerpark and its karaoke and even the Markthalle Neun.

A very delicate issue but that you will have to deal with in order not to make a mistake on a second date is the issue of eating habits : Let him be the first to talk about it. There's a fifty percent chance your Berlin boy is a vegetarian. . Surely, he even he is vegan. start a conversation with "I had a bratwurst for dinner " It is not a good idea.

And never, never but NEVER criticize Berlin . What the city is gray, depressing, sad and cold in winter? That's not Berlin's fault, it's the weather.

This is the closest you'll get to kissing a Berliner

This is the closest you'll get to kissing a Berliner

To flirt with a Berliner you will need AT LEAST two dates. The first meeting with a Berliner usually ends with an awkward-awkward (" komisch “in German) farewell: you went to give him a kiss on the cheek, he approached to give you a hug at a safe distance of 5 centimeters... After a mess of arms and head turns, everything ends in a half hug- pat on the back . Don't despair. Despite this, there will be a second time when maybe i'll kiss you . If you see that this does not happen but he keeps calling you, arm yourself with patience. Someday that long-awaited kiss will come.

A Berliner is used to drinking beer, shots from Berliner Luft and Club Mate . Don't take him out for cocktails or offer him tequila. The safest thing is that after two cocktails and three shots you will have to put it in a taxi.

A romantic plan in Berlin (here's a whole guide, YOU'RE NOTHING) depends on the weather: in winter the possibilities are reduced to either a Christmas market or a hipster café. In summer a world of possibilities opens up: an excursion to a lake, a Sunday in Mauerpark or a few beers watching the sunset at Tempelhof or on the canal. Of course, a romantic plan in Berlin does not guarantee that the date ends with a kiss.

Party yes. But no further.

A lot of matte vodka and little love

Tinder , and other online dating apps, is also trendy in Berlin. And you come from destroying Tinder. Using it in Berlin requires a lot of patience: you will find your roommate from university (yes, he has also moved to Berlin) or a traveler passing through than a Berliner. But don't despair. Just like in bars, it takes his time but you will find him. And, just like in real life, you will have to take the first step... and go home with several half hugs.

And one last tip: the Berliner is terrified of commitment . When a Berliner moves in with his girlfriend, he looks for a W.G. (shared flat) in the same block of buildings as his girlfriend's WG. So forget about declarations of love at first sight, intense WhatsApp nights... The more detached, more easygoing, the better.

Of course, es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen . Come on, nobody is born knowing and practice makes perfect. So little by little, with a LOT of time and patience maybe you will be able to enter this parallel universe that is flirting with a Berliner.

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