A night or a life in the treehouses of Outes (Galicia)


Cabins in the Albeida tree

The growth of the trees plays a determining role in the design of the cabins

He liked to hide in the tree hut where your grandfather perfect he kept the chickens so the foxes wouldn't eat them. It was accessed by a pulley that went up and down at the beginning or end of the day, so that the hens cleaned the garden during the day and could rest peacefully at sunset. Which caused him quite a few fights from his grandfather, who kicked him out of there as soon as he realized it.

Like a sweet memory of a rural childhood , in the second half of the 2000s, travels to Brazil, to the incredible islands of the volcanic archipelago Fernando de Noronha , and there, thousands of kilometers away from his native Galicia, he sees the same chicken coop in the trunk of a tree that his grandfather had in his orchard. So, something tells Manuel that it would be a good idea to make that dream of his youth come true.

A night in the Albeida tree cabins

One night (or a lifetime) in the Albeida treehouses

Manuel and Chinese had been working in the hospitality sector since the beginning of 2000 in Outes , trying to offer a differentiated service in a rural environment, with a small renovated house with seven rooms . To serve as communication with the environment through its conservation actions . A way to make you not only like it, but that you want to stay forever . They increased the portfolio with more projects and in 2012 that perfected idea became a reality, since today there are seven sets of cabins that make up the company . But this latest set of cabins has broken the mold. A tree house; For you forever. Welcome to the tourist complex of Albeida.

The project has the hand of the architects Alfonso Salgado Suarez and Francisco Linares Tunez with whom they had already collaborated on previous ideas. The foundations do not touch the roots of the trees, and the height plays with the whims of the growth of these . Made wood and stone , worthy representation of traditional trades of carpentry and stonework . Straight lines and special care in the finishes to give the building that conversation between the artificial and the natural, between what has been there for years, what is now, and what is to come. For this reason, this set of cabins and pallales have been awarded in the Architecture and Urbanism 2020 awards from the Higher Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE).

A night in the Albeida tree cabins

One night (or a lifetime) in the Albeida treehouses

Renata Lema, director of Doartesanato and daughter of Manuel and China she explains the key features for this idea to develop. Intimacy, connection with nature and that each cabin was connected to a tree. Y Albeida cabins meet that and more . Architects have come to design up the furniture . The wooden piece of the table, the tree trunks that make bedside tables, the sink in the sink, the cabinets... Accesses are pathways , like the ones you walk while hiking, that little stripped thread of vegetation that seems to be the last resistance of a forest that permeates everything.

For Renata it is the culmination of many years of experience in the sector and close collaboration with the skills of Salgado and Liñares. This project is the penultimate of a long list that begins in 2008, shortly after that prophetic visit to the brazilian archipelago . From there comes the Carmen's cabin with a defined stamp of how to want to do things. Wood and stone, intimacy and tranquility in a unique place.

Outes Treehouses Furnishings

The furniture, also designed by the architects Alfonso Salgado Suárez and Francisco Liñares Túñez

To describe the experience it is better to describe it, because to fill it with adjectives there is already the public. There are nine cabins and five pallales (the latter are refurbished apartments).

The Rio Traba cabin , for example, has a granary in its access , to which you climb some stairs, cross it to find a wooden walkway that leads to the entrance door. All the exterior are wooden lattices; I correct, everything is wood . A small kitchen for two with a table for two made from a single piece of wood, an open bathroom, with a large shower and a huge bathtub and a stone sink that overlooks the bed that overlooks the views that overlook the sea; sofa and wooden fireplace and terrace with jacuzzi and hanging basket chair that overlooks the Sierra del Barbanza , at the source of the Muros y Noia estuary and at the mouth of the Tambre. And there, with trees touching your hand and the wind on your face, overlooking the sea, there is nothing but silence.

in the cabin of Rego Pipe the tree crosses the terrace and its great branches stretch out until you have to crane your neck to see them. Being on the couch watching an episode of TheWire -sorry, I'm nostalgic- and go out for air and power touch the bark of chestnut and oak trees it is quite an experience. No wonder the father of the great Saramago hugged them.

Outes Cabins

everything is wood

A walk listening only to the crunch of boots with dry leaves and entering the cabin and changing for the hollow sound of wood, with the crackle of chips from the fireplace, hook a book and finish it in the day . EITHER make you a soup , with the bubbling of the pot in the background while you write or draw or feel the tranquility of the planet on the wooden table. Or sit on the bench on the terrace to watch the sunset. Or in the hanging basket on the terrace to watch the sunset . Or bathe in the jacuzzi on the terrace to see sunrise.

Outes Woods Cabins

Here one is more aware of the passing of the hours

At 10 o'clock breakfast will come to your door -they also have lunch and dinner service provided by the Rios O Freixo restaurant , with a Sun from the Repsol guide and mentioned in the Michelin guide , that's nothing- and, in a basket, there will be a thermos of coffee, another of skimmed milk, a bottle with freshly squeezed orange juice, toasted bread, two pieces of pastries or sponge cake, jams and organically grown honey, tomato and oil and natural yogurts. It will come when the sun is still waking up, and only the murmur of the trees is heard . It's just the beginning of a whole weekend that will feel like a whole month. Doing nothing and feeling everything. Walk, smell, listen and rest.

At 10 o'clock breakfast will come to your door

At 10 o'clock breakfast will come to your door (from the company Doartesanato)

They say that Frank Lloyd Wright drew the sketch of his famous Fallingwater (Waterfall House) in a short time because his client, the Kaufmann couple, appeared unexpectedly in the study and he hardly had any idea. The couple were surprised to see the drawings, and one of them told Wright that they expected his house to be near the waterfall, not on it.

"I don't want you to look closely at the waterfall. I want you to live in it" , he replied.

Change waterfall for forest.

Outes Woods Cabins

"Change waterfall for forest"

The winding entrance to the Outes Treehouses

The winding entrance to the Outes Treehouses

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