This is the definitive video to discover Catalonia


This is the definitive video to discover Catalonia

A four-minute trip through Catalonia

"As soon as I set foot in Catalonia, I knew I had found a place I didn't want to leave." Thus begins the explanation that Oliver Astrologo makes about his video Catalunya on his Vimeo page.

That is when curiosity ends up defeating you and, if you haven't done it before, press play to immerse yourself in a sequence of images that travel from that characteristic blue that the Mediterranean displays on the Costa Brava to the green of its nature, passing through the intricate and hypnotic details of its modernist buildings, the captivating power of its traditions, the beautiful immensity of its landscapes and the expertise of its craftsmen.

This is the definitive video to discover Catalonia

Not only natural landscapes lives the viewer

Thus, in four minutes, the viewer travels through the Barcelona province, r It runs through the Ciudad Condal, escapes to Pedraforca, Montserrat, Foradada de Cantonigròs, Rupit and Tavertet.

In Girona could not miss the capital. Neither Cadaqués, Besalú, the Vall de Núria or the Dalí Theater Museum in Figueres. Astrologo does not deprive the viewer of a walk through the Marimurtra botanical garden in Blanes, a look at the Sant Pere de Rodes monastery in Port de la Selva, or an approach to the hermitage of Sant Martí del Corb in La Garrotxa.

In lleida , from the Old Cathedral we went on to discover Sant Llorenç de Morunys in Solsonès, the landscapes of the Congost de Mont-Rebei gorge, Montsec and the town of Àger. And a video about Catalonia would not be complete without a walk through Terres de l'Ebre and marveling at Siurana and the city of Tarragona.

This is the definitive video to discover Catalonia

The beautiful immensity of its nature

It was the first time that Astrologo visited Catalonia and during the two weeks that he lasted the trip he dedicated himself to recording every day.

What impressed you the most? In addition to the variety of landscapes and climates in such a relatively small territory, Astrologo highlights “How proud the people are of their land. He had never seen people who loved and were so attached to their culture, which includes traditions, language, rituals and gastronomy”.

And it is that gastronomy, the director has a lot to say. “More than a restaurant, I would like highlight the quality of the product and the kindness of the producers and the people involved in the process”, he explains to

This is the definitive video to discover Catalonia

Getting lost is not an option, it's a necessity

“I have found some similarities with Italian, French and the rest of Spain gastronomy and I simply love it. At first, I found the tradition of rubbing a fresh tomato on bread strange, since in Italy we put tomato slices on a piece of bread, but I liked it: it is easier to eat and just as tasty as tomato bruschetta.”

His delight was not limited only to pa amb tomàquet. “ I enjoyed the hidden bodegas in Barcelona that serve vermouth with anchovies and olives. And, if I had to choose, my favorite Catalan dish would be escalivada. Oh and the fuet”.

And yes, you are going to press play, you are about to do it, although first we are going to give you an extra dose of impatience by telling you that Astrologo already works in new destination projects so suggestive and present in our lists of future trips such as the Greek islands and Burma.

Now yes, inside video!

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