Authentic, close and warm: the essence of Cuba fits in this video


Authentic close and warm the essence of Cuba fits in this video

Authentic, close and warm

Cuba time took away its ability to steal essences, unify customs and standardize behavior. Its authenticity is precisely what the director captures Oliver Astrologer in his new video, ‘Cuba is Flying!’

A year ago, Astrologo and his collaborator Simone Sampò landed in Cuba ready to portray a country of “bright colors” and filled with a “human warmth that embraces you as soon as you step on it” the island, writes the director on his Vimeo page. "It's amazing. You feel as if you live in a world stuck in the 50s, which has not been affected by globalization and mass tourism”.

** Havana, Baracoa, Santiago de Cuba, Trinidad, Viñales, Camagüey, Holguín and Santa Clara** are the towns that appear in this video. What impressed you the most? “The route from Moa to Baracoa is the wildest part of the island and the small towns between Las Tunas and Holguín give you the feeling of being in a western”, he tells

Authentic close and warm the essence of Cuba fits in this video

Cuba took away its ability to steal essences from time

During his stay in Cuba, Astrologo fell in love with “a small bay near Tortuguilla, in the Guantánamo area” and he met the “most attentive people in Camagüey” , where he met one of the players of the first baseball team in the city and his family. "Being with them was probably the only time I felt at home." Holguín, on the other hand, left him a bit cold but they took the opportunity to travel from there to the Playa La Herradura, "a charming wild beach where locals go to swim and eat grilled lobster".

Despite the current uncertainty and the fear that what comes "could change the balance of their lives forever", Astrologo was brought back to Europe the feeling that Cuba is “a place where people think about enjoying themselves and having the best time possible”.

Authentic close and warm the essence of Cuba fits in this video

Its authenticity portrayed in a video

Anecdotes such as the one about ending up dancing and drinking with a group of strangers on a beach may have helped to take away this perception. “We were driving from Baracoa to the southeast of the island, when we found a green cadillac parked on a cliff. We decided to get out and take some photos of the car. As we get closer, we discovered a small bay at the foot of the cliff. A group of people who were drinking and dancing on the beach invited us to join them. We did, but sadly we couldn't record anything because we ran out of battery."

So that you understand a little better what Astrologer refers to, we only have to tell you that within the video!

Cuba It's Flying! from Oliver Astrologo on Vimeo .

Authentic close and warm the essence of Cuba fits in this video

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Authentic close and warm the essence of Cuba fits in this video

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