Now you can enter the most famous monuments of Egypt without leaving the sofa!


Horus temple and Sobek Kom Ombo

Egypt, a necessary destination

While we wait for the Grand Egyptian Museum to open, which promises to give us so much joy, and, above all, while #StayHome is a trending topic, we can't think of a better plan than to visit the most famous monuments in Egypt from the sofa.

And beware, because we are not talking about just any tour: this series of virtual tours - one is launched every day from Experience Egypt at 19:00 PM - have been prepared by institutions such as ARCE (The American Research Center in Egypt) or Harvard , and they are what anyone who has dreamed of being Indiana Jones could wish for.

Thus, they offer an aerial map of the place, a 3D exploration mode with relevant information that can be revealed almost as if they were clues in a game and they even provide you with a measurement tool, so that you get an even more real vision of the place. place you visit The best? You can get as close as you want to the details ...and you don't have to stand in line or jostle with anyone to get from room to room!


The first visit offered by Experience Egypt, that is, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, invited us to tour the Menna's Tomb , one of the best preserved in the country. A day later, it was the turn of the Queen Meresankh III , covered with interesting hieroglyphics, to spend a day later at Red Monastery , the construction that most faithfully preserves the architecture of the first Byzantine period.

virtual tour tomb queen Meresankh III

A walk through the tomb of Queen Meresankh III

What will be the next? It is not known, since the government does not announce it in advance; The best way to find out what new monuments can be visited is keep an eye on social media from the country. Happy "travel"!

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