Sheep View 360º or how to map the Faroe Islands by placing cameras on sheep


Sheep View 360 or how to map the Faroe Islands by placing cameras on sheep

Thorough, down to the last corner

49,188 people and 80,000 sheep live on these 18 North Atlantic islands, The Guardian reports. Almost twice as many sheep as humans. Durita thought that these animals, which move freely around the island, could help her show people who live outside the beauty of what she considers to be one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.

Sheep View 360 or how to map the Faroe Islands by placing cameras on sheep

Map of areas covered by sheep

With the help of a local shepherd and a harness specially designed for this project, This young woman has placed 360º cameras on five sheep. Thus, while the animals walk, graze and live their lives on the island, the cameras, which work with small solar panels, take pictures that Andreassen receives with GPS coordinates and sends to Google Street View.

Sheep View 360 or how to map the Faroe Islands by placing cameras on sheep

Owners and ladies of the place

Within the framework of the Sheep View 360º there have been also 360º videos that allow you to explore the island as if you were… A SHEEP! All this with a clear intention that is not limited only to attracting tourism, but also pursues draw the attention of Google to come to the island and finish the project.

"Sheep are fine for capturing Faroese roads, but to cover the islands' extensive roads and all the stunning scenery, we need Google to come in and map them," Durita explains on the project's website. For it, Visit Faroe Islands has launched a social media campaign under the hashtag #wewantgooglestreetview

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