Radiography of the perfect chiringuito: route through Cádiz


The best beach bars in Cdiz

Let's talk clearly: the best beach bars in Cádiz

Chiringuito: “kiosk or stall with drinks in the open air” . The RAE says so, but the RAE has also just made public (via Pérez-Reverte ) the imperative 'iros' for the verb 'ir' due to its widespread use, so I we will make a relative case . Because it is impossible to disassociate the idea of ​​the beach bar without the presence (the unmistakable smells and sounds) of the sea: everything is easier facing the sea.

Summer is chiringo territory (which also means " trickle ”) because so many times it is our trench before the most prosaic of summer; facing the unbearable heat of two hours under a lacerating Lorenzo: the shadow of the beach bar . Faced with the infinite inconveniences of the sand (not a millimeter of your gear without sand), the peace and joy of a mojito at the beach bar . And, of course, in the face of the barbarity of uneducated children and the noise of a beach in summer: the peace of a book on your table in your usual corner . But here we have come to ask: this is how we imagine the perfect chiringo.


Despite the obvious, so many beach bars surrender to the easy clientele (the 'guiri' with a craving for cane and some pre-frozen bravas) and forget that it can also be an embassy for the gastronome. You can eat well in beach bars like The Shelter in Zahara de los Atunes ("Zahareña cuisine" practically on the beach), the cuttlefish croquettes the fontanilla in Border Conil , ** The beach bar ** in Rate or the recently released ** El Salao en Cortadura** (in cai, cai ) with Alberto Ramírez in the kitchen: Asian cuisine just three steps from the best city in the universe.


"I've gotten drunk one thousand five hundred and forty-seven times in my life, but never in the morning." The sentence belongs to our beloved Ernest Hemingway, that he (like us) believed in alcohol as a culture, an encounter and as an affirmation of many more things than pleasure: civilization, respect and territory. You have to drink well, like at the bar Seasoul Beach Club at the Iberostar Andalucía Playa in Chiclana of the border.

Seasoul Beach Club at the Iberostar

Seasoul Beach Club at the Iberostar


We don't care what the RAE says , we do not imagine (we do not want to imagine) a beach bar far from the sea. And… do you know what a gourmet expects when faced with the perfume of saltpeter? fish. Fresh fish - wild, if possible - from the nearest fish market: we want to eat good fish (it's not that difficult to understand either) . Three examples of good seamanship are the pikachos by Antonio Caramé in the Santa Maria beach , the Leo's Bar (Chiringuito Alfonsito) with all its arsenal of prawns back in Under Guide in Sanlucar de Barrameda either The Feduchy on the Fontanilla beach : there will be no shortage of tuna or rock fish such as borriquete, snapper or squid.


This is serious: in 2012 the Biodiversity Foundation published the ** Decalogue of good practices ** in order to guide beach bars in terms of environmental awareness and resource management (energy, water, product consumption, pollution and waste…) and our perfect beach bar must be an impeccable model of love for nature and respect for its environment. There is Vava Beach as an example of a new 'eco' beach club concept in the muddy : fusion cuisine, downtown dishes and what they now call 'ecoluxury' . I call it common sense.

vav beach

The eco beach club of La Barrosa


What's a summer without a sunset and three too many drinks? Cádiz is the small country of memorable sunsets and endless afternoons —I am talking about that magical moment when the day fades under the skirt of the night and the revelry takes control of the trip. And every night promises a night to remember the lemon fish of Eloy Sanchez Gijon (brother of Aitana Sánchez Gijón, formerly called La Gata and one of the most popular Cai temples), the Sajorami Beach in Zahora, Moon in Zahara de los Atunes or the Jaima Meccarola in Caños de Meca; an amontillado and the sunset facing the Atlantic. And the world may end.

Sajorami Beach

The party in Caños de Meca

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