7 'deluxe' beauty treatments that will make you shine at parties


Dates for events, family reunions, with friends are approaching... we have already started with all kinds of preparations and we all want to show our best version. Here we collect seven non-invasive beauty treatments with results from the first session that, in addition, take care of your skin (or your hair) in the long term.

Since model your body to use gold or lotus flower to tighten the skin of the face, going through applying oxygen to revitalize your hair, all these protocols have a lot in common: they will make you feel good, they are not aggressive and you can find them all in the best centers From the capital. Shall we make an appointment?


If you are not a fan of invasive beauty treatments and you know how to value the skills of a good therapist you will like to put yourself in the hands of the beautician Lola Núñez (Psicomadrid Medical Center, Ppe. Vergara 253, 1ºD, tel. 678796070).

Lola is one of those complete professionals (she is reflexologist and kinesiologist, among many other things), that attend to your needs in a personalized way and that –very important– It will not generate false expectations..

However, this does not take away from the other: you will be fascinated with the results. Lola is a passionate expert of Medilux Lipoled, a new appliance based on the effects produced by infrared light on the body.

Don't be scared as it is about athermal light sources, that is, they do not heat the cells and therefore do not cause dehydration nor do they harm them in any way.

Facial massage

If you want your skin to shine, give it love.

How does the ritual work? This light provides energy directly usable by the cells and also produces vasodilation and, therefore, an increase in blood circulation and a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Also stimulation of fibroblasts (which generates a greater natural production of collagen and elastin, responsible for skin firmness), elimination of liquids (with reduction of swelling, adiposity, cellulite, etc.), increased immune system and much more.

The best thing is that you will feel absolutely no discomfort - on the contrary, the device produces a pleasant relaxing effect and yes, you will be able to quickly appreciate a tightening effect on both the body and the face, a drainage of bags under the eyes, an improvement in the appearance of the skin (it is more uniform), less body swelling (results are literally measurable)…

A session usually lasts between 25 and 35 minutes and the price varies depending on the area to be treated. Our advice? since you're going, Treat yourself to its effects throughout the body, You will leave feeling like new.


would you like to see you the face purified, revitalized and sculpted in a natural way with 100% cruelty free products? Then surely you are interested in the Lotus Blossom Experience, a protocol from The Secret Lab (C/ Zurbano, 4, lower left), which works on the face and neck with the Butijour product line, an exclusive Korean firm that created The Lifting Theory, based on biological technology and botanical therapy.

Lotus flower extract is one of its star ingredients, but it also contains camellia extract and green tea, and other assets of antioxidant, firming, regenerating and anti-inflammatory action.

The Secret Lab

The Secret Lab, Madrid.

First, the face is gently cleansed and the skin is balanced with a toner. Afterwards, it is exfoliated with a mask –which is left to act for 15 minutes– and, during this time, calming maneuvers on the upper trunk and neck with the gua sha stone.

Then a serum is applied and, with the excess product, the gua sha is used to massage the face in upward movements, starting at the chin and moving up towards the jaw, to help drain toxins and improve circulation. On the eye contour, apply a patch of Boutijour, which is left to act for 15 minutes.

On the face, the most suitable mask is applied according to the type of skin –for the reaffirmation of the facial oval, for intense hydration and repair or for a global lifting effect–, It is left to act for another 15 minutes and a draining massage is performed with the product and the gua sha (60 minutes/€80).


The beauty guru Paz Torralba opens center in the capital –TBC Store (Ortega y Gasset, 45) – and she celebrates it by offering exclusively an anti-aging beauty treatment in collaboration with the Spanish cosmetic firm Miriam Quevedo . It is called Black Baccara C-Radiance Ultimate Uplifting and its objectives are attack flaccidity and end the dull tone on the face.

Space TBC Store of The Beauty Concept

New space TBC Store of The Beauty Concept.

The ritual combines 50% vitamin C, tensor maneuvers and 24-carat gold to restore turgor of the skin, refining the skin surface, blurring the signs of aging and, at the same time, providing a decongestant and illuminating effect in the eye contour.

The manual technique to achieve firmness It has been developed by Miriam Quevedo and combines stretching with sustained pressure and high-speed percussion to provide a double effect: lifting and renewing. In turn, the luminosity is achieved thanks to active ingredients that refine the skin surface, blur the signs of aging and pigmentation spots.

Via acupressure maneuvers, manual lymphatic drainage and muscle stimulation enhance the lifting and decongestant effect in the area and, in addition, dark circles are reduced, toxins are drained and oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells, attenuating expression lines and wrinkles (80 minutes/€300).


The look gives us away: reveals our lack of sleep, our age, our endless hours in front of the laptop... so, from time to time, you deserve a flash effect treatment that, in addition, has a cumulative beneficial result if repeated throughout the year.

“This is the first treatment I have tried with a result that lasts several days after having been made”, says Liliana Ajuelos, Director of Communication at Amselem Aesthetic Doctors. The expert refers to Eye Contour by Sofia Bertrand, one of the two protocols in the cabin that can be enjoyed from now on in her new clinic in Madrid.

Ignacio Bertrand, CEO of Sofia Bertrand, He has chosen Amselem because of the high level of demand they share, as he explains, and proposes two different protocols. The first is focused on a renewed, firm and luminous skin (Gold Sublime 24k), which includes excellent manual work –performed by expert hands trained by the firm– and the application of three exclusive products.

Specifically, 24k gold foil, the award-winning elixir 303 Hyaluronic Radiant –with a Botox effect– and 304 Sublime Youth 24K Elixir, whose gold particles are mixed, right at the time of application, with the rest of the formula, in which the protagonist is premium hyaluronic acid. This is how hydration works, the lack of luminosity, expression lines are softened and sensitivity is attenuated, in addition to reaffirming immediately (€170).

The second protocol, Eye Contour, is specifically indicated for the finest and most delicate areas of the face: the eye contour and the lip contour. Includes the application of a collagen mask, with algae and rosa damascena, which increases elasticity, decongests, revitalizes and smoothes wrinkles.

It also contains 24k gold, which promotes firmness and radiance, and before going out, a few drops of 708 Sublime Eyes are applied, which exerts a triple action against dark circles, wrinkles and bags, in addition to acting as an invisible bra (€95).

Gema Cabañero Aesthetic and antiaging clinic

Cabañero gem.


Have you already seen the nougat on the supermarket shelves and the sequined dresses in the fashion windows? Exactly, the countdown to Christmas has already begun and it's worth it prepare the body to be radiant at events and celebrations. Mainly because, let's face it, doing it is a pleasure that we do not want to miss.

The Gema Cabañero antiaging & aesthetic clinic (C/ Don Ramón de la Cruz, 69) offers you to take a little time to feel good about yourself and enjoy your skin based on drops of gold, sapphire, diamonds and black orchid. Why such a luxurious cocktail? because these ingredients extract the greatest luminosity from your skin in record time.

The treatment is called Jewel Skin and combines high cosmetics with manual techniques and an advanced technique that unites in a single device galvanic microcurrents, led light therapy and ultrasound.

Helps reduce wrinkles, sagging and energizes, thanks to the power of galvanic microcurrents conducted through gloves with silver fiber and 99% pure oxygen, that provides energy to the cells, reaffirming the muscles and eliminating the signs of fatigue.

What can I expect from the cabin process? First, a deep cleansing of the face. Next, exfoliation with Diamond Peel, a mechanical peeling by dermabrasion with natural gemstone particles, which stimulates cell regeneration. Then a lift massage is performed with the silver fiber gloves which makes the assets penetrate deeply.

The face is then covered with the LED mask to apply facial light therapy, which decongests the face. A formula is applied to the eye contour to treat the area of ​​dark circles, bags and wrinkles.

Finally, it spreads on the skin a serum rich in vitamins, peptides, hyaluronic acid and lipoic acid, through circular and relaxing massages, and ascending massages are performed from the neck to the face to activate cell regeneration and (the best) sink into deep relaxation (75 minutes/from €150).

Diana Montoya Clinic

Diana Montoya Clinic, in Madrid.


Make no mistake, applying one product to the skin is not the same as another. The beautician Diana Montoya knows this well and that is why she combines her expert techniques -they say that she has wonderful hands with the most prestigious cosmetic products.

To get our faces ready for the holidays, Diana recommends an anti-aging facial care treatment composed of hyaluronic acid that provides luminosity, deep hydration and improves expression lines, with the seal of quality one of our favorite Spanish firms: Natura Bissé .

Jewel Skin Treatment at the Gema Cabañero Antiaging and Aesthetic Clinic

Jewel Skin treatment at the Gema Cabañero clinic.

Inhibit Face Lift is a protocol that is applied in a 90-minute session divided into three phases: a first in which a rejuvenating enzymatic exfoliant is applied; another phase consisting of massage maneuvers, and finally the application of hyaluronic acid to hydrate and a nourishing mask.

The result? Filling of mini-wrinkles, deep hydration and lots and lots of light. In fact, this treatment is frequently used by celebrities walking the red carpet (c.p.v.).


As they made clear in the Fleabag series: hair is everything. If your hair doesn't look good, it's quite possible that you don't feel comfortable with anything about your appearance.

This time of year, moreover, our hair It suffers from the change of season and it is usual to have some loss of density. Not to mention that the use of chemicals (dyes, discolorations, perms), inadequate combs, brushes and scissors or excessive heat and cold (irons, dryers, tongs) can cause irreversible damage in the hair cuticle.

We advise you to take adequate nutrition, moderate stress and help with some nutricosmetics... but you can also give a little 'shot' to your hair to make it look healthier. Oxygen therapy is the solution proposed by BeOxy, a unisex treatment based on the application of pure oxygen to hydrate, nourish and recover the texture of the hair.

Capillary oxygenation beauty treatment

Lacking shine and strength? Maybe your hair needs oxygen.

When applied directly to the scalp, together with the active ingredients of the serums -which provide a high content of nutrients such as vitamins, peptides and an anti-loss complex–, It helps to stimulate cell renewal, protect from discoloration and intensify hair color.

The number of sessions needed to see results depends on the condition of the hair, which will be stronger, elastic and hydrated, and with the natural color highlighted, but you will notice the effects from the first session (€50/session).

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