Plans for the weekend (April 22, 23 and 24)


OF EXPOSITION. In the era dominated by mobile phones and Instagram, we think we are very modern photographing everything we eat every day, but the truth is that in painting they were also authentic influencers. The Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum has prepared numerous thematic routes to explore his works, and in this case, they focus in gastronomy.

Museums admit a wide variety of types of visit. There are those who do it according to the artist, others in chronological order and those who prefer to do it according to the artistic style. This time, we focus on ways of eating, markets, food and everything related to gastronomy that inspired artists for centuries, with works such as The Cook , by Gabriel Metsu or Still life with crockery and sweets , by Juan van Der Hamen and León. We eat? (Check the route)

BETWEEN HOURS. We love to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in restaurants, but we all agree that the best plan is the appetizer . That snack between friends in which we tell past anecdotes and plan future ones, laugh and toast. In the restaurant The only one did not want to miss the opportunity to offer that magical moment to their customers, and that is why they are now launching your letter between hours with a non-stop kitchen.

to the fires, Andrés Madrigal with his well-known Mexican cuisine , a delicious fusion that rescues the best of Mexico adapting to European tastes. From 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., some of the classic tacos will be waiting for us there, such as Sepulveda's suckling pig , rimmed with pibil, guacamole and beans, or the Governor with red shrimp , Oaxacan cheese crust, pico de gallo and smoked chipotle aioli. Snack between meals, our biggest (and best) vice. (Claudio Coello Street, 10, Madrid)

OF FESTIVAL. With the arrival of good weather, we look forward with the enthusiasm of a child to the upcoming festivals, but also to those that land for the first time. The latter is the case of IBEROEXPERIA , an event that brings together music, gastronomy and diversity, but also the best of Spain, Portugal and Latin America . On April 23 and 24 we are going to IFEMA Madrid.

What do they have prepared for us? For starters, a good dose of feminine artists. In a clear commitment to the presence of women and a protest against the absence of them and other groups in other places, the poster is made up of 60% female and trans artists . Among the components, Ana Tijoux, Fado Bicha, Systema Solar, or Duda Beat.

And as for gastronomy, we will be looking forward to trying the recipes from from Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil . And not only savoring them, but attending two cooking shows starring the Uruguayan chef Thomas Bartesaghi and the Ecuadorian restaurant AYAWASKHA, represented by Miguel Angel Mendez . An all-in-one that takes us through diversity, not only gender, but also geographical. (Buy your tickets)


Are we going to a festival?

PHOTOGRAPHY. It is always curious to see how artists show the public what they want to see, but keep another good dose of creativity in a safe place. Attending to the most intimate creations of each one reveals many features of their vision of the world. Perhaps that is why the exhibition Calder-Miró under the gaze of a Spanish photographer be so special.

Joan Miró and Alexander Calder meet here, but after the perspective of the collector and cultural manager Alfredo Melgar . After sharing numerous anecdotes in the 1970s, he now exhibits unpublished sketches, doodles and strokes de Miró and Calder's personal lithographic work, a window into his creative and most intimate processes. (Opening on April 22 at 6:00 p.m., at Galería Bat Alberto Cornejo, Madrid)

CalderMiro Exhibition

A glimpse into the hidden worlds of Calder and Miró.

CONCERT. The saying goes: he who warns is not a traitor. That is why we announced with a lot of time, not just any plan, but THE PLAN. Next June they land in Spain the Red Hot Chili Peppers! And although they do it with two concerts, Seville and Barcelona, ​​the bad news is that in the Andalusian capital they have already posted the sold out.

The legendary group begins its tour in style on June 4 and 7 , and it does so in a very special way, with the return of guitarist John Frusciante. And, although they come to present the songs from their new album, Unlimited Love, there will be no shortage of legendary hits that have made us dance and sing to the four winds for so long. We still have a chance, run for your tickets!

Red Hot Chilli Peppers

They are welcome!

SHOPPING. If someone says "it's already spring" absolutely we all know what he is talking about, and this year it was not going to be less. Effectively, it's already spring in The English Court and welcome you with the actress Blanca Suárez . The company welcomes the season as it deserves: with a good portion of flowers, birds and butterflies.

This bucolic universe comes to reaffirm the desire we had to this long-awaited break . Blanca Suárez dresses in the colors that will represent the coming months, playing with shapes and patterns. The joy caused by these lasting rays of sunshine is also reflected in clothing, and The English Court has shown it.

TOWARDS THE FUTURE. We have already spoken on numerous occasions about sustainability and its importance. But taking advantage of the fact that tomorrow is Earth Day, we come to talk about Mad Blue, the reference event in innovation, science and culture towards sustainable development . From April 22 to May 1, our gaze will be focused on the planet.

MadBlue brings together companies, startups, artists and professionals with a mission: to promote the economy of the regions following the path of circular and ecological economy . What awaits us there? From conferences to concerts with artists such as Izal, Lori Meyers, Kiko Veneno or Miss Caffeina, among many others.

April 30 lands in the park Enrique Tierno Galván with a multitude of activities, such as showcookings by renowned chefs, charity races or a sustainable market of local producers. But the experiences begin much earlier: pick up waste From the Jarama River or plant trees will be some of them. (Buy your tickets)

TO EAT. Sometimes, we do not go out to eat as much as we would like and it is that although it is one of our favorite plans, our pocket suffers the consequences. But we have good news: The Fork Festival arrives from today until June 5 , and this means that more than 1,000 restaurants in Spain and 6,000 around the world join the edition with 50% discounts.

People from Madrid like Con Amor, from Barcelona like Cibulet, or from Valencia like Meat Marker. only booking through the app TheFork We can now eat these next few weeks at half price.

Woman eating in a restaurant

We feast!

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