Madrid will have the first hammock in the country


Let's claim the right to nap in a hammock

Let's claim the right to nap in a hammock

We should all be happy by law. For some, joy is what you feel when you are in love, while others find motivation in dreaming, in imagining a hypothetical and wonderful future that they will someday achieve. There are also times when happiness lies in apathy, in doing nothing.

But Transition Institute Breaks the Circle goes further: “If we are to rewrite Human Rights for the 21st century, the right to laziness has to play an important role. We propose one: "every man or woman has the right to dream that they fall in love lying in a hammock" ”.

Forty hammocks woven by the residents of Móstoles will give life to a wonderful project: **the first hammock in Spain**. To throw yourself into one of these hammocks you just have to write down the ' people's nap to be held on saturday may 26 , starting at 12:30, in the pinar del Finca Liana Park of this Madrid town.

This brilliant project has been organized by the **Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M)**, which was fascinated by the idea of ​​the hammock, exposed as a result of the ideas that arose in some workshops promoted by the **Institute of Transition Break the Circle ** (a project that reflects on new ways of taking advantage of resources in society) . They have also had the collaboration of Weaving Mostoles and with the support of Municipality of Mostoles.

" The hammock always has been the symbol of rest, of dreams, of the south , understood not as a cardinal point, but as a mental geography that evokes tranquility, sweet laziness, a good and at the same time simple life. The problem of our time is that the hammock has become a luxury product. A sustainable society would have to seek “democratize the hammock” " explains the Transition Institute Breaks the Circle.

The objective of this initiative is claim the right to laziness and demonstrate the ability of many people to achieve the impossible. Yes, as you hear. As shocking as this approach may seem, Already in the 19th century Paul Lafargue wrote an essay in which he spoke of this right reluctantly.

long live laziness

Long live laziness!

“The right to laziness is the right to disconnect , not having to answer whatsapps or work emails outside of working hours, not having to survive in such precarious lives while surrounded by material wealth so excessive that it hits us like a boomerang. It is the right to introduce a little common sense in an insane world ”, explains the Transition Institute Breaks the Circle to

The original idea for the hammock-drome arose during some visionary imagination workshops of the Transition Institute Breaks the Circle , in collaboration with different groups of the city, in which they raised new and idyllic ways of living in the future in the city faced with the need to adapt to the energy and material scarcity that climate change and the oil crisis will cause.

green spaces are essential to achieve urban sustainability . In the 21st century, cities should move towards a model that could be suggestive to imagine as a forest city. As defended by an author who inspires us a lot to rethink the city, Lewis Mumford , that the relationship between country and city becomes " a stable marriage and not on a weekend fling "", comments the Institute of Transition Breaks the Circle to

In one of the meetings, a girl proposed to put hammocks all over the city to lie down when she was tired. Wish granted!

Map of Mostoles 2030

Map of Mostoles 2030

Year 2030. The right to laziness has become an inalienable human right in the society in transition. The radical decrease in the productive rate, combined with the distribution of wealth, has multiplied free time. Public hammocks, for the use of anyone, proliferate in a much quieter city, in the same way that park benches proliferated in the 20th century.

An area of ​​Móstoles concentrates such a number of hammocks that it is known as the popular hammock. It is frequented by a large group of neighbors who have turned the siesta in the open air into an art”, says the sample “It will be once... Móstoles 2030” .

But why wait 12 years to make this utopia a reality? let's daydream . For this reason, the hammocks, made with hammock and macramé , have been woven by a hundred citizens who wanted to participate in the workshops that have taken place in recent months to build the bucolic hammock as soon as possible.

ecofeminism has emphasized the importance of care for life and the need to defeminize them. This is reflected in the hammock: a place is built for the community to take care of itself and, at the same time, during the process women teach knowledge that has traditionally been feminine , but what in an egalitarian society they must be common heritage and responsibility ”.

On the opening day, apart from setting up the hammocks, a shared meal will be held (you can bring the food and drink you like), there will be live music and the hammock will be released with a mass nap, because a good nap shows us that you can live well with less. Are you going to miss?

*Report published on May 17, 2018 and updated on May 25, 2018

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