Survival guide for your vacation in Italy


Holidays in Rome

Holidays in Rome


“Don't worry about the language, you will understand each other perfectly”. This is what everyone who has traveled to Italy usually says and they are partially right, but of course, they forget to add: “If your interlocutor does not speak quickly, in dialect, he doesn't add 's' to the end of every word or he doesn't do all this at once”.

So, it is best to that you ask them to speak to you in Italian – Italians, like Spaniards, are bad at languages, although in tourism you can get some good surprises - and space, you for your part, stop putting 'ino' 'ini' and 'ina' to everything.

Italian life

Italian life

Be very patient if nothing else hear the word Spain , they begin to drop the three 'magic words': 'bullfighting, flamenco and paella'. It is true that in recent years you have become famous, and very much, for your equality policies – half of the Italian gay community has moved to Madrid -, renowned architects or star chefs, among many other things, but in the traditional popular Italian culture those three 'magic words' carry a lot of weight, be patient.


The espresso it is ' good of national interest in Italy' , you don't play with him. The coffee will only be served to you ristretto (the further south you go, the more ristretto it will be), so if you're not up for those kinds of experiences, better ask for a macchiato (cut) or an Americano ; in summer you can opt for a shakerato, an espresso with sugar and ice (in Sicily it also has coffee granita), but keep in mind a small inconvenience, you will never be able to order an iced coffee again.

**The cappuccino (without cinnamon and with dark chocolate powder) ** in Italy it is ordered only for breakfast neither after lunch nor after dinner. Of course, you are free to ask for it whenever you want, we are only warning you in case a waiter or diner looks at you strangely. You don't have food in your teeth or anything, you're just having a cappuccino after hours.

With coffee you don't play

You don't play with coffee


In Italy pasta is cooked al dente, don't even think about sending the dish back to the chef for a little more cooking! As long as you're not doing some sort of sociological research on 'the thousand and one ways to command wind in Italian'.

The snack time in the transalpine country it starts at 18 in the afternoon. One of the most widespread customs in the North is that of ' fare the appetizer ' (make the appetizer), to say, go to a bar, order a prosecco or a spritz and enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet . The drink usually costs around 10 euros, but you will almost certainly save yourself a dinner. In recent years, the fashion of the aperitif has also reached the South, but not to almost all bars, as it happens in the North.

The hour of the aperitif in Italy the sacred hour

Aperitif time in Italy: the sacred hour


Beyond the gastronomic habits, North and South are also different for their time customs, their daily routine rhythms and some other little thing...

In the North you can sit down to eat at 12 and you will have to forget about being able to do it after 2:30 p.m. and at dinner time, you can reserve a table between 18 and 21:30 . In the South, everything is a bit more spacious and relaxed, so everything starts and ends 30 minutes to an hour later . Fortunately – in case you are chronically late – or unfortunately, This slightly more bohemian rhythm of life is also reflected in the arrival time of the regular network trains. (the cheapest and that do not require prior reservation) ; punctuality in the South is not an imperative, it is a possibility, if you feel a certain attraction for the unforeseen and chaos, your thing with that area of ​​Italy will be love at first sight.

If there is something where Italians from the North and Italians from the South are alike like two drops of water, it is queuing. As a general rule, we are unaware of this internationally recognized rule of coexistence. We start to make lines in a disorderly way , you know, if you want to integrate, forget about asking for the time, put yourself where you think convenient and at some point your turn will come.

North and South frontal contrast

North and South: frontal contrast


You have to stamp your ticket train in some machines that are near the train tracks, before getting on board; in case of not doing it, the controller can fine you . In the bus the driver does not also fulfill the function of the controller, as is often the case in Spain; controllers go up from time to time. For this reason there is a fairly widespread belief according to which in Italy it is possible to sneak into the bus, but we trust your civic sense.

The thing about driving in Italy... it's for another report

The thing about driving in Italy... it's for another report


The Italian party concept is quite different from the Spanish one. Most of the bars where it is possible to dance close at 3 in the morning at the latest, if you want to continue until the early hours of the morning you will have to go to a nightclub and these are usually far from the city center. As for the patron saint festivities, be prepared to see many processions... There are no street bars or DJ sets, just food and drink stalls and a stage with live music. We are more boring, we admit it.


As usual, tourism in Italy is more expensive than tourism in Spain . Going out for dinner, visiting a museum, staying in a hotel, taking a taxi or consuming alcohol is worth more than here and the entrance to the clubs does not include any drinks. A good option to save some on accommodation without sacrificing comfort is to book a room in a bed and breakfast.

Surely you have heard of our Kind of quirky driving (the further south, the more peculiar) . Well, if you are not prepared for strong emotions, better not rent a car.

Another thing for which we are famous, much to our regret and thanks to the Italians who spend the summer in Formentera, is the heaviness of our men. Calm down woman, you will be able to do it and more. Some may even make you tick!

What if, we say ciao both to greet and to say goodbye , so don't think we're in a hurry to lose sight of you.

When in doubt, don't make jokes about the mob.

The Godfather

When in doubt, don't make jokes about the mob.

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