Zuheros, the town that sails on a sea of ​​olive trees


Panoramic of Zuheros

Zuheros, one of the most beautiful towns in the world

Breathe in hard. Concentrate the fresh air of the countryside in your lungs. Feel it run through the narrow alleys. Roll around in the squares. Escape downhill through the corners more unexpected. Let, after all, accompany you on your journey through one of the most beautiful villages in the world.

And it is not that we say it, eh? This title, well displayed in a plate in the very center of Zuheros , was awarded in 2016 at the annual meeting of the Federation of the Most Beautiful Towns in the World . And we assure you that you will only need to reach the end of this article to understand the why.

street of zuheros

The white streets of Zuheros

Just 75 kilometers from Córdoba, Zuheros has managed to keep intact the essence of the past through time. It is believed that its first settlers arrived at the end of the 9th century when the soldiers Banu Himsi they built an imposing castle on the rocks -called 'sujaira'- that would govern from the heights, and to this day, the spectacular natural environment that surrounds it.

Fate wanted Zuheros to be originally granaine. Then Cordoba. Its past full of history means that walking through its streets today means soak up its roots. Soak up those towns that passed through here and continue to do so. Like the community of english that, in the XXI century, has been able to find in this piece of Andalusia the perfect corner in which backing out.

But, before you start to discover where its charms lie, do check in. For this we propose the Hacienda Minerva , located on the outskirts of Zuheros. an ancient 19th century farmhouse of those with which we all dream when we think of accommodation that makes us disconnect of the world.

Arab Baths at Hacienda Minerva

Arab baths at Hacienda Minerva

In the heart -literal- of Andalusia, and wrapped in a immense sea of ​​olive trees, It's time to stay in one of the 24 rooms that Minerva has. Andalusian air their own little streets, full of pots with colorful flowers, fountains and jars, it is just a preamble of what you will find later in the village.

Their swimming pool It has the most privileged views, but also inside there are enough excuses to linger more than the account in the hotel. A visit to his Arab baths It won't be a bad idea. As well as tasting the local gastronomy in your restaurant or in his tavern. A cap of Zuheros cheese , maybe? Well, let's calm down, this has only just begun.

To get an idea of ​​the enviable situation of Zuheros, see it first from afar. Those who think that the white towns of Andalusia are only found in Cádiz, have here the proof that nothing further of reality. Bathed in the sun, their houses wrapped in white lime they give away a picture of those that you have to keep in memory.

castle of zuheros

To get an idea of ​​the enviable situation of Zuheros, contemplate it from afar

Back in town, go up to the Villa Lookout, from where you can admire the saw. A landscape full of ridges, cliffs and extensive fields lined by hundreds of olive groves : that is the gift that Zuhereños wake up with every day.

The perfect labyrinth of alleys put your lungs to the test slopes of all sizes and shapes. But there is no need to fear: here it is that take your time That you stop to contemplate every detail and every corner. that you soak up the authenticity of Zuheros.

You have to understand that the beauty it gives off is not something casual: all the neighbors work side by side , every day of the year, for turning Zuheros into one of the towns more charming . Keeping the impeccable facades, watering their colorful flower pots or sweeping their driveways. The same in which, for much of the year, they sit in the cool to chat about the mundane and the divine.

Zuheros street with plants

The beauty of the town is a common effort

But there is something else. Concentrate and observe: when the good weather arrives, the women of the town take pains to draw, with tact and a very good pulse , the characteristic border that decorates its streets.

What do we mean? Very simple: at fine black line that marks the junction between the ground and the beginning of the white walls. That detail, dear friend, is something as characteristic of Zuheros as the orange soak, a typical dish to savor in any of its restaurants.

And since we are talking about food, let's continue! It's time for taste the gastronomic pleasures from town. And for this, the restaurant of the Hotel Zuhayra it is a great option. There, to this kind of salad based on oranges, hard-boiled egg, tuna and cod, it will have to be followed with a second dish called carnation: a bean stew with a curdled egg which takes away the meaning.

chickpea dish

Gastronomic delights at Hotel Zuhayra

It will cost, but you will have to give the slip to the desire to nap : much remains to be discovered. For example, him Museum of Art and Popular Customs Juan Fernández Cruz , a historic building of more than 100 years in which the old apothecary of the town collected and exhibited all kinds of tillage equipment and objects –no less than 3,000 pieces- related to the Zuhereño way of life. A walk through its two floors is synonymous with walk through history of this Cordovan town.

In another museum, this time the one belonging to Francisco Poyato , you will discover a different profile of Zuheros: the artistic one. it's own painter and sculptor responsible for opening this space daily, also used as study , to give visitors the opportunity to delve into his art.

Pure surrealism painted in bright colors define his work, inspired, above all, by the town itself: this is where Francisco was born and where he has lived all his life.

weight tools in Museum of Art and Popular Customs Juan Fernndez Cruz

Retrace the history of Zuheros in its museum of popular arts

It's time for you to head to Peace Square , the nerve center of Zuheros. meeting place of older and younger, where gentlemen with berets and canes talk on their benches every afternoon while children play and run around next to the fountain.

This is also where the old castle. We already said it at the beginning of the article: twelve centuries, neither more nor less, it has crowned the tower, the only remnant of what was once the arab fortification , the cliff on which it stands. On the opposite side, where the view cannot reach from the square, there are the remains of the palace of Renaissance style that also existed in its day.

It will be strange if you do not coincide here with some food or craft festival. Every September, by the way, you should not miss the cheese party, ideal time to taste one of the treasures of Zuheros. to take you some edible souvenir home, nothing like approaching the Los Balanchares cheese factory and take a look at his store.

It won't be a bad idea to get some organic oil produced in the area: Zuheros is located 656 meters above sea level and its olive groves offer a quality oil extraordinary.

zuhers at night

656 meters above sea level are enough for an extraordinary oil

And from the heart of Zuheros, to his entrails. Head to one of the neolithic sites most important in Andalusia: the Cave of the Bats.

Four different species inhabit it, hence its name, although there are many other details for which it is worth visiting. For example? Their antiquity: its creation was due to a tectonic movement no less than 500,000 years ago. It also attracts the knowledge that until now it has only been possible to know an eighth of the cave, of which only 415 meters can be visited.

Inside they were found Neolithic bone remains and its walls treasure artistic examples : paintings that represent Hispanic goats and that, it is believed, were made between the 3,500 and 4,000 BC.

Cave of the Bats of Zuheros

Cave of the Bats of Zuheros, prehistoric connection

But the thing does not end here: if you are one of those who love contact with nature and outdoor sports, you're in luck. Located in full Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park, there are several hiking and biking trails that cross the natural environment of Zuheros and allow you to enjoy the town from a different point of view. An example is the Green Way: 65 kilometers of route that runs along the path of the old Oil Train passing through towns as picturesque as Luque, Goat or Lucena.

The Bailon river trail, another of the options, follow the course of the river and cross corners as outstanding as the waterfall of The Chorrera or the source of Fuenfria. During the journey open your eyes wide: you will be able to contemplate vultures and some other raptor like him short-toed eagle

And at this point, you will collect and think, probably, yes: that perhaps Zuheros's poetic soul arises in part from its environment. Of its landscapes full of olive trees. Or maybe it will make it from its cobbled streets and its Arabic origin.

But, be that as it may, there is one thing that will be clear to you: Zuheros is one of those corners that surprise. who fall in love And that, in most cases, we forget that we have a stone's throw from home.

nature of zuheros

Zuheros trails are worth a walk

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