Atypical decalogue to overcome post-holiday syndrome


Post-holiday depression What is that?

Tips to overcome the return of vacations

"We call post-vacation syndrome a series of symptoms that appear in those people who suffer from mental and/or physical difficulties trying to adapt to the change that means leaving vacations behind to return to the usual rhythm of work", explains the renowned psychologist ** José Bustamante .**

"Most people are able to make the transition without too much effort, but for others it becomes a real ordeal ", he clarifies. How do you know if you also suffer from it?" The most common symptoms are irritability, sadness, tiredness, difficulty falling asleep -which obviously involve drowsiness during the day-, etc", lists the expert.

But what if it's not you who happens to it, if it's not To your childs ? It is necessary to pay even a little more attention then: "Some children experience something similar with going back to school, but beware: just like, for adults who live in their jobs situations of mobbing , the post-holiday syndrome is much more intense, it is advisable to be alert in the case of children who show a particularly high rejection before returning to school, as it could be a symptom of bullying school Bustamante warns.

Now that you can put a name to what is happening to you with the expectation that September will arrive again, enough crying! Because we have ten tips that will make the heartbroken laugh, jump to the crestfallen and drive travelers at heart crazy with euphoria. Here they go!

The low one does not forgive, face her with these crazy plans

The low one does not forgive; stand up to him with these crazy plans!

1. September has arrived and, inexplicably, you are still with your partner? start planning a romantic getaway to celebrate! Because, as happens in love, sometimes the only thing that gives us life after leaving a relationship (summer) is a little dalliance (the getaway).

2."Try to put the focus of attention on what you earn for starting with the work routine (perhaps you start to take better care of yourself, get together with friends you haven't seen during the holidays, etc..) Every moment and stage has something good ", warns Bustamante. Therefore, we propose a challenge to meet from September, something fun, healthy and that involves spending time away from home. For example, learn to surf .

3. Convince your friends to spend a weekend of absolute debauchery on one of these beaches. We are in September, so there will be fewer people and better prices! Even our expert recommends it when he says: "Organize meetups with friends to feel like the holiday spirit is still in the air ".

Four. Start to gather information for your next long trip. Where will it be? Will you go alone? Only ? With your children? With your brother? The mere act of planning the details of your next vacation will make going back to work less of a hassle!

5. New course, new purposes: What if ** you start saving to have THE VACATION OF YOUR DREAMS **? Take it as a challenge instead of something boring: if you think about it very seriously, maybe you can catch them in Christmas !

In September the beach can be whatever you want it to be

In September, the beach can be whatever you want it to be

6. Start a series of those that make you want to travel : It will be like being somewhere else! In addition, it is fully compatible with one of our specialist's tips: "At the end of your vacation, start have more similar sleeping and eating schedules the ones you'll have when they're done."

7. Look at your own city with different eyes, as if you were a tourist. How about starting an Instagram account dedicated to all those cute places you pass by every day without realizing it? will encourage you to rediscover it !

8. Devote at least one weekend a month to know the surroundings. How about a walk in the mountains or a ** picnic in the countryside ** ?

9. Connect with the present , because, although we love to get excited about plans that will take place in the future, enjoying the now is essential to feel good about ourselves. "Set motivating goals, focus more on what is good about the present and in what you want to achieve than in what has already happened", explains Bustamante. How about doing it through the meditation ? You don't need anything to carry it out (besides Will ) and, if you're serious about it, you may eventually want to join the ultimate "present experience": **a silent retreat**.

10. Check the agenda of the place where you live (or ours!) and go to readings, museums, restaurant openings... whatever and whenever so as not to fall into the boring dynamics of from-work-to-home-and-from-home-to-work . "Don't lock yourself in the house and the routines of your work days," Bustamante warns us. "Keep visiting the terraces, the beach or the pool and do it too weekday , don't expect to do it only on Saturdays and Sundays", concludes the author.

Go out even to the field

Go out even to the field!

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