Little manual to do yoga with children


mother and daughter doing yoga

Mother and daughter working out together doing exercise at home

We continue to stay home, and many of us are running out of ideas for keep the fun - and sanity - flowing in the family . Surely, given the avalanche of proposals that flood the networks these days, the idea of ​​doing yoga with the little ones has occurred to you. But how exactly do you get down to it? We spoke with Noelia Castro , a Hatha Yoga instructor specializing in courses for boys and girls, who also has two little ones at home, so that she can provide us with a small user manual.


"The very meaning of the word 'yoga' is Union , so, during these days at home, it provides us with quality time and family togetherness in which we observe each other in order to understand each other better, so that improve coexistence ", explains Castro. "It also helps us, through practice, to apply values ​​such as the three 'R's of respect: respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for space . Only with this theme, a lot of games and activities can be done. For example, each one on their mat -or beach towel- or something similar-, must understand that this is their own and sacred space, and carry out the practice respecting their space and that of others ".

"On a physical level, it helps keep us in shape and provides flexibility, corrects bad postural habits, helps us become aware of our body... It also improves coordination and concentration and it also helps us to relax the mind , in addition to promoting positive thinking".


"If we do not know the practice of yoga, nothing happens : from love and flowing everything can be done, you just need comfortable clothes and a comfortable space (a corridor is worth it, or the space left in the living room by removing the coffee table, for example. It is enough that we can move without making ourselves damage or accidentally break something)," the instructor begins.

"On the other hand, if we don't want to complicate ourselves, the easiest thing is find an image of a yoga asana and imitate it , or take several and invent a story with them (although it doesn't make much sense, nothing happens). We can also do breathing exercises, such as balloon breathing, which consists of inflating the belly as if it were a balloon, imagining that we swell with inhalation and deflate with exhalation. We can accompany the inhalation by raising the arms, and the exhalation, letting them fall until they touch the ground.

This practice, and all those proposed by the expert, are valid at any age . "It depends a lot on the child, but from the age of three is a good time to start, as their brain begins to be more aware of their body. This does not mean that we cannot do it before: I encourage you to try it and see what happens," he says.

And she continues: "If there are adults at home who practice yoga, but never as a family, this is a good time to start: explain to the little ones that they are going to do yoga, and that they should react as if they were a mirror , imitating the adult. Make up a song with the greeting to the sun and its movements, make a drawing of an asana and make up its name, or write one related to animals, for example."

"My recommendation in both cases is that moms and dads research the internet and that they experience the practice from love, from the game, flowing, since there will be little ones who want to do one thing and others who want to do another. There will also be those who get frustrated, who get bored... But it doesn't matter: this is a time to explore, observe and learn from each other; everything that happens will be fine, as long as it is within the limits of the three "R's" that I explained before, and those of the family itself," continues Castro, who recommends Ma Nunú's Facebook page. "Tell stories very beautiful that can be applied to yoga".


The hardest thing about doing yoga with children? "'You can't stop moving!' exclaims the instructor, laughing. "The best is go with an open mind, and without expectations , flowing in any situation. We must be aware that they are children, and that, in addition, with us, the parents, they behave differently than with a teacher. I already commented, and you can see it in my videos, that there are situations in which they get bored or want to do something else..."

"My son Mauro, for example, goes his own way, it's like this: he gets frustrated or confused, but nothing happens, life is beautiful! (Just like a mantra that is used a lot with little ones). Or either we try to encourage him to come back, showing him how much fun we had, or we leave him his space and he'll come back. we can accompany him doing the exercise. Doing yoga as a family should be a fun time in which 'everything' is fine Castro explains.

Another trick for those times when you get disconnected from practice? "You can create or search for a song and play it in moments of lack of control, while it plays, you tell them to sit like an Indian, with their legs crossed and their eyes closed so they can relax and center themselves. To re-center them, you can also use a sticker between the eyebrows , explaining to them that when they feel nervous or 'strange', they should put their index finger on it and sing the OM".

"Above all, You have to understand that they are children and express their emotions with their bodies: dads and moms at this time, we guide, support, observe and help from understanding, respect and deepest love . Thus, to carry out the practice with children, I encourage you to bring out your inner boy or girl, and from there, develop imagination and creativity from the heart, from the flow", concludes the expert.

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