Ways to travel within oneself


girl making heart with her hands in infinity pool over trees

a stress cure

Autumn makes you want to take care of yourself and above all, not to fall back into chronic stress as a way of life. Increasingly, professionals from all fields agree that many of the current diseases are related to the emotional states and, in particular, with stress factors intense and prolonged. Here is a selection of practices for shake it off , which combine the mind, body and spirit.


"Did you know that the magic of life Is it a puzzle that moves?” Monica tells me over the phone, hundreds of thousands of kilometers from where I am. She an old marketing directive, she has just finished one of her trips in a group by Vietnam . It is about the trips that she organizes through Asia, her official home of the last years.

“I come from Matrix deep ”, she tells me between laughs through a WhatsApp audio. “I had seemingly everything in life until a traumatic accident , returning from Sierra Nevada, made me see that I had nothing . That every day life was giving me a gift: health . This was eight years ago. I left everything and went out into the world.”

This is how ** Apasho Yoga began,** like a one-way ticket to ** India, Thailand, Vietnam** … until the decision to make her passion her way of life came on its own: “What if ** traveling and doing yoga ** could become a job?, I wondered”.

Today, on her website, she proposes Destinations that she is inspecting previously-“Some with more or less adventure, others with more or less wellness …”- and in which a group of people make yoga (plus lots of other things) between 16 and 20 days , depending on availability. Practice takes place in places super powerful both visually and energetically: from a butterfly garden in Cambodia even in front of the Taj Mahal.

Monica and her team organize everything : insurance, visas, accommodation … The expert has a warm group of coordinators-teachers to whom she demands, above all, that they be one more, and that they thoroughly know the routes that are visited "My job is to share those restaurants, that soup, those experiences, that hotelit or, that enclave, that little corner that I have lived". Just one example: in the 14 days that her trip lasts for south indian , she visits those she considers “the best ayurveda therapists, after many inquiries.

You can contact Mónica Llorente via Whatsapp (+34 638 08 24 61), on her website or through her email.

two girls doing yoga in india

yoga around the world


cervical and shoulders loaded ? Elbow or forearm pain? pure stress . "Actually, we're knackered because people spend a lot of time in front of a computer ”, comments Beatriz Bernal, an expert in Thai massage, and who is also attended by numerous patients “with emotional burdens and anxiety pictures.

She, after 13 years of assistant director in television series, tired of screaming, nerves and stress, she began to form first in yoga, then in Thai massage (known as the passive yoga ) and later, she left for a few years to chiangmai, the cradle of Thai massage, where she studied with teachers native and western. They gave him the basis to "manufacture" a Thai massage more sweetened (for Westerners) who today is the one who practices and who gives weekend training (also for couples interested in learning to touch consciously ) .

This type of massage is received dress –they give you pants and a t-shirt– and the patient lies down on a futon on the ground for at least an hour and a half . “It is very shocking at first because you work very deeply with pressures (it is done with hands, elbows, feet, knees…), and along the energy channels, with stretching and joint mobilizations. And with those three elements, a therapeutic frequency It depends on the patient's ailments, how he is energetically and what you feel as a therapist in every moment".

Bea Bernal works at the Gong Center (Paseo General Martínez Campos, 24, Madrid); on the Bamboo Studio Room (Madrid) and offers training in ** Ayog a ** and Lighthouse Yoga Madrid , and in the next three months, in Andorra and Valladolid. You can contact her by phone 665 102 323 and by email [email protected].

Person receiving Thai massage

Get rid of stress with a Thai massage


"Could you dance all night without suffering any kind of pain? And climb a tree? practice a physical activity that requires a significant effort without discomfort? Belgian nutritionist settled in Spain when I ask her what it is for her health . "There are people who have osteoarthritis, for example, and attribute it to age …” and they do not realize that it could be a wrong diet, without going further.

“If an aspirin that you take by mouth and falls on your stomach is able to take away your headache, it is very likely that the beet you eat has as much effect or more, because it is going to be distributed in the set of your body”, comments Catherine, for whom the improvement of any type of ailment should “ start with the plate for what we eat”.

Is about " reverse current feed of people – based on processed foods and few years – for which it goes well for each one according to your phenotype , blood group, Ayurvedic profile and other tools of different disciplines that I use,” she tells us.

Although she acknowledges that most of her patients come to her when they have a health problem (hypertension, cholesterol, overweight, lack of sleep...), many of them also do it because they sense that they are not eating in a healthy way. balanced and they need information and training. After a questionnaire intense where "all aspects of the patient's nutrition, what she has eaten in the last three days, the appearance, the life she leads, the type of dream, or if she suffers from a skin condition…”, she focuses on the problem and looks for a solution. “There are no solutions of the type ' take a lemon juice '. each of us are unique and I start from the person and not from food ”.

Catherine Liegeois passes face-to-face and online consultation in Sands of San Pedro (Avila) and in the ecocenter (Esquilache, 2, Madrid). In addition, she offers lectures and workshops for kitchen organization groups of friends. You can contact her on her website, her email or by calling 691 749 454.

healthy food plate

Controlling what we eat will help us to be well


A facial that starts with a hot foot bath and massage ? Yes. “This is how my clients prepare for a long hour of pleasure ”, comments the Finnish beautician Seija Keranen, who was trained in her country (pedagogical power and sauna cradle ), specializing in facial sauna through a manual method.

Today, after more than 25 years she dedicated to aesthetics “always with one foot in health ”, She adds that, in reality, the treatment of her based on the method anthroposophical (which determines that the human being has, in addition to the physical body, two other energetic bodies) “it ends up being a school of life ”.“We cannot think that the skin is something separate from the rest of the body. It is evident that react inside: diet, healthy habits, emotional states... and abroad, with cosmetics that either harm our skin or not”.

Seija uses products from the natural medicine laboratory Dr Hauscka , and of course, it influences a lot “touch and relax”. "I don't speak during the treatments and I try to get my clients (especially the Spanish) into the pleasure of not speaking, to concentrate on receiving”, and she adds:“ I, who come from the culture of silence , I start them on the strength of the non-verbal communication ”.

After the bath and the ten-minute massage, both on the feet, "what activates circulation ”, one becomes cleaning preparing the skin of the face. In the facial sauna, impurities are removed if necessary, apply a earth face mask that purifies and closes the pores and gives a massage of skin healing, with the technique of Dr Vodder, lymphatic drainage. “The muscles of the face are very up in the air. They are like an elastic band that does not return to its place”. Finally, there is a shoulder massage “more energetic”, a last touch for the complete decongestion.

Seija Keränen has an 'eco' space in Michelangelo Stylists (Gaztambide, 15, Madrid). She can also be asked appointment by phone at 659 163 517.

Facial massage

More than a facial massage


after almost Two decades in the world of hairdressing, audrey tessier she realized that the hairdresser's products caused her reactions in her hands. "She was a sign. She didn't want to keep doing it like that anymore." Thus, she left french brittany and she went to India, where she discovered the world of ayurveda.

“Hindu women taught me to work it in the hair ”, he explains, and that is how, finally, after completing his training in Barcelona, ​​he shaped the treatments that he develops today and the sessions of cut and hair , of space, care and nutrition that he practices today in Barcelona and in outdoor spaces such as Retirement, in Madrid, a natural environment where well-being multiplies from a regular barber shop.

“The main focus is energetic work what to do with the hair Through the cut there a healing of beliefs, of patterns, of what one is living at that moment and of what is also allowed to let go”. It is indicated for all those who "want to do personal work through your hair ”.

“There is never usually two people together in the hair; I use a cosmetic that I do myself and, gradually, the person enters a state of internal connection, of a little relaxation, through the shampoo, the massage... and working the hair, from a certain presence and consciousness. "It's an experience very personal , but if you surrender, this hour and a quarter you feel like a authentic healing ”.

Audrey Tessier is freelancing . She performs sessions outdoors, she is based in Barcelona and soon she will have her own space. In November she travels to Tenerife and Valencia. You can contact her on the phone 653 54 91 96.

girl on her back facing the sea

Cutting your hair is a powerful process


Does the ** Feldenkrais Method ® ** ring a bell? It is the surname of its German creator, and is well known in Argentina, Germany, England and Israel. Argue that through 1,400 sets of movement s based on those of babies (the neurological process of learning from birth to two years) can be rearranged posture and action habits in an efficient way.

So that we understand each other: numerous complications, among them, important pathologies such as paralysis, psychosomatic trauma, emotional imbalances, stress... “Everything goes together”, points out Adriana, who works mainly with singers, musicians and “people with a sedentary job”.

To practice it, you can do it individual or collective . “The first thing I need to know, if you come individually, is what are you looking for, What do you want to improve or change? The number of sessions necessary are depending on the interested party.

Adriana Sidicaro has her consultation in Sands of San Pedro (Avila), although she moves if required. You can contact her on the phone 609 66 50 07.


The Feldenkrais Method is based on the movement of babies


“The diseases and imbalances that we have are first witnessed in the energy body and on a mental level, before they are presented in the physical body. So the more we can readjust the balance of the subtle field, the more we will achieve than the imbalance do not get to witness on the physical plane. It's a way of working preventive. And if there is already illness or blockage in the physical body, it can be used the Yoga as an exploration tool to trace it to his origins, and from this understanding, facilitate our healing ”, explains the yoga teacher Harmony Hannigan.

British but based in Spain for 20 years, Harmony began studying psychology and, subsequently, her life has been linked to yoga and meditation. “The practice that I develop is a non-dynamic practice , more meditative", a tendency to countercurrent now that modern yoga prevails the anatomical part and the creation of the perfect posture.

“Lately they take the stunts, postures that even leave me gape ”, She comments between laughs. However, the ancient yogis they used the postures as a way to get into deeper dialogue with our body and align and connect it with the earth, the sky and the planets, so that we can integrate our human experience with the most subtle plane, benefiting our psychic and spiritual world ”.

Her courses delve into psychology and the chakras, focusing attention on the energies that run through the interior of oneself. “Once consciousness wake up in our calm body, the mind can be used, which is a very powerful tool to achieve the watchtower of Being ”.

Harmony Hannigan conducts retreats and trainings at Madrid, and in Ibiza in addition to therapeutic sessions and personal classes in Sands of San Pedro (Avila) and online. You can follow her classes at ** www.gaia.com/harmony/ ** or contact her directly on her email and on her phone +34 647 824 770.

girl meditating on her back

Going deeper into meditation


“The only thing I recommend to my patients is that they park your mind and enter the feel of your body. After a while, the mind surrenders ", Explain Roman over the phone when we ask what is required to benefit from your therapy.

“The most important effect occurs in the 10 or 15 first minutes ”. "When you hear the 'gong', for example, the sounds are so colorful, different and suggestive that the mind is incapable of analyzing and understanding. The sound is acting in the deepest areas and being made with an intention reaches the problem regardless of whether it is on a physical, energetic or spiritual level,” he explains.

Roman, who started removing pain with the energy of the hands (“had that faculty”), continued training in massage techniques. Then he went into the anti-gymnastics (“I was the first person in Madrid who learned the method of diaphreotherapy -a somato-psycho-emotional work- many years ago”). Then came the Qigong and training in techniques osteopathy, kinesiology

Sound healing is based on the reality that any object vibrates. "When a being becomes ill, his vibration departs from the origin vibration, what is health". Is about " remind the body what does it sound like with a health pattern that I get through several tools: the voice, the Tibetan singing bowls, the quartz bowls and other instruments, searching for the harmonization ”.

His patients usually come to the Sierra de Gredos, where do you have your center and where do you also practice work with the forest , movement and family constellations.

You can contact Román García on the phone number 607 43 81 39. He also travels to particular houses or to centers, in addition to having their own center diaphanum , in the Sierra de Gredos.

hands using a tibetan bowl

the power of sound


"The feet are big sneaks. They say a lot about yourself . They don't cheat ”, comments this therapist who is a disciple of one of the first masseuses in Spain, who basically works “in how a patient can cope with pain in every way,” she explains. "Not face but front facing ”, emphasizes Nora who, in addition to listening to what the patient verbally manifests consciously, she "hears" what she says unconsciously.

For this she practices many methods, from osteopathy to reflexology, going through the reiki . Her training, which initially led her to travel the plane of the purely physical -osteopathy, reflexology, etc.- she went into the plane of the energetic : metamorphic, reiki and other types of healing.

On a first date in her little downtown footbath (curiously, the feet also play a leading role here) the patient lies down on the stretcher and “ talk about fraud r generally”. She starts the massage, with oil or cream , and through the soles of the feet she progressively accesses the focus of the problem. “It all depends on each person and their resistors ”.

You can find Nora Irene López at My hands , at Calle Atocha, 78, in Madrid, although the entrance is through Calle San Eugenio, 1. Or by calling 913 500 638.

foot massage

Your feet say a lot about you


"This is a inner journey. A different trip that, at first, you had not thought of doing but that, one day when you have no other choice, you muster up the courage and you jump ”, says Jorge, half of this project psycho-spiritual whose name says it all, ** Vital Parenthesis ,** and where the therapeutic and the everyday merge into a single reality.

The context in which it takes place is its hallmark, since it takes place at home, on a farm in Arenas de San Pedro, surrounded by plants and olive groves, where he lives with her two daughters, a dog and a cat, and she has the mountains as a backdrop. “You choose to land here and we put t everything else ”, comments Jorge, explaining that it is about a retreat (accompanied by them) to only one person , in which the possibility of “ take a trail in a different direction and find a space to reflect ”, He tells us.

"We do of elves, to accompany the work you have to do with yourself”, explains Jorge. "It is like throw stones into the water, so that it becomes cloudy and afterwards, there may be a clarity" . The idea, which arises as a need to find answers, it came to them in the form of a personal experience: “We ourselves are in the quarantine and going through similar situations and we realized that this is a process that, with company and the right guide, is much more developer ”.

Who better to share it than a couple where she is psychologist and yoga and meditation teacher and he intersperses her work from cultural and poetic production a with a deep connection with nature, which gives him the talent to capture the spirit of life through the word?

Once you agree to participate in the project (prior phone contact or by email) you receive “a p pilot program so that the participant has some conceptual handhold ”. It works with tools like yoga, passive and dynamic meditation, but also, they propose mindful walks and walks through the mountains, or simple everyday jobs of the farm, always "with a symbolic purpose".

You can contact Jorge and Harmony by email or by phone +34 658 863 502 (in Spanish, English, German and Portuguese).

girl meditating on the mountain

A parenthesis in the mountains

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