This is how Spanish millennials travel: their uses and customs


This is how Spanish millennials travel. Customs and habits

Destination, price and dates. in that order

When looking for and planning their vacations, the Spanish millennial does so taking into account three factors: the destination, the price of the trip (travel and accommodation) and that the dates coincide with your availability , according to data from a study published by the online travel agency . In addition, 69% of those surveyed are committed to authenticity, that is, to ** experiences that allow them to experience the culture of the place they are visiting.**

When making decisions in order to plan their trip, the Spaniards of this generation follow the voice of experience, that of industry experts or experts who publish their knowledge on the internet , followed by the opinion of other consumers and, finally, that of their close contacts.

This is how Spanish millennials travel. Customs and habits

This generation wants to see the world

Security also interests the millennial, especially if he travels abroad. In fact, 65% of those interviewed give more importance to this aspect if they go outside the Spanish borders What if he stays inside them?

As for the destinations that resonate in his head, ** The United States heads the list and does so as a travel objective in the next five years **, followed by Spain and Italy.

Travel posture? Yes, of course! Almost Three out of five Spanish millennials acknowledge having shared photos of their vacations on social networks. Not only that, but they are interested in the feedback received and worry about the one that does not arrive. In fact, Nearly a third said they care about getting comments on their vacation photos.

The survey, published by, was developed by Foresight Factory with a sample base of 1,000 people in Spain.

This is how Spanish millennials travel. Customs and habits

Travel, travel and travel!

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