A scratch off map of 'The essence of Spain' to travel around the house


Map The essence of Spain

This new map delves into the bowels of our country.

This last year has been a hard blow for the trip. We have had to leave our bags at home and use our imagination to go where our brain allowed us. We have accumulated destinations in our wish list and we hope to start crossing them out soon. But if we have squeezed something good out of the experience, it has been our increased interest in Spain , its corners and dream places. Now, Enjoyers collects the most representative features of the country on a scratch-off map: The essence of Spain.

We already knew this company, specialized in traveling products, from other ideas, like the one on the map of the *100 cities in the world to visit before you die *. This time, he was also able to see how difficulties were approaching for the sector and the result of this has been a sheet that now focuses on the national territory. “We have a wonderful country, with incredible places to visit . The pandemic has caused us to get to know our country much better," he says. Carlos Martínez, the creator of the project.

Of traditions, Spain is left over. Popular festivals, emblematic places, historical culture, gastronomy and a long etcetera that has been generating the essence of the country. That is why, in this new idea, its identity is palpable in each of the provinces. The illustrations occupy both the surface and the interior, but the personality of each community will only be known by scratching its armor.

This is not about topics, there are no typical monuments or hackneyed clichés, but a surprise behind each place turned into a work of art , and that perfectly represents the lifestyle of the provinces. You will see, for example, Picasso's signature when you discover Malaga or the drawing of a paella before revealing Castellón. These are definitions that we know by heart, but that help us understand the personality of our closest cities.



Map "The essence of Spain"

To hit the nail on the head, nothing better than get in touch with the people who live in every corner of Spain , this is how they managed to extract the most representative of each place. What for many can become stereotypes from the outside, perhaps it is the authenticity of those who live inside, and for this reason it is important to know first-hand what are the aspects of which we are proud in every corner of the country.

Now that we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, perhaps it is the perfect time to travel home , know in depth those destinations that perhaps went unnoticed before. Our wish list becomes a work of art, translated into a map and with the excitement of scratching as we travel and discover the treasures that Spain has in store for us.

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