Tunisia: why now is the time to visit again


Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

It's time to revisit

Tunisia It is experiencing a rebirth that repositions it as the tourist destination it has always been. Unfairly forgotten in recent years, it is a jewel where you can enjoy the imprint of culture, history, spectacular beaches, the Sahara, souks and fascinating towns. Time to go back to Tunisia.


First stop, the capital. The history of the city of Tunis goes through its Arab and later French past (it was conquered in 1881), so much of its urban development is a mix between the rectilinear streets and ostentatious buildings of the French period, the Art Nouveau and the Arab-style constructions.

Without a doubt, one of its jewels is the medina . Around of the Great Mosque or Jamaa ez Zitouna , an amalgamation of labyrinthine alleys, smells, colors and frenetic rhythm is formed.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

One of the jewels of Tunisia

It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as its walls house no less than 700 historic buildings. A place where haggling rules and, if you're good at it, you'll know how to get your hands on the best Tunisian handicrafts, be it ceramics, leather goods, jewelry or perfumes.

As well as enjoying a mint tea and typical sweets, offered by one of its merchants. If you see that the store in question has a terrace, ask to be taken up to it. Many of them enjoy priceless views over the rooftops of Tunisia.

If you are one of those who likes to experience the medinas from the inside and taste authentic Tunisian 'fine' cuisine, make a reservation at Give the Jeld . This gastronomic temple is hidden in the heart of the Medina. We went there and it is one of the best in all of Tunisia.

Meals are usually started with a plate of Tunisian mezzes (appetizers), which include the méchouia salads, octopus, fried fish or tagine. Second, specialties range from aknaf (steamed lamb accompanied by rice), even lamb couscous, legumes or fish.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

In Dar el Jedd you eat that well

In the afternoon, it is the turn of the Bardo Museum, an essential visit. Its facilities hold one of the Roman-era mosaic collections largest and best preserved in the world. It also houses key pieces of the country's history, including remains found in the wreck of a Roman ship near the Tunisian coast and Roman sarcophagi and baptismal fonts In excellent condition.

Resting in Tunisia is synonymous with **Dar Ben Gacem**. Located in an old 17th century house in the Medina, this small hotel, just seven rooms, It is a clear example of the proactivity of its owners to preserve and revitalize the cultural heritage of the city.

And it is that to give it life, they counted on local artisans for the decoration, in a kind of sharing economy. In addition, they have published a book with their particular history and the best thing is that all the proceeds from its sale are used to plant bougainvillea and repaint the walls of the Medina.


On one of the hills near Cartago, it stands like an impressive window to the eastern Mediterranean coastal town with whitewashed houses, blue doors and windows and steep streets. Beautiful wherever you look at it.

The idea was from a baron, Rodolphe d'Erlanger, who decreed that all of Sidi Bou Said had to be the same, that is, white and blue. And the best thing is that they have respected it. no wonder that poets, painters and travelers fell exhausted before such ravishing charm. Even Paul Klee himself was captivated by his light.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

Poets, painters and travelers fell for the charms of Sidi Bou Said

Beauty, yes, but my stomach growls. Let's go to the restaurant Au Bon Vieux Temps _(Hedi Zarrouk Street) _ . Currently temporarily closed for renovations, this establishment It mixes typical Tunisian dishes with others of Arab and French influence.

I ate here one of the best couscous of my life. Ask for a table with a view of the sea and, to finish, go to the legendary Café des Nattes _(Habib Thameur street) _ or Café des Délices and enjoy a mint and pine nut tea.

If you want to sleep in Sidi Bou Said, you have to go to the Hotel Dar Saïd _(Toumi street) _. Located in an old bourgeois house from the mid-19th century, Dar Saïd combines the comfort of a luxury hotel and the intimate character of a traditional home. Just 24 rooms, fountains, patios, wrought iron and tile give it an atmosphere of timeless appeal. And best of all, it has a pool to cool off on hot days where you can have breakfast in the open air, with the Gulf of Tunis before your eyes.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

Don't forget to have breakfast by the pool...


Legend has it that this island in the south of the country was one of the stops on the Odyssey and that Ulysses himself fell in love with that "beautiful island that seemed like a floating oasis on the waters of the Mediterranean" . We are not going to question Ulises.

The island has two strong population centers. On the one hand, the capital Houmt Souk, in which we attend a curious event that takes place every morning: fish auction, in which the fishermen present their catches and sell them to the highest bidder.

It is also worth strolling through his Medina and taking the opportunity to get hold of local handicrafts and souvenirs of all kinds. Do you know those wicker baskets that became so fashionable this summer? They sell dozens of them there and at a very good price!

On the other hand, places like Guellala, famous for its magnificent potters and a free art museum called Djerbahood , as if it were a cosmopolitan soho, in which works by more than a hundred graffiti artists are exhibited.

If you are traveling with children, a good visit can be the Djerba Explore Park . It works as an interpretation center, in which they have recreated typical houses and trades of the traditional menzel , in addition to having a museum that collects works from more than thirteen decades.

It's time to rest and relax. We chose the Radisson Blu Thalasso & Spa (Zona Turística, P.O.Box 712), a hotel located on the beach with rooms from 44 euros.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

Djerba, the place to look for the paradisiacal beaches of Tunisia


In the southernmost part of the country, there is what is known as Great Eastern Erg , which is nothing more than a tiny (only 40,000 square meters) part of the Sahara desert. Going into it is doing it on another planet. First of rocks, salt, some dromedary along the way and, finally, just sand dunes as far as the eye can see.

We headed to Camp Zmela to spend a night in the desert. Uploaded in 4x4 vehicles, crossing the dunes, we got to this point in the middle of NOWHERE. Spending a night there will give you new perspectives.

The scorching sun of the day changes dramatically to sub-zero temperatures at night. There, alone surrounded by infinite dunes, you will enjoy the hospitality of the nomadic people of the desert. Can you imagine the magnificence of watching a sunset sitting on a dune in the Sahara? These are priceless experiences. When it falls, the sun gives way to the immense celestial vault above your head. There you will see what the sky is, the stars, the moon and even the glimpse of the Milky Way.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

In the desert you sleep like this

We made unleavened bread that the Berbers prepare under the sand and enjoyed a delicious traditional dinner accompanied by Berber music. The camp has various tents for sleeping. Don't expect luxury. Just two small beds, with several blankets for the night and candlelight. Even the toilets and showers are in small buildings equipped for it.

We woke up, enjoyed a petit dejéuner and headed to the Ksar Ghilane, or what is the same, an oasis in the middle of the desert. Palm groves, hot springs and grass fields. There we put the adrenaline to work, renting some quads and crossing the dunes like Lawrence of Arabia of the 21st century, reaching the Tisavar a Roman fort from the 2nd century that served as storage for the Empire in the middle of the desert.


Did you know several points in Tunisia served George Lucas as a stage for various shots of the Star Wars saga? In four of the films, the entire team headed for the warm Tunisian lands.

You know tatooine , TRUE? The planet where Anakin Skywalker grew up. Well, Lucas was inspired by the village of Tataouine , a two and a half hour drive from Ksar Ghilane , to bring this scene to life.

He also used the typical ksours or berber houses to use as a set. Now the locals know how to pose with Darth Vader masks and lightsabers for the relevant photo.

Sidi Bouhlel Canyon, Chott el Djerid Salt Lake and Djerba Island were other places chosen for the filming of the greatest saga of cinema. You will enjoy like a dwarf. Jedi word.

Tunisia why it is time to visit it again

Is it Tatooine? No, but almost. It is Tataouine, the village where it was set

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