Guide to Saudi Arabia... with Raha Moharrak


Jeddah in Saudi Arabia

"Saudi Arabia is one of the few natural treasures still to be discovered on the planet"

Passionate about adventure and with a taste for challenging the status quo, rahah moharrak has traveled all over the world. The mountaineer, a native of Saudi Arabia, has become the youngest Arab woman to reach the Seven Summits. However, no matter where in the world you are because Jeddah, her hometown, and the hospitality she exudes from her are always on her mind.

This interview is part of "The World Made Local" , a global project of Condé Nast Traveler in the seven international editions, which gives voice to 100 people in 100 countries to find out why her own territory should be your next destination.

Your adventures have taken you all over the world and you've been to incredible places, but what makes Saudi Arabia such a special destination?

Saudi Arabia is one of the few natural treasures still to be discovered on the planet. In a time when everything has become global, it's hard to find something that surprises you. Well, Saudi Arabia is still one of those destinations that get it. People are super hospitable the topography is vast and the culture is diverse and unique.

Imagine one of the last unknowns, with unlimited potential to be exploited as an adventure destination: that is Saudi Arabia. Even I, who was born and raised here, I am still discovering the breathtaking beauty and unique destinations it has to offer: from the ocean to the mountains passing through the caves. As an adventurer, I seek lesser known places and that is exactly what Saudi Arabia is.

For someone who is visiting Saudi Arabia for the first time and only has 24 hours. Where should I go?

To my house in Jeddah, so that my family and I can take them on excursions. Saudi Arabia is known for its hospitality (we love hosting people), so I would tell them to stop by and have my family show them around. I am not objective because it is my hometown, but travelers should go to Jeddah: It has beautiful mountains, enchanting scenery, and incredible culture and art.

There is so much to see that you may not have time in 24 hours, but what is important is that people see the beauty of the landscape and the beauty of the people.

rahah moharrak

The adventurer Raha Moharrak

What is the most interesting thing happening in Saudi Arabia right now?

A lot of interesting things are happening right now. One of them is the evolution of women's rights in the community. We are experiencing an incredible change in the power that women have in the country. It is evolving in a very positive way.

What goals do you have for the rest of 2021 and for 2022?

I hope to be able to travel again as much as I did before, it's part of who I am. I have something inside of me that constantly pushes me to travel and explore. One of my goals is to visit every country in the world and I would like to keep checking that off my list.

Tell us three things that surprise those who visit your country.

The first is how amazing it is the beauty of the nature. The second, how friendly and hospitable the people are. And the third, the amazing weather we have.

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