Hitha Palepu, the guru who will revolutionize the way you pack your suitcase


Hitha Palepu the guru who will revolutionize the way you pack your suitcase

You will no longer face her with stress

Hitha Palepu, author of the book _ How to pack _ , she gives you all the tips to take advantage of the space and minimize stress.

She has been traveling the world for as long as she could remember. ** She has traveled more than 500,000 miles by plane (about 800,000 kilometers) **, she has been through 70 different airports and hundreds of hotels and, with so much up and down, she has learned something about packing.

She started by collecting her tips on a blog, Hitha On The Go, and after the success she decided to explain them in a book so we can all pack our bags a little better. ** How to Pack is the guide on what to take into account before traveling.** If you are one of those who leave everything to the last minute, you are always loaded to the max and return without having used half of the things, pay attention because in Traveler.es we have spoken with her and We discover the keys to it.

You say that one of the first things to choose is shoes. Are they even more important than clothes?

Yes, definitely. This is one of the first decisions to be made. If you are one of those who take four or five pairs when you make a break, choosing only three will help you a lot to select the rest of the clothes and pack.

What is our main mistake when we pack a suitcase? Leave it for the last day?

This is one of them, because with stress we make wrong decisions and we end up taking a pair of shoes that we don't need and forgetting a basic toilet. Nevertheless, the main mistake is not making a list of what we will take. Writing everything down is an exercise that helps a lot, because it forces you to think about each day of your trip and choose the best outfit, instead of packing clothes that seem like a good idea to us.

With a larger suitcase do we avoid risks?

A bigger suitcase just means more space to put things that are not necessary. Think about your wardrobe: there are pieces that you wear over and over again, despite having many more options. That you can put more things does not mean that you are going to put them. I say that I have packed a good suitcase when I have put everything that I had put in it.

Hitha Palepu the guru who will revolutionize the way you pack your suitcase

'how to pack'

You say that we should start preparing our luggage a week before leaving for the trip, and you even detail what we have to do each day. Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

One week before we should choose which suitcase we are going to take and check that it is in good condition (if the wheels work), what toiletry bag we will take and, incidentally, we are looking for the passport. Six days before, we have to look at the weather forecast to get an idea of ​​what we may need and, above all, start making the list of essential parts that we are going to take with us to know what remains to be washed. Five days before it is the turn of the shoes and to think about what our handbag will be, to leave everything clean and prepared. Pack the clothes you have on the list.

Three days before, think about what you will need for the plane: a book, a magazine, something to eat... Two days after the trip, all that remains is to add bathroom things, shoes and accessories. Go to the hairdresser or barber if you want to be ready. The night before, rest as much as you can, because since you have your suitcase packed, you won't have to rush. and before leaving check that you have chargers, glasses or medication if you need it.

You've talked about accessories and you even have a mathematical rule to know how many to wear: 'A=3+2+1+1+1'. What does it mean?

My equation is this: three pairs of shoes + two bags (one small and one large) + a scarf + a pair of glasses + a hat = all the accessories you need. By limiting the choice to this formula, you will be able to put all your belongings in a suitcase and use each piece. On the other hand, to calculate how many pants or shirts to wear, I count that we should put everything on a couple of times. And above all, do not choose only neutral pieces. If they are the ones you normally wear, yes, but if not, take clothes you like.

Hitha Palepu the guru who will revolutionize the way you pack your suitcase

The perfect combo of accessories

When it comes to putting everything in the suitcase, you recommend rolling up all the clothes. Is this how they take up less space?

I make a loop with most of the pieces and I only fold the dresses and some tops. Since I have spent time choosing well what I will take, I never have a problem closing the suitcase. The travel bags and to put the clothes are also very useful to organize everything and that each thing has its space

You explain that one of the first travel lessons you learned is that 'you are what you put in the suitcase' and you attribute a person's job success to their learning to pack well. Do you really think there is such a direct relationship between one thing and another?

Packaging and confidence go hand in hand . When we are able to be ready in the morning in a short time and feel good about what we are wearing, we can enjoy every moment. On the contrary, if we have spent more time trying to choose clothes from a whole assortment of pieces and we realize that we have the wrong shoes, this generates a state of stress that can last all day. I attribute my success at work to being prepared, and knowing how to pack properly is a part of this preparation.

You have traveled a lot since you were little, since your family is from India but you lived in the United States. Have you always been good at packing suitcases?

It is true that I have packed my own luggage since I was eight years old, but I didn't develop this method until 2010, when my job required me to travel every week. Once I had verified that the system worked, and that it also worked for some of my battle companions, I began to share it on my blog.

Hitha Palepu the guru who will revolutionize the way you pack your suitcase

Roll up will be your new mantra

You are now the mother of a young child, have you had to modify your method? Have you had to give in and carry much more things than you would have imagined?

Each child is different and we should take things according to their needs. I buy diapers and wipes online and have them shipped to our destination. I also take two sets of clothes for my son for each day we are away, if there is no possibility of washing. Also, I have some new books and toys on hand for him to play with during the trip and I always have the iPad loaded with his favorite movie just in case.

Before finishing... In the book you include a test so that everyone knows what type of suitcase suits them best. How is yours?

Hard and four wheels.

What is the best place to sit on a plane?

For short trips I choose window so that they don't bother me. For the long corridors, so I can get up and also go to the bathroom without disturbing.

You have used more than 70 airports around the world. Which would you say is the best, at the level of operation?

It's very clear to me. I'm sure the one in Frankfurt is the most efficient. And the one in Hyderabad (in India) that I like the most.

Your next destination?

In a few days I will go to Greece with my husband and we are also planning a family trip to Hawaii for December

And what is never missing in your suitcase?

A portable steam iron. I am terrible at ironing my clothes and I use this system for my wardrobe because it removes wrinkles and odors... I also use it for a mini facial after a long trip.

Hitha Palepu the guru who will revolutionize the way you pack your suitcase

Airplane outfit: leggings or stretch jeans, cotton t-shirt, cardigan, scarf and comfortable socks

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