Best Hotel Breakfasts: Molino del Feo, Conversations with the Duratón River


Ugly Mill

have breakfast in nature

They say in the area that, at the beginning of the 20th century, 'El Feo' -who was actually good-looking, but as luck would have it he was nicknamed that- built a mill with which to transform the grain into flour thanks to the flow of the San Juan River and which derived streams from its bed to irrigate the orchard.

That garden, equipped today with tables and benches made by its new owners, Carlos and Ana, with recycled wood from the old mill, is the idyllic setting in which to have breakfast outdoors when the sun allows it.

Of course you can choose the place you most want each day: the large pergola in the main garden, the bright kitchen, the living room with the fireplace – where, luckily, there is hardly any coverage – or, why not, on the banks of the river.

The three hectares of this wild estate that is Molino del Feo, where oaks, junipers and walnuts grow, are just for you. For you... and whoever you decide up to ten people.

Breakfast awaits you in a wicker basket at the door. It contains loaf bread from the bakery in the town of Boceguillas and the delicious muffins from Santo Tomé del Puerto, homemade forest fruit jam, thyme honey, artisanal yogurt from Moncedillo, sausages made by the butcher of Prádena de la Sierra and, of course, a large thermos of coffee.

If you feel like exploring the surroundings, you will be pleased to know that, although isolated from the world –the closest town, Ventosilla y Tejadilla, with only 20 inhabitants, is 1.5 km away on a dirt road–, Sepúlveda is 15 km away and the Hoces del Duratón, 12 km away. (€290 per night for two people and €490 per night for 10).

***This report was published in *number 145 of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine (Spring 2021) . Subscribe to the printed edition (€18.00, annual subscription, by calling 902 53 55 57 or from our website). The April issue of Condé Nast Traveler is available in its digital version to enjoy on your preferred device

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