Attention seekers of atypical summers! Andorra is the destination


The time has come to decide what are you going to do during the well-deserved vacations. But the typical summer of deckchairs, beach and tourist overcrowding does not motivate you at all. And as you watch the thermometers hit all-time highs, you just crave the fresh mountain air, enjoy of family time –without looking at the clock– and feel… alive? If you suffer from all these symptoms, you are a clear “unusual summer seeker” . Well, stop looking because the remedy is called Andorra.

Imagine that you wake up every morning in the heart of the highest capital in Europe, in a territory where more than 90% it is nature: mountains, rivers, lakes, flowers …; in which you will breathe one of the purest air, that of the Pyrenees, and in which you will find infinite trails in Magic places, such as the Sorteny Valley, inhabited by the chamois, the Pyrenean newt or the grass frog; the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley, a World Heritage Site, or the Comapedrosa Valleys, with the mythical peak that presides over it, at more than 2,942 meters high –This is the country of the two thousand peaks–.

Madrid Valley.

Madrid Valley.

And it is that among the more than 80 mountains that dot this territory you will feel how stress is reduced, all your senses are awakened and your own body seems to rejuvenate. What is happening to you? It is the mountain effect in the organism.

But also, if your children are still at that point where hiking does not convince them, Andorra is a real scenario to enjoy nature in its purest form in the funniest way and end up loving it forever.

Tamarro of Ordino.

Tamarro of Ordino.

They will be able to look for tamaros, legendary beings that inhabit the forests of Andorra and protect them –especially from the Brutícia troll, determined to destroy the mountains, lakes and forests of Andorra–. You will have to find up to seven of these curious beings, one per parish, and to locate them, you must find the magical portal they use to enter our world. A track? They have the shape of the jar that they can transport. In the tourist offices they will give you more clues and a map so that you can write down all the ones you find.

And after these intense days of searching, what do you think if you relax your muscles in a thermal spa? in Chaldea, likids It's one of the themed spas, exclusively for children between 3 and 8 years old. The little ones will have the opportunity to try their first thermal experience with specialized monitors who will lead them through the small 40 cm deep pool of thermal water where they will find water beds, play area, water currents and canyons. But also sensory spaces as the soft beach, the sauna lounge, the beauty area, the jacuzzi and the fitness area, where they will have fun with psychomotricity games and yoga.

Thermal spa for children Likids

Likids, in Chaldea.

No, you will not be bored. And the best thing is that you make a list of all your priorities as a family because In Andorra, atypical summers give a lot of themselves. Although one of the most popular experiences –and one that should not be missing from your wish list– are the Macarulla magical trails, easy paths, of short duration, strewn with surprises –some created by local artisans of the territory– so that the little ones can start hiking while developing their imagination.

So far, there are two itineraries –although this summer some more will be inaugurated–: “The forest of the duendecillos”, in the parish of Masana; "Where are the mushrooms", in Canillo, routes that, through activities, invite you to learn about the legends and beliefs of the local culture as well as the fauna and flora. Are you ready to become authentic "macarullas"?

Tristaina Solar Viewpoint.

Tristaina Solar Viewpoint.


And if you still have time for some more adventure, you cannot leave without visiting one of the most instagrammable and exciting from all over Andorra, the Roc del Quer viewpoint. A spectacular natural balcony on which a 20-meter walkway with an overhang which is completely suspended in the air. Only suitable for the brave! From here you can enjoy unique views of the montaup valleys and of Valira d'Orient.

Or the Solar Viewpoint of Tristaina, one of the highest in this Biosphere Reserve, where you will also witness a huge sundial – 25 meters and 72 tons – at more than 2,700 meters high. To get here you will have to reach the summit of Peyreguils (2,701 m), first by car and then by chairlift, near the border with France. You will be surrounded by the rest of peaks of the Tristaina cirque: that of Costa Rodona, that of Tristaina, that of Creussans and that of Cabanyó. Breathe!

Andorra can be enjoyed as you wish on foot, on horseback, by bicycle...

Horse trails.

Otherwise, much more progressively, one enters into connection with this landscape in the horse trails, Well, they will take you into this environment in which intense green is the protagonist little by little. Andorrans have a special feeling with these noble animals and there are numerous horse riding centers that carry out this activity, especially during the summer. you will travel ancient paths, forests, rivers, lakes… without the need for any type of knowledge in equestrian.

And to release adrenaline, a final recommended getaway is the Mountain Park Vallnord, in the Segudet Adventure Forest, and the one of Engolasters. Dozens of zip lines, Tibetan bridges, trunks and vines that will allow you to bring out the Tarzan that you carry inside. Isn't it a perfect way to relax and enjoy one of those atypical summers that will remain in your memory forever?

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