The most appetizing cheese shops in Paris


Where to buy the precious French cheese in Paris

Where to buy prized French cheese in Paris

We offer a route the best cheese shops in paris in which their lovers will fall surrendered to one of the more than 365 different classes of this precious dairy.


This cheese institution is governed by Eric Lefebvre belonging to the fourth generation of fromagers . Awarded the insignia of Meilleur Ouvrier de France 2004 and president of the Île-de-France milk and cheese union, he proposes a selection of 180 cheeses.

Highly appreciated in his world, his choice is characterized by respect for the seasons, the origins and the curing of his fromages. Among them Vacherin Mont d'Or, Saint-Marcellin fermier, chèvres de La Loire or from the southwest, Saint-nectaire, brie de Meaux and Melun, pavé de la Ginestarié, and various comtés.

The Fromagerie

The Fromagerie


Marie Quatrehomme she is the first woman to be awarded the ** Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF) ** decoration. Currently her two children are in charge of her boutique.

It supplies the great tables of the capital and advises customers on French classics and its well-known artisan creations.

Surprise yourself with your Charolais smoked and marinated in Nikka whiskey , truffle mont d'or, pistachio brie or Camempom; a camembert of raw milk stuffed with apple paste and cinnamon inside.

Fromagerie Quatrehomme

Marie Quatrehomme is in charge of one of the most original stores


Meilleur Ouvrier de France 2011 offers fromages in its three Parisian boutiques. From the great classics like the Tarentais, the Cellier the comté millésimé or the vieux gruyère de chalet or other more gourmands such as their already traditional Roquefort with quince.

Let yourself be guided in the choice of wine to better appreciate its aroma; how to pair a Champagne with Brillat Savarin and Chaource, or cider with Camembert. Al, Brie, goes well with fruity red wines.

They also propose fresh cheese and salty homemade butter to enjoy a pétit déjéuner à la française.


It is one of the oldest cheese factories in Paris , which dates back to 1909, had its boom in the 1920s and today is one of the best known in the capital with several locations. In them they promulgate the artisan work of small French producers and those of other countries.

Among the specialties of this master cheesemaker you will find the brilliat-savarin, the English stilton bleu, the banon, the brossauthym, and the 12/15 month comté.

If you want to learn about the world of cheese you can sign up for an introductory course in which they will explain the process of its manufacture until maturation, the different families of cheese and the origin of its specialties according to its terroir.




This mâitre fromager is located near the Arc de Triomphe and has one of the largest curing cellars in the capital , which supplies large French and foreign restaurants.

Preserves the tradition from father to son offering a wide range of chèvres with highly varied seasonings, aromas and textures and other types of cheese such as Abbaye de Citeaux affiné or Bethmale des Pyrénées raw milk Midi-Pyrénées.

So, do unique cheeses in the world to the delight of lovers of this dairy in the hustle and bustle of the rue Poncelet market. A typically Parisian setting!


Alléosse supplies renowned French and international restaurants


This historic boutique is run by a team of cheesemakers who mainly offer british cheeses . They also propose swiss delicacies , especially from the Fromagerie Moléson of the Canton of Friborg; Italian like Pecorino Sardo Maturo, saffron cheese or beer-cured Dolomitico and even American like Rogue River Blue from Oregon or Barely Buzzed.

For those who are homesick for the land they also have a selection of spanish cheeses such as Urdina, Melgoso, Cabrales or Roble de Campollano.

Located in two young neighborhoods of Paris, the anime 9 and the popular 20 , which promises to become a fashionable neighborhood over time, reveals its exquisite international selection to its neighbors.

Fromagerie Beaufils

Fromagerie Beaufils, international cheeses in two districts of Paris


An elegant boutique close to I invalidated them s that offers more than 200 types of cheese from all over the world and homemade creations to the delight of the most gourmets; one of them the chef étoilé Eric Frechon, decorated with three Michelin stars.

You won't be able to leave without ordering one of his seasonal specialties like damier rose (roquefort and pink biscuit from Reims), a sweet and savory mixture ideal for a snack. Other ideas are the Irish Porter, cheddar flavored with Guinness; your extra-old mimolette eggs with pistachio shavings; camembert with apple; the autumn goat with honey, hazelnuts and almonds or its preparation for the savoyarde fondue, perfect for winter days.


A new generation, this most up-to-date cheese factory located in the 11th district of Paris proposes a varied selection of cheeses from all regions of France . Its owner traveled the country looking for cheese producers and artisans to offer the best in her boutique.

Specifically, it boasts of a wide range of the Savoy area such as the Persillé de Tignes, the Tomme des Bauges, or the Dent du Chat. And from other areas such as the Munster, the Bleu d'Auvergne, the Époisses and the Pont l'Evêque.

For fans of fresh milk, they receive it from Normandy twice a week . And if you don't control much the cheese culture, they will guide you to choose according to the occasion and your tastes.


The perfect selection of cheeses from all regions of France


Its owner is a well-known expert from Paris whose shop is located on the street where she was born, rue de Tocqueville, in the 17th arrondissement.

She is passionate about her profession and offers delicious cheeses like Tomme de Savoie . She has created delicious and original homemade products such as fig fondant, fourme d'Ambert mille-feuille with black and white raisins; the coulommiers with walnuts, the pont-l'évêque or the Pecorino with truffles, a true delight for the palate.

Martin Dubois

A real delight for the palate


This small boutique is the official supplier of famous French chefs such as Yannick Alleno . Its owner Gilles Clayeux is proud of his selection made up of approximately 100 fromages (mostly goat) , depending on the season of the year.

In addition to the perfect vin-fromage duo, he offers a small selection of handpicked millesimés wines from small French winemakers.

And as a bonus, his boutique offers a grocery section with “Made in France” products sweets such as jams, chocolates, honey from the best producers... and other savory ones such as Provencal oils.

Its plus is that one Saturday a month it organizes lively cheese and wine tastings for amateurs to learn a little more about this rich French tradition.

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The Fromagerie

An essential classic: La Fromagerie

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