The map of the characteristic spirits of each country


The map of the characteristic spirits of each country

The geolocator you needed to toast property

'We have run into gastronomic nationalism', could well be the subtitle of this map that includes the characteristic spirits of each country . And it is that, as its creators have been able to verify, those responsible for TasteAtlas , a website that produces a world gastronomic atlas every day, this has been one of the main peculiarities that are being found when developing it.

“For example, Peruvians have a hard time accepting that Chile also has a great tradition of pisco production. Or for the Italians that maraschino is a Croatian liqueur. Or the Armenians… they claim to have invented everything”, they explain to, making it immediately clear that "People are very proud of their products and we, of course, respect that."

The map of the characteristic spirits of each country

Drinking in Europe

They also assure that in the process of creation they are understanding that “Each drink has its own story, generations and generations of effort, sweat and love put into it. There are great stories behind every food or drink in the world. When you find out, you can't help but want try the local when you visit somewhere.”

And yes, there is also room for discoveries, such as, for example, that “The Sri Lankan arack is the ancestor of the Brazilian cachaça from which, in turn, rum was derived. Who'd say?"

Much remains to be done if we take into account that this map is constantly being updated and that, at the moment, it only has 67 spirits and liqueurs, each of them accompanied by its corresponding explanatory sheet.

To work on it, TasteAtlas has a team of 30 writers and researchers who use online resources and contact experts and producers for additional information.

The map of the characteristic spirits of each country

What do they toast with in Asia?

Additionally, **TasteAtlas offers its readers the option to rate ** and currently the highest rated spirits in the world are Mezcal (Mexico), Cachaça (Brazil), and Pisco (Peru).

This map of spirits has been integrated into the global gastronomic atlas that is TasteAtlas, where it is possible find a map or list of any category of dishes, ingredients and drinks . Your goal is to build a database and connect each food with its location “to promote the culture of local eating and drinking among tourists and travelers who want to enjoy the world, its authenticity and its diversity” , they explain. Today it already has about 10,000 references that are constantly increasing by adding new entries every day.

The map of the characteristic spirits of each country

Did you know that Chile also has a long tradition of pisco production?

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