How can we help Ukraine right now?


Thursday morning, February 24 , started the invasion and bombardment of Ukraine by Russia . Seeing people, both adults and children, take refuge in bunkers and flee their homes, their country, has horrified us and left us with an enormous feeling of helplessness. Even before the official start of the war, the country was being affected by this conflict that has been active for eight years , and now the situation could lead to one of the worst humanitarian crises what have you seen Europe from the Second World War.

A collective state of shock and horror has gripped the world, which has reacted to the situation with a multitude of demonstrations both on the streets and through the social networks . In addition, associations and non-governmental organizations have mobilized with the aim of assisting with all the help possible.

To support the humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, Conde Nast will donate and additionally match each employee's donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross and his Emergency Fund from Ukraine.

The journalism of quality and information reliability are essential right now. And from Conde Nast we continue to report on the conflict with the care and attention it deserves. These are some of the articles that you can check to keep up to date with the situation:

  • The day to day in Ukraine in the middle of a war | The New Yorker
  • Vladimir Putin is left alone while the rest of the world isolates him | Vanity Fair
  • The volunteer army of Ukrainian computer scientists defends itself against cyberattacks | wired
  • The unexpected success and amazing heroism of Volodymyr Zelensky | GQ
  • Vogue France dedicates its March issue to freedom and peace | French Vogue
  • The war comes to kyiv | The New Yorker
  • What is happening in Ukraine and how you can help | British Vogue

If you want to do your bit from home, you can support organizations and associations who are raising funds to help affected people.


The NGO Save the Children works in 120 countries, offering humanitarian assistance to kids in situation of poverty and vulnerability . Now, with more than seven and a half million children in danger, it is creating a network of shelter for ukrainian refugees , providing humanitarian aid and providing cash to families to cover their basic needs . You can participate in their campaign by making a one-time donation, associating yourself with a monthly fee or spreading the word.


The international movement of Red Cross It has been providing assistance to people in danger for a century and a half. In response to the crisis in Ukraine , has launched a fundraising campaign to provide services and health care to the population, both the displaced and those in situation of vulnerability in Spain . You can make a donation of any amount, both punctual and monthly, which will be used to supply water, food, first aid, basic hygiene materials, medicines and clothing for people affected by the invasion.


The Swiss-based organization Doctors without borders tries to cover the most urgent needs of the people affected by the war and the social instability . They have been helping to alleviate the consequences of this conflict , and now they have mobilized their emergency response . In addition to their direct action in the affected areas, they are training Ukrainian doctors at a distance and serving people at the border. You can follow and spread the latest news about their humanitarian action or make occasional or periodic donations.


As he United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees As the United Nations Children's Fund are collaborating with countries close to Ukraine to open the borders as much as possible to people in danger. Germany, for example, has already offered its help to Poland to deal with the huge number of refugees that are arriving in the country. Both UNHCR and Unicef ​​are reporting on the situation in the ukrainian borders and raising funds to care for those affected.

Aerial shot of a highway in kyiv Ukraine with a row of cars stretching as far as the eye can see

The city of kyiv, Ukraine, collapses as its inhabitants flee before missile attacks by the Russian armed forces on February 24, 2022.


In addition to international organizations, there are several associations in Ukraine who need help. In a collaborative list of fundraising campaigns and trust associations you can consult some of them, such as Sunflower of Peace , preparing briefcases first aid for health personnel, or United Help Ukraine , made up entirely of volunteers, which provides humanitarian aid and medical care to civilians. Razom for Ukraine has launched an emergency response in which it is delivering health supplies and trying to secure a humanitarian corridor to Ukraine . On the other hand, Children's Voices offers psychological and psychosocial care war-affected children through tools such as mobile therapy and video storytelling. They all accept financial donations.


There are also Ukrainian people around the world organizing to get help to the most vulnerable places. There are various associations of Ukrainians in Spain with which you can collaborate. In Madrid, the Svitanok Cultural Association is collecting medicines and medical supplies to send to hospitals, and the Ucramarket supermarket for Ukrainian products, near Atocha, has also published a list of urgent products , including sanitary material, clothing and baby food. The Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine platform from Asturias has set up collection points in several cities in the province, as has the Ukraine-Euskadi Socio-Cultural and Development Cooperation Association. Other centers in cities throughout Spain are setting up their own collection points and spread them locally.


The ukrainian media with an international reach, they help keep the entire world informed of what is happening. With your support, media outlets like The Kyiv Independent and Ukraine World can continue to function and defend the editorial independence and the freedom of information . You can make financial donations and share their news, podcasts and useful resources to follow the Ukraine situation live.


The conflict, in addition to affecting the people in the area, is aggravating the situation of millions of people from all over the world who were already in crisis . With the world's attention focused on Ukraine , other places in the world that were already suffering catastrophes such as famines and wars are in danger of having even fewer resources. Right now, the refugee crisis in Afghanistan continues to require urgent attention, with more than half a million people displaced in 2021 alone, and in Yemen there are widespread shortages of food and medical supplies after five years of war that have laid waste to a country that was already severely afflicted by poverty. You can donate to associations that are helping the millions of people affected and share their stories so that the rest of the world continues to help those most disadvantaged regions.

This article was published on February 28, 2022 in Condé Nast Traveler UK

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